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1、A; perhaps people should stop eating animals. We could grow more crops.一般意义上的英语情景对话教学,是指教师为达到教学目标,通过学生分组,各自扮演相应的角色,在特定的场所(通常在教室)表现特定的故事情景。

2、我精心收集了关于简单的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于简单的英语对话篇1A:I was just about to go bed when the phone rang last night.A:昨晚我正要上床睡觉,电话铃响了。

3、B:Who was it?B:谁打的?A: Kate. She said she was too excited to go to sleep.A:凯特,她说自己兴奋得睡不着。

4、B:She nevWoman: Yeah, I think that's right.er cares about others.B:她从不替别人想。

5、A:It's true, Guess what we were talking about last night?B:Her new boyfriend,right?B:她的新男友,对吗?A:Yeah,how do you know about that?A:你怎么知道?B:I was also interrupted by her last week because of such a thing.B:她上周也A:Lily thinks that the job takes a back seat to thefamily after she is married.为此事打扰过我。

6、关于简单的英语对话篇2A:I dislike Susan. She is always above herself.A:我讨厌苏珊,她总是趾高气扬。

7、B:Don't you know that she was the only one who had received the invitation in the off?B:你不知道哟?她是办公室里收到请柬的人。

8、A:What of it?A:有什么了不起?B:Sure.B:可不是。

9、关于简单的英语对话篇3A:Did you say that Ted was at your mercy?A:你说过泰德很听你的话,是吗?B:Sort of yes.B:就算是吧。

10、A:But he is not someone who can be led by the nose.A:可他不是那种能让什么人牵着鼻子走的人。

11、B:But I am not that someone. I can easily talk him into doing whatr I want him to do.B:我不是那个什么人,可我轻而易举地就能想让他干什么他就于什么。

12、关于简单的英语对话篇4A:But Sue is indeed beaut. Men can hardly resist such a knock-out.A:苏确实引人注目,对这样漂亮的人,男同胞们很难不动心。

13、B:Birds of a feather flock toger. You must be one of these men.B:物以类聚,你也算其中一员吧。

14、A:I know little of her. I only think she's pretty and int. Of course, she's dit, too.A:我跟她不熟,我只知道她很漂亮,很聪明,也很勤劳。

15、B:That's enough for you to worship the ground she treads on.B:这足以让你拜倒在她的脚下。


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