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六上英语人教版11页翻译中文 六上英语第11页翻译

六上英语人教版11页翻译中文 六上英语第11页翻译




小学六年级上册英语书p31页story time翻译


unit11英语翻译小学六年级Unit11 Let's go to space! 的中文翻译

Unit 11 Let’s go to space

一. 教学内容:

1. Vocabulary: space, museum, moon, earth, planet, much (bigger), far, furthest, hey, heiest, near, nearest, light, lightest, too, sun, star.

2. Sentences: The sun looks aller than the earth but it’s bigger.

Which is the biggest planet in the solar ? It’s Jupiter.

3. Sounds and words: lees, living room, lion, lemon, lamp, light.

二. 教学目标:

1. 熟悉并掌握单词和语音,能正确拼写和书写。

2. 能运用本单元的四会句子来联系实际进行表达。

3. 通过学习,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学习英语的积极性,鼓励学生积极探索生活,勇于进行交际实践,从而提高英语听,说,读,写的能力。

三. 教学重点:

1. 掌握四会单词及形容词的变化形式。

2. 理解并灵活运用句型。

四. 教学难点:

1. 单词发音的准确性。

2. 句型的活用及形容词的变化形式。

五. 教学准备:


六. 教学步骤:

The First Period

( Vocabulary and Target )

教学内容: space, the Earth, the sun, the moon, starts, far, furthest, near, nearest, hey, heiest, light, lightest.

The sun looks aller than the Earth but it’s bigger.

Step1 Revision

e.g. What are these? They are bikes.

How much is the blue bike/red bike?

Which bike is cheaper/better?

The blue bike is cheaper than the red bike.

Yes, but the red bike is better than the blue bike .

Step2 Presentation

1. T: What’s the weather like today?

Ss: It’s sunny.

T: So what’s in the sky?(做出指着天空的动作)

Ss: It’s the sun.

T: In the day, the sun is in the sky, but at night we can see the moon and stars in the sky on the Earth.

( 创设情景引出新词并进行。)

2. Play a :

a. Show the cards quickly and say the words quickly.

b. Look at the mouth and guess the phrases.


T: We can see the sun on the Earth.

The sun looks aller than the Earth but it’s bigger.

Learn this sentence.

4. Show the picture of solar .

T: What’s this? It’s a solar .

There are some planets in the solar . They are Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Venus and so on.

Learn the names of planets.

5. Ask the question.

T: Which is the biggest planet in the solar ?

TS: It’s Jupiter.

用这个句型引出新单词far, furthest, near, nearest, hey, heiest, light, lightest, 进行教学。

6. Listen to the tape first, then listen and read after it.

7. Read by the students .

8. Act the target, then display it .

Step3 Activity

教师把一套词汇部分的单词卡和WB p.68的补充单词卡放进一个盒中抽出一张卡片,并用卡片上的单词提一个问题,如:Is the Earth bigger than Jupiter? 然后由每行的个学生开始,每队一个学生轮流回答问题并就该单词说另一个句子,如:The Earth is bigger than the moon。,他们不能重复别人说过的话。句子说对的小组可获得一分。每次都选不同的学生出来提问题。

Step4 Summarize the new contest.

Step5 Homework:

Copy the new parses and sentences two times.

Read the target.

Blackboard writing:

Unit 11 Let’s go to space

the Earth far—further—furthest

the sun near—nearer—nearest

the moon hey—heier—heiest

stars light—lighter—lightest

The sun looks aller than the Earth but it’s bigger.

Which is the biggest planet in the solar ?

It’s Jupiter.

小学六年级 上册英语人教版课文及翻译

My dream

I he a dream, is to be a teacher, I hold the view that a teacher is a very glorious thing, I like to teach people to learn to write, I can educate my students to do a useful, and I was their good friend, I can feel so accomplished, I shall also very happy. So I want to be a teacher














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