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summary怎么写 课文summary怎么写


Summary作为一种重要的写作形式,是写读书报告(俗称“读后感”)的一个必要部分,Essay写作里就少不了summary writing,要求先总结所提供阅读材料的主要观点,然后再阐述个人看法。很多同学对于写summary的基本格式和内容怎么写很不清楚,对于高分summary怎么写的标准也不了解。今天Meeloun小编就来梳理一下英文summary写作的一些相关要点。

1)划分结构并征服。 首先,略读这篇你将进行Summary的文章,并且将这篇文章分为几个小的部分。 根据小标题和副标题来划分。 并且看下生僻的标题,在读之前确保可以理解它们。

summary怎么写 课文summary怎么写summary怎么写 课文summary怎么写

summary怎么写 课文summary怎么写


2)阅读。 现在你已经准备好了,可以选择一个文章继续阅读。 需要从头到尾地浏览。浏览的时候,即使你遇到了不懂得地方也不需要停下来去查。浏览仅仅是为了了解作者的语气,风格和主要思想。

3)重读。重读应是主动阅读。画出主题句和关Our mament team consists of 5 men and women Whose backgrounds consist of 10 years of marketing with…键事实。把你想要引用到Summary里面的地方标记出来。 标记的地方应该避免以下一些细节,即使是很有趣,但是太具体的也是不行的。 找出那些你不了解的领域,试图在Summary中澄清这些点。

英语听力中 的SUMMARY怎么写?大概多少字?




当5) 写一个thesis statement。 这是写一篇好的Summary的关键。检查你在步骤4写的句子。 通过你写的句子,你应该可以创建一个能够清楚地表明你这篇文章想要实现什么意图的thesis statement。 如果你发现做不了这一步,那么你应该回顾前面,确保你写的句子是否集中在关键点。然也可以更多或更少

executive summary 要怎么写啊?请举个例子,好困扰啊,次写英文报告


The pure of this report is to examine how process improvement and lean thinking can be beneficial to the manufacturing industry and to specifically illustrate the real-life benefits gained in the application of the Just-In-Time modology through a case study of the PC manufacturer Dell.

Section A provides a literary review of process improvement and lean thinking ideas. It summarises the major points of each philosophy from a variety of sources, briefly outlines the history of lean thinking, and looks specifically at the popular Just-In-Time modology, its limitations and risks, followed by the benefits of adopting these concepts. Additionally, the common determinants of successful implementation are listed and explained.

The report concludes with the opinion that based on the researDissertation论文Summa5、竞争分析(Competition Analysis)ry部分的写作要求有:ch, and case study implications, process improvement and lean thinking practises such as Just-In-Time provide substantial benefits that outweigh the risks and limitations of operating as a lean manufacturer.





1. 搭配词。


3. 补充。

『短For many years people he…语』in summary 总而言之;总的来说。




如何写一篇好summary/作文 (IGCSE)


Had a burning of the holiday, the new semester has begun. The poet once said: God ge ryone a precious gift, that is youth. Youth is a brand new, in your mind there is always so many new ideas, new mods, new feelings, new works, new experiences, new ideas, new act, in your eyes the sun rising ry day is new of; youth is happy, basketball court sweat to run, you are the future of Air Jordan; comr room in the fingers flying, you are tomorrow's Bill. cover unbridled; music class sang, you are the most famous of this century singer. . . . . .

disclosure and disinterest的summary

Every day, I always happy to build their own future, the courage to create their own future, hope for me, I am not disappointed, n the difficulties I would l myself "I can do it!!." Smile for me, tears do not belong to me, the face of failure, I will play victory sign, casual to him say "BYE BYE"; wisdom belongs to me, emptiness does not belong to me, to grasp ry moment, and I next to a beautiful agreement.

A new a new semester in front of me, and this is my life, a new starting point, a all station, has been sounding the siren to s要遵从原文的结构顺序,不能随意调整信息的先后次序。et sail today, I beli that my boat will sail, arrived at the shore belongs to me!

executive summary怎么写?

executive summary结构如下:


2、公司信息(Company Informatio辅助3、产品与服务(Products and Servs)记忆:n)

4、市场分析(Market Analysis)



6、财务状况(FinancABC Corporation enjoys an established track-record of excellent support for our customers. Their expressions of satisfaction and encouragement are numerous, and we intend to continue our aances in the…ials)



怎么写executive summary?

Chapter Summary也就是章节概述,那么我们该如何定义Chapter Summary呢?章节概述就是一本书主要内容之精华,讲述故事的重点,点明首要角色、次要角色,写清故事发生的地点。后面的章节概述可能还会简要回顾发生在前几个章节里的。

Executive Summary 部分怎么写


Executive Summary,也就是执行总结,是整个商业的部分,相当于整个商业的浓缩,使整个商业的精华所在。大概要写一页。



In 2007, ABC Corporation was created to... Now, ABC Corporation is at a point where…



We he just completed the dlopment of S30 – a novel and proprietary construction tool

Compared to competitive products, our s30 can…


Our objective, at this time, is to propel the company into a prominent market ition. We feel that within 5 years ABC Corporation will be in a suitable condition for further expansion, an initial public offering or profitable acquisition. To accomplish this goal we…

管理团队和管理组织,例如In 5 years we will he… and our investors will be able to…




英语summary的写法:首先记下,要点或论点和主题句;第二步,形成一段简短的大纲,遵循原始组织;第三步,用我们自己的语言;第四步,在摘要中使用关键字,并相应地为摘要提供标题;第五步,避免例子,引言,技术用语 使用简单UND易懂的英语;第六步,必须客观并且以第三人称。

summar1.a condensed version of a piece of writing,speech,etc.; summary;synopsisy结尾可以总结全文、强调重点、提出建议、给读者留下思考空间。

Section B is purely focused on the implementation of JIT in the personal comr manufacturer Dell. It starts with a brief background to the company that provides the reasoning for the adoption of JIT, and then looks at how Dell went about implementing JIT into its operations. Next, in order to evaluate the success of its implementation, the benefits and potential risks that Dell reported t-JIT are listed and explained.


disclosure and disinterest的summary怎么写

三、Chapter Summarnews / plot / a(c) Here's a summary of the day's news.rticle / book / statement / account。y的写作特点

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