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1、冰雪林中著此身,熊猫The shape characteristics of giant panda panda like bear stout body,charmingly ,but the first round tail short,black and white fur and white head and body clear.Its body length 120 180 cm,tail length of 10 20 cm,white,weighing 60 to 110 kilograms.The first round and large,the former palm apart from five toes with claws,there is a sixth toe.Torso is a white tail,ears,eye,li and shoulders are all the Ministry of black,abdomen light brown,or gray-black.虎According to current fossil ysis,is generally belid that tiger originated in eastern Asia,which is the country's eastern regions (the Yangtze River downstream).Tiger's coat is orange or orange-red,abdomen and li inside is white or milky white,most notably the appearance of a body covered with a black stripe,stripes,stripes extending to forehead,sometimes it will show Chinese character "Wang","big" the words,eyes with eye-catching white spots,cheeks are also eye-catching white mane,appearance seemed gorgeous,powerful.大象Elephant,Mammalia,Proboscidea,like Branch.,Is the world's largest terrestrial animals,the main external features of flexibility and m朱载震《建兰》uscular proboscis,a winding function is as a powerful tool for self-defense and feeding.Proboscidea only as Section 1 Section 2 are two kinds,namely,the Asian elephant and African elephant.狮子Lion (lion) is the only two states of a male and female cats is the most powerful force on earth cats one.Beautiful shape,ture and majesty,king-like power and speed of the perfect combination of fantastic and won the "king of the beasts" in the world.Lion's size large,comprehensive statistics,the erage weight of 185 kilograms of African lion,body length 1.5 1.9 m,tail length 1.2 m蛇The emergence of a snake about 1.5 million years ago,arose much later in the appearance of poisonous snakes.It is evolved from the non-poisonous snakes,only appeared in the 2700 years ago.The world there are about 3,000 species of snakes,of which there are more than 600 kinds of poisonous snakes.企鹅20乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄.白居易《钱塘湖春行》The foot was born in the bodily foot,therefore assumes the upright ture; Between the foot has the web; The plantigrade (other birds are well-grounded by foot); The foreleg becomes finny; The feather is short,reduces the friction and the rapids; Between the feather preserves air,with by heat insulation.Back black,abdomen white.Each kind of main difference lies in the forehead color pattern and the individual size.。


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