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in that 的巧妙用法

in that 是一个常见的短语,在英语中有着多种用法。理解其不同的含义对于有效沟通至关重要。

in that 的巧妙用法in that 的巧妙用法

1. 提供原因或解释

in that 可以用来解释或提供一个陈述的原因。

The car is not running, in that the battery is dead. In that she had a lot of experience, she was the perfect candidate for the job.

2. 说明结果或后果

in that 也可以表明一个行动或事件的结果或后果。

The rain started to fall, in that the ground became wet. In that he did not study for the test, he failed.

3. 引入定语从句

in that 可以用作定语从句的连接词,提供对名词或代词的附加信息。

The company hired a new employee, in that she had a strong background in marketing. We were surprised by the news, in that we had not heard anything about it before.

4. 用于书面或正式对话中

in that 通常用于书面或正式对话中,而不是口语。它往往比其他连接词,如 because 或 so,更正式或礼貌。

5. 强调或强调

in that 有时用于加强或强调某一点。

In that it is a matter of life and death, I urge you to take immediate action. The importance of this decision cannot be overstated, in that it will have a significant impact on our future.


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