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初一英语模拟试题及答案解析 初一英语模拟试卷


初一英语模拟试题及答案解析 初一英语模拟试卷初一英语模拟试题及答案解析 初一英语模拟试卷

初一英语模拟试题及答案解析 初一英语模拟试卷



3、(每小题1分,共5分)1.A.Yes, they are. B.No, they aren't. C.I'd like to.2.A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, it's big. C.No, it isn't.3.A.At 7:30 B.By bicycle C.With my friend4.A.Yes, he was. B.He was born in Shandong. C.He was born in 2000.5.A.Yes, you were. B.Yes, I was. C.No, I didn't.(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。

4、(每小题1分,共5分)6.A.She could swim. B.She could ride a horse. C.She could ride a bike.7.A.They will send their homework by letters.B.They will send their homework by themselves.C.They will send their homework by email.8.A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn't. C.No, he doesn't.9.A.America. B.China. C.Australia.10.A.7:10 B.6:50 C.10:07(三)录音中有一组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。

5、(每小题1分,共5分)11.The story happened ________.A.one year ago. B.someday in the future. C.long long ago.12.How did Nuwa die? ________A.Emperor Yan pushed her into the river.B.She jumped into the river.C.The boat overturned(翻) when she rowed(划) it.13.Nuwa changed into a ________A.bird B.river C.stone14.Her father was very __________ after Nuwa died.A.glad B.sad C.happy15.In the end, the river was ________A.still there B.disappeared(消失) C.wider than before(注意:请同学们翻到第Ⅱ卷第四大题,继续作听力填空题。

6、)二、选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)( )16.-- What are you doing now?-- I am __________ my clothes, Mum.A.getting dressed B.wearing C.putting on D.dressing( )17.The maths problem is __________and I can do it _________.A.easy, easily B.easily, easily C.easy, easy D.easily, easy( )18.I'm looking forward to _______ to Disneyland __________ my parents.A.go, with B.going, with and D.visiting, with( )19.Tom usually goes to school____ foot or________ a bike.A.on, by B.by, on C.on, on D.by, by( )20.What's the cheapest way to get________ Hongkong.______ Shanghai?A.from, to B.for, to C.to, to D.from, in( )21.--- ______ is it from Weifang to Dezhou?--- More than 300 kilometres.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How far( )22.There was a pond _______a lot of beautiful fish _______ it.A.with, in B.for, in C.of, with D.in, with( )23.---________ your father and mother born in 1965?--- Yes, they _______. But my father ________born in Beijing. He ____ born in Tianjin.A.Were, were, wasn't, was B.Are, are, isn't, isC.Were, were, weren't, was D.Was, were, was, wasn't( )24.Don’t point _________the old.A.for B.in C.on D.at( )25.She _________ the school when the bell rang.A.hurried B.hurries to C.hurried to D.hurried in( )26.When his work was over, he________ his home.A.turned to B.returned to C.got back D.returned( )27.Lily, there is a book on the floor. Can you _________ ?A.pick it up B.pick up it C.pick them up D.pick up them( )28.The girl ________ Lacy is my good friend.A.calls B.called C.is called D.was called( )29.When I was a student ten years ago, I _______ many English books every day.A.read B.readed C.look at D.looked at( )30.There is _________ girl on the bus.A.a 8 years old B.a 8-year-old C.an 8 years old D.an 8-year-old三、阅读理解。

7、(每小题2分,共30分)AToday more and more students wish to get more money.They think money is everything.If they have a lot of money, their dreams will come true.They can do everything with money.They can get many story books and MP4s and play games on line.They can get what they like.Of course,money is very important to students.They will feel happy when they listen to MP4s and play games.In order to get more money,maybe some of them will steal or rob(偷或抢)or do something wrong.But they must know money can’t bring them everything.They can’t buy happiness,knowledge or health with money.31.More and more students wish to get more _________.A.MP4s B.money D.story books32.If students have more money,___________.A.they can buy everything B.they can buy happinessC.they can buy time D.they can buy story books33.Students can’t buy________.A.happiness B.health C.knowledge D.all of the above34.In order to get more money, maybe some students _________.A.will make money B.will get money from parentsC.will do something wrong D.will save money35.What is the main idea(中心思想)of the passage?A.Students think money isn’t everything.B.Money can’t buy everything.C.Without money students can do nothing.D.More and more students wish to he healthierBName Personal informationYuanLongping born On September 7th,1930,Beijing,China,scientistBill Gates born on October 28th,1955,Seattle,the USA,the founder ofMicrosoftYaoMing born on September l2th,1980,Shanghai China,super sports starStephenHawking born on January 8th,l942,Oxford,Braitain,professorJay Chou born on January 18th,l979,Taiwan,China,super music star36.Who was born in October?A.Jay Chou B.Stephen Hawking C.Bill Gates D.Yuan Longping37.Where was Stephen Hawking born?A.In Seattle B.In Oxford C.In Beijing D.In Shanghai38.How old is Yao Ming now?A.Fifty-three B.Twenty-eight C.Twenty-nine D.Thirty-one39.Who is the oldest of the five people?A.Stephen Hawking B.Bill Gates C.Jay Chou D.Yuan Longping40.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Bill Gates was born in Oxford, Braitain.B.Yuan Longping is a super sports star.C.Jay Chou is a super music star from Taiwan, China.D.Stephen Hawking is the founder of Microsoft.CThe Greens live in a very nice city. They live next to the Whites, but the Greens want their life to be better than the Whites' . They have a bigger television, a bigger fridge and even brighter shoes. "Little White has a new bicycle. It goes faster than yours. Tomorrow I will buy you a better bicycle." "Mr. White has a big fish. I' m going to the market to buy a bigger one." "Mrs. White has a new chair. I' m going to get a bigger, stronger and prettier one. My life is going to be better than hers." A friend asks Mrs. White, "Do you think the Greens have a better house than yours?" Mrs. White says, "The Greens? Oh, the people next door. I don't think about them much. They always look a little sad. I think we have much better life and home. We are happier. We have more fun and our family life is warmer."根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。

8、41.The Greens want their life better than the Whites.42.The Whites' TV is much better than the Greens' .43.Little White has a new bicycle.44.Mrs. White isn't interested in the Greens.45.From the story we can know the Whites have much happier life than the Greens.卷Ⅱ(共60分)四、听力部分录音中有一篇文章,听文章两遍后,根据其内容,填写下面的短文。

9、(每空最多3词,共5分)Once 46_________a man who lived with monkeys.He 47__________Papa Monkey.Every day, he fed bananas to these monkeys.But one day, he almost ran 48__________the bananas.So he wanted to give them three bananas in the morning and four bananas at night.But the monkeys didn’t agree.So Papa Monkey 49___________:four bananas in the morning and three bananas at night.The monkeys thought that was 50____________.In china, if someone changes his mind too often,people will say, “Three in the Morning,Four at Night.”五、根据句意及首字母提示补写单词,完成句子。

10、(每空l分,共10分)51.What’s the p_________ of your city?52.The yellow river is the second l____________ river in China.53.My English teacher is f_____________ to all of us.54.Don’t speak loudly, please! The girl is a___________.55.He left w___________ saying a word angrily.56.Mr. Jackson works in a computer c______________.57.As We all know, Zhan Tianyou is a national h____________.58.He is too fat and he can’t go t____________ the door.59.Zhang Hong’s parents are s___________ with her.60.What are you going to do on h____________ this summer?六、根据括号中动词的适当形式完成句子。


12、(每空l分,共10分)61.My aunt and my uncle _________(meet)me at the airport two years ago.62.The children enjoy___________(listen)to the story.63.My mother often __________(go)shopping on Sundays.But last Sunday she_________ (not go) shopping.64.The fastest way ____________ (travel)is taking a plane.65.Li Lei with his father __________(not be)at home last night.66.William Shakespeare _________(be)born in l564 and _________(die)in l616.67.They__________ (buy)a house one year ago.68.Next term my son ________(walk)to school because of our moving.七、阅读短文,回答问题。

13、(共10分)At l4:28 on May l2 2008,an earthquake broke out in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province.Soon lots of people all over China went to help the people there.The PLA saved a boy staying in the debris(废墟)for ten hours after the earthquake.He was three years old.His name is Lang Zheng.While he was lying on the stretcher(担架),he slowly raised his right hand and saluted(敬礼)to the soldiers.His salutation(致敬)not only showed his thanks to the PLA.but also moved the people around him.I’m sure it also deeply moved many other people.As a three-year-old boy, he knew that the first thing to do was to show his thanks are people saved him.It is the good nature of Chinese people.69.When did the earthquake in Wenchuan break out?__________________________________________________________70.Who saved a boy named Lang Zheng?________________________________________________________71.What did Lang Zheng do first after the PLA saved him?________________________________________________________72.What did Lang Zheng’s salutation show?________________________________________________________73 .Did his salutation deeply move you?________________________________________________________八、书面表达。




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