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八年级上册英语综合测试卷 八年级上册英语综合测试卷人教版


八年级上册英语综合测试卷 八年级上册英语综合测试卷人教版八年级上册英语综合测试卷 八年级上册英语综合测试卷人教版

八年级上册英语综合测试卷 八年级上册英语综合测试卷人教版

八年级上册英语综合测试卷 八年级上册英语综合测试卷人教版

1、八年级上单元测试题:词汇 A.根据句意及提示完成单词1.Look! The man is ______(几乎) as tall as Yao Ming.2.He is ___________(慷慨的) because he is w_________ to share rything with me.3. Sometimes there is a lot of ____________(竞争) between children for their mother’s attention.4. Be careful not to k_________ the glass off the table.5.They sat down in a s_______ line.6.She seems ________(boring) these days.7. My sister wants to be a ________(sing) when she grows up.8. She passed her driving ______(考试) when she was 17.9. Miss Wang’s v_____ sounds great. Many people think she will become a singer.10. I would _______(挑选) Betty as my best friendB.词形变换1. He is one of the_________________(friendly) people in the class, I think.2. A dictionary is much __________________ (expensive) than a story-book.3. An orange is a little ______ (big) than an apple, but much ________ (all) than a watermelon.4. The Changjiang River is the _______ (long) river in China.5. Saturday is my _________ (busy) day in a week.6. Her mother is getting ____________(fat) and ________ (fat).7. I think it' s too expensive. I' d like a ________ (cheap) one.8.Which is ____________(close) to the sun, the earth or the moon?9. Lina’s handwriting is the___________(good)in her class.10.Did is _____, Duff is _______than Did, Diff is ________ of the three. (thin)八年级上单元测试题:翻译 句子1. 我经常想起一个叫Andy的朋友。

2、I often Andy.2. Andy戴着圆圆的,这使他看上去很聪明。

3、Andy . They3. 你可以相信他的话,他是个诚实的孩子。

4、You can . He is child.4. 你可以和他谈任何事。

5、You can .5. 他能帮你保守秘密。

6、He can you .6. 他经常在公交车上给别人让座。

7、He often .7. 他的身高不多有一米八。

8、He is .8. 我长大后想当一名老师。

9、I want to when I .9. 米莉愿意和我们分享她的巧克力,她可真慷慨。

10、Millie us. She is so .10. 我和格雷丝可能不常见面,但我们永远是。

11、Grace and I may not but we will .八年级上单元测试题:任务型阅读This is part three of our survey about family life. We interviewed two students, Josh Franklin and Al Gomez, about their weekend chores. They told us about the chores they did last weekend.On Saturday morning, Josh had two big chores to do. He didn't like washing the clothes, but he enjoyed cleaning the garage(汽车房). “I listened to the radio and sang my forite songs while I worked,” he said.Al had to go to the store and buy food for the family on Saturday morning. Her mother usually goes with her, but this time she went alone. “I liked shopping for food. I bought things I liked to eat and my parents paid for it.”Josh and Al both liked ing with their parents yard sales. “I liked talking to all the people,” said Josh. Al said, “My parents ge me part of the money. Now I can buy anything I want.”Name Likes & Dislikes Why did they like ing with the yard sales?Josh Like cleaning the garage and dislike washing the 1 Could 2 to all the people.Al Like 3 for food and buying things that her 4 pay for them.Could 5 part of the money from her parents.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.八年级上单元测试题:选词填空In the United States, children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school u__1__ they are six. Most students are sn or eigh years old when they l____2__ secondary schools. There are two kinds of s___3__ in the United States ------public (公立的)schools and private(私立的) schools. Most c__4___ go to public schools. Their parents do not he to pay for their education because the schools receive m__5___ from the government. If a child goes to a private school, his parents he to pay e____6___ money for his schoolings. Some parents still prefer private schools, though they are much more e_7_____.Today about half of the high school students go on to universities(大学)after they f___8__ the secondary schools. A student in a state university does not he to pay very much if his parents l____9_ in that state.Many students w___10__ while they are studying in universities. In this way they dlop (发展)good working habits(习惯) and live by their own hands.1. u_______ 2. l_______ 3. s_________ 4. c_______ 5. m_______6. e________ 7. e_______ 8. f_________ 9. l________ 10.w_______八年级上单元测试题:书面表达近年,启动了“阳光体育工程”,旨在提高青少年身体素质。


13、内容必须包括以下提示中的三项要点:1. 学校开展了哪些体育活动?的是什么?(见图)2. 简述你参加的一次体育活动,如:一场体育比赛、一次体育锻炼的经历、一堂体育课……3. 体育活动对你学习、生活……八年级上单元测试题一、单项选择。

14、1~5 DAADC 6~10 CBDCB 11-15 ADABA 16-20 BDCCA二、完形填空1-5 CBDDA 6-10 ACCBC 11-15 DBABA三、阅读理解。

15、1-5 BCABC 6~10 CBADD 11~15 ADBCA四、词汇A.根据句意及提示完成单词1.almost 2. generous 3. Competition 4. knock 5. straight6.bored 7.singer 8.test 9.vo 10. chooseB.词形变换1.friends 2. more expensive 3.bigger aller 4. longest 5.busiest6.fatter fatter 7.cheaper 8.closer 9.best 10.thin thinner thinnest五、翻译句子。


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