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1、a. 如何;多少;多么n. 方法;方式conj. 如何howhowAHD:[hou]D.J.[hau]K.K.[ha&]a.(副词)In what manner or way; by what means:如何,怎样:以什么方式;用什么手段:How does this machine work?这台机器是怎么工作的?In what state or condition:怎么样:处于什么状态或情况:How is she today?她今天怎么样?To what extent, amount, or degree:多么:范围多大,数量多少,程度多深:How bad was it?究竟有多糟?For what reason or pure; why:为什么:为什么原因或目的;为什么:How is it that he left early?他为什么会这么早离开?With what meaning:作何解释:How should I take that remark?我应怎样理解这话?By what name:以什么名称:How is she called?她怎么称呼?By what measure; in what units:用何度量法;用何计量单位:How do you sell this corn?这玉米怎么卖?What. Usually used in requesting that soming be said again:什么。

2、通常用来要求再说一遍某事:How's that again?请再说一遍?Used as an intensive:多么:用作感叹词:How we laughed!我们笑得多欢!conj.(连接词)The manner or way in which:如何,怎样:以…方式或方法:forgot how it was done.忘了怎么做的了That.那In whatr way or manner; howr:无论,不论如何:无论用何方式或方法;无论:Cook it how you please.你爱怎么煮就怎么煮n.(名词)A manner or mod of doing soming:方法,方式:做某事的方式或方法:“The how of research is generated by the why of the world”(Frederick Turner)“研究方法起因于对世界的疑问”(弗雷德里克·特纳)and how【非正式用语】Most certainly; you bet:当然,那还用说;可不是:She's a good dancer, and how她当然是个的舞蹈演员how aboutWhat is your thought, feeling, or desire regarding:…怎么样:关于…你的想法、感觉或期望是什么:How about a cup of tea? How about that storm last night?来一杯茶怎么样?昨天晚上的风暴是怎样的情况?how about that【非正式用语】Used rhetorically to express surprise or wonder at or approval for soming.修辞用法,表示对某事或物的惊奇、惊叹或同意how come【非正式用语】How is it that; why:怎么会;为什么:How come you're so late?你怎么会来得这么迟?how soHow is it so:怎么会这样,为什么:You say the answer is wrong. How so?你说是错的。



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