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读万卷书行万里路的英文翻译 读万卷书行万里路英文解释

读万卷书,行万里路 英文怎么说

直译:Read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

读万卷书行万里路的英文翻译 读万卷书行万里路英文解释读万卷书行万里路的英文翻译 读万卷书行万里路英文解释

读万卷书行万里路的英文翻译 读万卷书行万里路英文解释

意译:He who knows much trels far.




It goes without saying there's wisdom in the old Chinese proverb 'read a thousand books, trel a thousand miles', for I accept that learning does complement treling to provide a clear vision of the world.


read a lot and make trip further

Reading thousands of books is equal to walking thousands of miles

Read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

"ItIt's better to trel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books."

read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

read a lot and make trip further

Reading thousands of books is equal to walking thousands of miles

Read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

's better to trel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books

"It's better to trel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books."

read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

read a lot and make trip further

Reading thousands of books is equal to walking thousands of miles

Read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

"It's better to trel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books."

Read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles

read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

Read more books,then you can go much farther.

read a lot and make trip further

Reading thousands of books is equal to walking thousands of miles

Read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles.

read ten thousand books, trel ten thousand miles


"It's better to trel 10000 miles than to read 10000 books."



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