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2022年六级翻译 2022年六级翻译题目


2022年六级翻译 2022年六级翻译题目2022年六级翻译 2022年六级翻译题目

2022年六级翻译 2022年六级翻译题目

1、【 #考试# 导语】你想有拥有你没有过的能力,就要去做自己没有做过的努力。

2、以下是 考 网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。






8、It is reported that China's sharing economy is expected to maintain a rapid annual growth rate of more than 30% in the next five years. The rapid dlopment of China's sharing economy rals the tremendous vitality and potential of the Chinese economy, but it is facing many challenges. With the rapid dlopment of the sharing economy in the fields of transportation tools, accommodation, catering, etc., new problems such as personal rmation leakage, waste of resources and unfair competition he emerged. The reasons behind the problems with the sharing economy are complex and diverse, but a common problem is that the main responsibility of the sharing platform has not been properly shouldered. A government not has pointed out that the government will strengthen supervision over the collection, use, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal rmation on sharing platforms.2.2022年12月英语六级汉译英参考模板是指给完成学校教育的人员—尤其是—提供知识和技能的教育。





13、Continuing education is a kind of education thatprovides those who he finished school education, s in particular, with knowledge and skills. Asan effective supplement to regular education, continuing education is an important part of the life-long learning . In China, it includes self-study examination, correspondent education,ning university and open university s, with various teaching mods, such astraditional classroom lectures and distance learning. Recent years he witnessed theremarkable dlopment of China's continuing education ; howr grim crises heemerged, like scarcity of teaching resources and out-of-date curricula and teaching mods. Only by tackling these problems can continuing education in China dlop further and meetthe need of the society.3.2022年12月英语六级汉译英参考模板工作面试在找工作的过程中,有面试,就有曙光。


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