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1、And the Pygmalion effect is if I beli you he a certain characteristic this mightcause you to behe as if you he that characteristic.相信的意思是认为正确不怀疑的,相信一个人也就是信赖的意思,你知道我相信你的英文怎么说吗?下面跟我一起来了解关于相信你的英语知识吧。

2、我相信你的英文释义I beli in you我相信你的英文例句我相信你。

3、I beli you.我相信你!I trust you!我相信你会是公正的。

4、I trust you to be fair.我相信你。

5、I beli in you.我相信你肯定关心他的 教育 吧。

6、I beli you must care for his educations.我相信你会找出哪些行为适用于哪些人。

7、I trust you to figure out which actions go with which people.我相信你会这么做。

8、And I beli you will.我相信你必须得受给你带来的麻烦。

9、I beli you he to suffer for your passion.我相信你一定会喜欢的。

10、I beli you will love it.我Sheisdeclaredanundesirablealienanddeport.相信你已经得到了足够的惩罚。

11、I beli you he been punished enough.这个损失,我相信你从未承认,它使你伤残,陷入无能的感觉,对再一次怀孕和另一个孩子的想法感到恐惧。

12、A loss, I beli, that you he nr acknowledged and that cripples you intofeeling powerless and panicked at the thought of another pregnancy and anotherchild.对的,我相信你一定可以在这个寒假了解到许多的传统习俗,如风俗习惯、菜肴、祝词等等。

13、Yes, I beli you will know a lot about Chinese traditions this winter holiday, such as the custom, practs, cuisine, greeting and so on.没有那么强硬。


15、有人可能不同意我的观点,不过我相信你可能注册大多数的流行化网站,而不关心是否要使用它们 。

16、People may disagree with me, but I beli you should sign up for the mostpopular social networks regardless of wher you are going to use them all.玛莉: 我相信你,吉娜。

17、Mary: I beli you, Zina.我相信你的英语 句子 带翻译好好准备,我相信你会通过考试的。

18、I beli you can pass the exam with good preparation.我相信你知道,企业通常有着严格的要求和高标准。


20、I beli you must he spent a lot of time in the plan.考虑到你的资格,我相信你会成为一名不错的空中。

21、Considering your qualifications,we beli you would be a good stewardess.但我相信你不会后悔,做正确的事情,做正确的抉择。

22、But I beli you'll nr regret doing the right thing the decision.我相信你得想想补救 方法 。

23、John: I beli you should think some remedies.可是你做的也很成功啊,而且我相信你将来会更加成功。


25、I am sure you can get with it if you try.如果你对这些问题的都是肯定的,那我相信你今年会想方设法与众不同。

26、If you answered yes to either of these questions then this year I dare you to be different.皮格马利翁效应就是说,如果我相信你有某种特点,就可能导致你表现得,好像你真的有这种特点一样。

27、关于相信的英文阅读:你相信一吻钟情吗Do you beli in love at first sight? What about love at first kiss? That's what this group of singles is hoping for.Contestants line up to kiss complete strangers on TV on TLC's new reality show "Love at First Kiss."在TLC真人秀《一吻钟情》节目中,选手们排队亲吻完全陌生的人。

28、One hopeful contestant signed up for the reality show not just to meet someone but also to finally he his first kiss -- r.一位满怀希望的选手报名参加了真人秀,他不仅仅是为了遇见另一半,同时也终于献出自己的初吻。

29、"I definiy wanted to he my first kiss," 27-year-old Josh told FOX411. "I've nr kissed anyone and I thought it would be a good opportunity to get that first kiss over with but also to see if I could potentially find someone I could start dating and be in a relationship with."“我当然想尝试一下初吻的感觉。


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