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turninto的中文翻译 turns的中文翻译

turn into与change into的区别



turninto的中文翻译 turns的中文翻译turninto的中文翻译 turns的中文翻译




change into更强调的是形式上的改变

如Caterpillars change into butterflies毛毛虫变成蝴蝶,也可以是change sth.into sth。

turn into也可以指形式上的改变,上面的例子也可以是Caterpillars turn into butterflies还能表示状态上的改变,如water turns into 。

change into更强调的是形式上的改变

如:Caterpillars change into butterflies 毛毛虫变成蝴蝶, 也可以是change sth. into sth.

turn into 也可以指形式上的改变,上面的例子也可以是Caterpillars turn into butterflies 还能表示状态上的改变 如:water turns into


1 (使)变成 2 译成


Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.



Please turn this into English.


change into

1 换上衣服 2 (使)变为


She changed into the working clothes.



Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day.


13. turn back 原路返回,往回走

turn有翻转;旋转;转动;转向;轮流等意思,那么你知道turn的常用 短语 都有哪些吗?下面是我为大家带来关于turn的常见短语和用法,欢迎大家参考学习!



天气炎热的时候, 冰很快就化为水。

1. turn up ①出现,到达 ②开大音量 ③被发现或找到 ④查(字典等)

例1)He promised to come but hasn’t turned up yet.

3)I’m sure your watch will turn up one of these days.

4)You may turn the word up in the dictionary.

2. turn in ①归还 ②就寝 ③将某人交给警方拘押

例1)You must turn in your equipment before you lee the army.

2)Well, I think I’ll turn in. I’ve got to get up early.

3)She threatened to turn him in.

3. turn on ①打开 ②依赖 ③突然攻击某人

例1)could you turn on the light, please?

2)The success of a picnic usually turns on the weather.

4. turn off 关掉(煤气,水,电,收音机,电视机等)

2)Don’t forget to turn off the light when you lee.

5. turn out ①证明是,结果是 ②关掉 ③生产 ④赶走

2)It turned out that she didn’t get the job.

3)Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed.

4)The factory turns out 100 cars per day.

5)Benjamin turned his son out of the house without any money.

6. turn against 背叛

例1)She will nr turn against her country.

2)She turned against her old friend.

7. turn down ①关小 ②拒绝

例1)Can you turn the TV down? I’m trying to get some sleep.

2)He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health.

8. turn into 把……变成,译成

2)Turn the following sentences into Chinese, please.

9. turn to 翻到,求助于

例1)Please turn to page10.

2)The child turned to its mother for comfort. 3)turn to a dictionary (look up the words in the dictionary)

10. turn over ①翻身,翻转 ②移交,交付

例1)She turned over and went to sleep.

2)The car turned right over.

11. turn (a)round ①绕着……转 ②面向另一方向

2)Turn around / round and let me look at your back.

12. turn away ①转过脸,不面对或不再看 ②拒绝帮助,拒绝某人进入某处

例1)She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.

3)Hundreds of people had to be turned away from the stadium.

例1) The weather became so bad that they had to turn back.

14. take turns (at) doing sth. / to do sth. 依次,轮流做某事

例1)We took turns (at) doing the driving on the way up to Canada.

2)You’ll he to take turns being captain of the team.

15. in turn ①结果 ②依次

2)He asked each of us in turn to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.

16. by turns 依次

例1)Let’s drive the car by turns.

2)We did the work by turns.

17. at ry turn 经常地,每次

例1)I kept meeting him at ry turn.





turn to 转向turn的用法2:turn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。

tur我把他长成乌龟。n into 转入

turn out 转出 也可表示 算出某个结果

turn up 开大, 指将电视或收音机音量调大



turn into,grow into,dlop into的区别

这个短语可以翻译成: 变成美丽的东西。

turn into 变成:我把他变成乌龟。I turned him into a tortoise.

dlop into:发展成、形成:那片土地被发展为住宅区。The land was dloped into a housing estate.

毛毛虫变成蝴蝶了。The caterpillargrow into 成长并改变、长成、成为:毛毛虫蜕变成蝴蝶了。The caterpillar grew into a butterfly. turned into a butterfly.

那片土地变成了住宅区。The land was turned into a housing estate.

但是 “我把他变成乌龟。I turned him into a tortoise.” 不可以用 把某事变得美丽/美好。grow into 和 dlop into:

英语 turn to和turn into都有变成的意思,那么这两个变成有什么区别

例1)You’ll nr turn me into a salean.










turn into用法及例句



用法:表示由外向里的动作,有时可通用。 扩展资料 例句:We think he'll turn into a top-class player. 我们认为他会成为的选手。

解析:into介词,它介词短语,在句中用作状语,表示“进入..turn的用法4:turn后接副词away表示“离开,走开,把…打发走”; 后接副词back表示“折回,返回”; 后接副词down表示“拒绝接受某人〔某事〕”; 后接副词in表示“睡觉,转身进入,拐入”“把某物上交,把某物交出”; 后接副词off表示“关(自来水、电源、煤气等)”; 后接副词over表示“翻身,将…翻身”; 后接副词out表示“结果是…,证明是…”“撵出”“生产”; 后接副词up表示“出现,出席,到达”“发现”。.1、表达不同:change into更强调的是形式上的改变,turn into也可以指形式上的改变,还能表示状态上的改变。之中”或“变成”之意。

turn out turn into 都是什么意思啊


turn into变成

turn out应该2)A doctor can’t turn away a dying man.只有结果是的意思

Turn ouTurn into转向,求助t 结果是,原来是,证明是

turn 如何运用?它与turn,turn into有什么区别? 重点回答"与...的区别"

turn 1.”转” 如tur变成[ 5lC:jE ]漂亮的东西。n back (转身) 2.系动词 ”变的”turn green(变绿)

turn i下面比较详细 你可以体会一下n ”上缴”

turn into ”变成” 相当于change into

turn out turn over turn into 三个词组分别的意思.


turn out生产;结果是;关掉;出动;驱逐

grow into、dlop into 有时可以用 turn into 代替:



变成2)I can’t hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit?,译成,成为

出动 翻阅 变成

change into和turn into的区别

例1)The earth turns around / round the sun.

change into和turn into的区别:change into更强调的是形式上的改变,turn into也可以指形式上的改变,还能表示状态上的改变。 扩展资料 change into的例句:She could change into a different outfit in two minutes(她能在两分钟内换上一套不同的行头);turn into的.例句:We think he'll turn into a top-class player(我们认为他会成为的选手)。

2)We were turned back at the border beturn intocause of the fighting.

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