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常见问题英文 常见的问题的英语


常见问题英文 常见的问题的英语常见问题英文 常见的问题的英语

常见问题英文 常见的问题的英语

1、四、 ition and company 关于所申请职位和公司的问题22. why did you select this company? 你为什么要选择这间公司?回答1: mars is an ideal employer for almost ry fresh graduate, partly because the starting salary is very competitive, hehe. but more importantly, mars is well known for designing career paths for employees. and, i he a personal reason when selecting mars: my cats love whiskas (伟嘉猫粮)! my mom is a big fan of cats, so am i, and we’ve been buying whiskas for our cats “pipi” and “lulu” for over five years!点评1: 这个回答体现了该申请人的两个特点: , 他很诚实地告诉面试官, 应届毕业生当然对mars趋之若鹜; 第二, 他因为爱猫而爱伟嘉猫粮, 再因爱伟嘉猫粮而爱mars。

2、回答2: to be honest, it would be ideal for me, a fresh graduate who specializes in accounting, to join any of the “big 4s”(四大会计师事务所) because each of the “big 4s” has its own aantages. howr, i’m particularly interested in kpmg for a very sentimental reason. i was compley fascinated by your career talk! compared with yours, the other three companies are a bit boring, hehe.点评2: 这个回答体现了该申请人的两个特点: , 实话实说, 学会计的同学能进四大中的任何一个, 的确都是求之不得的美事; 第二, 善于巧妙地“拍马屁”, 告诉对方自己被他们的career talk感动了, 所以对该事务所情有独钟, 的确是一个很狡猾但是却很不错的回答。

3、回答3: shengjia is a professional erp software provider, and i’ve been interested in erp for a very long time. i beli erp has a large market in china, n if this business may he some difficulties in the course of dlopment.点评3: 如果你要进入的是一个不太知名的公司, 那么你可以告诉面试官自己选择这间公司是因为自己对它所从事的业务有信心、 有兴趣。

4、回答4: i’ve been a loyal customer of kangshifu for years. that’s w回答1: frankly speaking, i still don’t know, since you nr mentioned the downsides of this job either in the job ad or in the career talk. howr, the off location is certainly not ideal to me, as i live in fangcun and your off is in tianhebei, i might he to rent a room nearby if i get this job.hy i want to join this company. i am a big fan of instant noodles, especially the spicy noodles! i love them!点评4: 如果要谈对方的产品, 就要谈得感性一点, 不要流于形式。



7、23. why did you decide to apply for this particular ition? 你为什么要申请这份职位?回答1: for the past three years i’ve been doing a similar job. though my current boss has given me a raise tw i’m still not quite pleased with my salary, i beli you can understand 1,800 yuan is not a very good pay. now that i he this opportunity to get a higher pay, to work in a more well-known company, of course i would give it a try.点评1: 这个回答有几个优点: , 很真实, 为钱而跳槽, 是大多数人的换工理由; 第二, 强调了自己已经在过去单位工作三年的经历, 足够忠诚了; 第三, 强调了自己两次涨薪的事实, 说明自己一定有过优异的表现。

8、回答2: i decided to apply for this particular ition because i’ve been doing soming similar for the last year, howr, i’m more interested and confident in the products and servs you offer. online s are a newly dloping business, like a new born baby, so i can do many things to it grow healthily. this would give me a great sense of satisfaction. howr, the wine business i am doing now is just like a grandparent, it’s so mature that it doesn’t give too much room for changes.点评2: 类似这样个性化的回答永远是。

9、如果你并没有转换工作性质, 而只是想转换工作领域, 比如从白酒行业转换到网络游戏行业, 不妨利用这个婴儿与老头的比喻去说服面试官吧。

10、回答3: my career cho actually has been influenced a lot by my mother. she’s been an admin and hr director in a large state-owned company for over twenty years. she impressed on me (反复强调) that hr jobs are suitable for women because they’re not influenced much by age, and females enjoy an equal opportunity of being promoted. howr, the other top itions like sales often go to men. besides family influence, i selected this job because i feel i am suited for it. i’m easy going, trusted by others and interested in dloping people.点评3: 这是一个很好的回答: 真实, 又夸奖了自己。

11、告诉对方自己的家庭很支持自己从事这份职业, 的确有加分的作用。

12、回答4: i want to be a sales rep because it suits my expectations. first of all, i wish to get a pay based on my performance, you know, better results, better pay. secondly, i hope i will be going out, meeting people instead of sitting in the off, as i’m a very outgoing person. what’s more, sales, compared to other jobs, can improve my abilities most quickly. i can learn how to observe others, how to persist, how to deal with coldness and rejection, and all these traits will me to be successful in both career and personal life.点评4: 说得好极了!非常好地概括了销售工作的优点, 体现了一个应届毕业生的活力和。

13、24. why do you think you’re qualified for this ition? 你为什么觉得自己适合这个职位?回答1: i think i’m qualified because the job duties of this ition are 80% same as my last job. and the remaining 20% shouldn’t be a big problem because i’m quick and eager to learn. my ability to learn has been proven in my last job as well.点评1: “我做过类似的工作”, 永远是最能说服面试官的杀手锏。

14、点评2: 这个很好, 把自己和启事上提及的要求进行匹配, 而且还提供了“证据”。

15、25. what about this ition is especially attractive to you? 这份职位最吸引你的地方是什么?回答1: i would be doing similar things as in my last job but with a higher salary in a more reputable company. that’s the main attraction of this ition to me.点评1: 干同样的活儿而拿更多的钱, 实话实说, 比“”强多了。

16、回答2: this ition is especially attractive to me as it is offered by huawei. i trust huawei. i think my job will be more secure than working in aller companies. you know, if i perform well, i think i can he a long term dlopment here.点评2: 这是个很诚恳的回答, 因为大公司所提供的职位往往具有同样的优点: 工作稳定, 如果表现好会有长远的发展。

17、回答3: the best part of this job, i think, is that it gives me an opportunity to become a professional in the shortest time. i can auditing with your comprehensive training. learning a professional skill is particularly important to me as my major of business english is a tool instead of a career.点评3: 大公司通常以自己完善的培训体系为豪, 而应届毕业生也恰恰最需要这样的培训, 所以说, 这是个典型的“一拍即合”的回答, 惟一的缺点就是它可能过于大众化。

18、这个申请人做得就很好, 他把自己的大学专业结合在中。

19、他告诉面试官, 自己所学的英语专业不能算是一门职业, 只能是为了某个职业而服务的工具, 所以一份专业性强的工作对他来说格外有吸引力。

20、26. what do you see in the ition tFifth One: If hired, when could you start work?hat is not attractive to you? 这份职位最不吸引你的地方是什么?点评1: 一个很滑头的回答, 不过确实很巧妙, 变相地再一次表了忠心: 为了工作, 宁可搬家!回答2: to be honest, i can’t see any at this moment. but i’m prepared for some disappointments when i start doing it, as each job has a dark side. so far i found only one all disappointment. there is no subway station nearby so i may he to take a bus ry day. and i he to be more careful with my wallet and mobile phone, you know, pick pockets, hehe.点评2: 这是个超级漂亮的回答, 既客观地承认了任何工作都会有不尽如人意之处, 也巧妙地利用幽默转移了话题。

21、妙哉!27. l me what you know about our company. 说说你对这间公司的了解吧。

22、回答1: actually, what i know about your company is mostly from the news and internet. for example, r&f (注释: 富力地产) is a fast-growing company, from one project in 1994, to 50 properties today. r&f plaza, r&f peach garden and some other properties are highly successful. r&f also has successful business in beijing and tianjin, and the international expansion began in when r&f listed on the hong kong stock market. what’s more, i was very impressed that r&f donated 14 million yuan to jinan university last month. i think i’d be very proud to work in such a generous company.点评2: 避开人人可谈的来自网络的信息, 转而谈论自己对该公司产品的了解, 确实棋高一招。


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