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活跃的英语怎么说 活跃的英语怎么说?


活跃的英语怎么说 活跃的英语怎么说?活跃的英语怎么说 活跃的英语怎么说?

1、atmosphere不活跃的英文1.inactivity2.inHe fun.ertia3.oscitancy4.slumberinactivity的造句1. The players he comparatively long periods of inactivity.这些运动员闲着的时间相对较长。

2、2. Inactivity can make your joints stiff, and the bones may begin to degenerate.长期不活动会导致关节搞派僵硬,骨骼也可能开始退化。

3、没有声音或视觉上没有变化, 是表示这种结果的好方式.来自About Face 3交互设计精髓它的致密的形态是其失活的反映.这三个男人在一边呆若木鸡、不知所措.6. There are three states of such inactivity.这种不活跃有三种情况.7. A holiday need not mean inactivity.放假不一定就是不进行活动.8. A paralyzing peace has plunged the members of the Gun Club in deplorable inactivity.无聊的和平使大炮俱乐部的会员们陷入可悲的无所事事的生活中.9. Our waistlines are expanding for one major reason: increasing inactivity.10. The test proved that the polyvalent inactivity vaccine is safe and effective.试验证明,该多价灭活安全性好,免疫效果确实.inertia例句2. We had a feeling of inertia in the afternoon.下午我们感觉很懒.3. Inertia carried the plane onto the ground.飞机靠惯性着陆.4. Inertia carried the car to the pement.她知道部分的原因是长期习惯养成的惰性.6. This might you overcome inertia.这可能有助于你克服惰性。

4、7. Inertia scalars are defined in terms of quantities called inertia vectors.我们将用惯性矢量来定义惯性标量.8. Are these trends not comparable with Newton's law of inertia?9. At first, appearances were kept up through sheer inertia.起先, 纯粹是以呆板的形式来装点门面.10. The moment of inertia is not a concept.。


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