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人教版英语五年级上册 人教版英语五年级上册句子表


⑤ D


人教版英语五年级上册 人教版英语五年级上册句子表人教版英语五年级上册 人教版英语五年级上册句子表

Fourite clothes: T-shirt, jeans and sneakers

学习目标 1. 能听、说、认读单词“learn”,“any”,“problem”和词组“no problem”。

2. 能听懂、会说句子“Can I …?”进行问答练习。

3. 能完成“Let’s try”部分的听力任务。

4. 提高学生自主学习、主动学习的意识和与他人进行沟通、交流的能力,让学生感受到合作学习的乐趣和效率。

学习重难点 1. 能听、说、认读单词“learn”,“any”,“problem”和词组“no problem”。

2. 能听懂、会说句子“Can I …?”进行问答练习。

词组“no problem”的使用。

教学过程 二次备课


1. Free talk

T: Good morning

ryone. N to meet you.

Ss: Good morning

teacher. N to see you


T: How are you today?

Ss: Very well


T: What can you do


S1: I can …

T: Can you …?

S2: Yes

I can. / No

I can’t.

2. 教师播放歌曲“What can you do?”的录音,全班学生跟着录音大声唱。


1. 教师表演,学生说出相应的单词或词组,复习上节课学习的词汇。

2. 全班学生站起来,教师用句型“I can …”说句子,学生做相应的动作,做错动作或反应迟缓的学生坐下来,几轮游戏后,剩下的学生为获胜者,教师给予奖励。


B. Let’s talk

1. 教学新单词

(1) 教师出示学生上体育课的情景图,师生进行对话,如:

T: What class do they he?

T: What do you learn in PE class?

Ss: …

T: Can you do any kung fu?

I can. / No

I can’t.

T: (对着作否定回答的学生说) No problem. The PE teacher can you.

(2) 学习练“no problem”:教师把生词写在黑板上,带领学生读几遍。

2. 介绍对话情景

T: John’s class are hing PE class now. The PE teacher is talking with the children. Let’s listen to the tape and know soming about their talking.

3. 次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。


① The children he PE class in the afternoon.

② John can’t do any kung fu.

③ Oliver can’t do any kung fu.


① T

② FX

③ T


4. 学生拿出人物头饰,同桌合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“表演者”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。

四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)

1. B. Let’s try

(1) 明确听力任务

T: Can Mike do any kung fu? Listen to the tape and then you will know.

(2) 次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容勾出正确选项。

(3) 第二次播放教学录音,师生一起覈对

2. 课堂练习——练一练:

① - Can you do any kung fu? - Yes

I __________.

② - Can you sing English songs? - No

I __________.

③ - Can she dance? - Yes

_________ can.

④ - Can he play basketball? - No

_________ __________.

⑤ - Can your mother cook? - ________

________ _________.

⑥ - Can your brother clean the bedroom? - ________

________ _________.




1. 听录音,跟读B. Let’s talk部分内容,并尝试背诵。

2. 完成练习册的练习。

1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。

2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。

3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What can you do?”。

4. 能完成“Do a survey”部分的对话任务。

5. 鼓励学生了解身边同学的能力,做生活中的有心人。

学习重难点 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。

2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。

1. 新词汇和词组的学习。

2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。

教学过程 二次备课


1. Free talk

T: Good morning

ryone. Wele back to school. How are you today?

Ss: Fine

thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine

too. Are yoeady for our class?

Ss: Yes.

2. 热身活动

T: Now let’s do some warming-up pract. All of you

listen to me

please. Stand up and follow me. Run

I can run (read




draw …).


学习歌曲“What can you do?”

T: You can jump


swim … You’re so great. Now let’s learn a song called “What can you do?”.




1. A. Let’s learn

(1) 学习新单词和词组。



dance sing English song play the pipa do kung fu draw cartoons

(2) 教师带领学生读几遍新单词和词组,然后让学生分组读、分男女生读。

(3) 教师发指令,全班学生做相应的动作,巩固新单词。

(4) 次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分男女生跟着录音读。

(5) 学生同桌合作,替换对话中的,编写新对话。

(6) 教师请几对学生上讲台表演对话,表演表演到位的学生。

2. A. Do a survey

(1) 学生在四人小组内用句型“What can you do?”和“Who can …?”相互调查其他小组成员会做的事情。

(2) 请两三位小组代表上讲台汇报小组成员会做的事情。

四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)

1. 教师表演动作,学生快速说出相应的单词或词组。

2. 教师请几位学生上讲台,依次指着学生问“What can he / she do?”,学生回答:“He / She can …”。

2. 课堂练习——选择填空

( ) ① - ____________ can play the pipa? - Zhang Peng.

A. Who B. Who’s C. What

( ) ② I can __________ English song.

A. Song B. sing C. singing

( ) ③ Let’s __________ some kung fu.

A. make B. he C. do

( ) ④ Mike can draw __________.

A. cartoon B. cartoons C. some cartoon

3. Check the answer

① A

② B

③ C

④ B




1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。

2. 听录音,跟读本部分的内容。


课题 第二课时

课型 新授 时间

学习目标 1. 能听、说、认读单词“party”,“next”和“wonderful”。

2. 能听懂、会说、运用句子“We’ll he an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party

3. 知道“we’ll”是“we will”的缩写形式。

4. 能完成“Let’s try”部分的听力任务。

5. 鼓励学生展示自己的才艺,培养学生的自信心。

学习重难点 1. 能听、说、认读单词“party”,“next”和“wonderful”。

2. 能听懂、会说、运用句子“We’ll he an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party

1. 能听、说、认读单词“wonderful”。

2. 能听懂、会说、运用句子“We’ll he an English party next Tuesday.”,“What can you do for the party

教学过程 二次备课


1. Free talk

T: Hello

boys and girls.

Ss: Hello


T: N to meet you.

Ss: N to meet you


T: What time is it now?

Ss: It’s …

T: Oh

we can start our class now.

2. 教师播放歌曲“What can you do?”的录音,全班学生跟着录音唱,活跃课堂气氛。

3. 教师说单词或词组,学生做相应的动作,复习上节课学习的单词和词组。



学生两人一组,两位学生背靠背,一位学生问“What can you do?”,另一位学生做动作。问的学生说出一个动作,如果说出的动作正好与另一位学生做的动作一致,则说明他们是心有灵犀一点通,教师评选他们为“拍档”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。


1. A. Let’s talk

(1) 教学单词

① 教师出示日历,说“It’s Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / …”,然后教师把日历翻到第二天,说,“Next day is …”,以此类推,帮助学生理解单词“next”的意思。

② 教师用课件出示一副热闹的派对景象,说:“Look

this is a party. The patty is wonderful.”,帮助学生理解单词“party”和“wonderful”的意思。

(2) 教师出示部分的教学挂图,师生就挂图内容进行对话,如:

T: Look at the picture. What can Zhang Peng do?

Ss: He can sing English songs.

T: What can John do?

Ss: He can do some kung fu.

(3) 介绍对话情景

T: There will be an English party. Miss White are talking with her students. What can the students do for the party? Let’s listen to the tape and know soming about it.

(4) 次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。


① When will they he an English party?

② What can Zhang Peng do for the party?

③ What can John do for the party?


① Next Tuesday.

② He can sing English songs.

③ He do some kung fu.


(5) 学生拿出人物头饰,同桌合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“表演者”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。

(6) What can you do?


S1: What can you do?

S2: I can draw pictures. What can you do?

S1: I can do some kung fu.

2. A. Let’s try

(1) 明确听力任务

T: Do you know what Mike can do? Let’s listen to the tape and tick the right picture.

(2) 播放遍录音,学生选出正确的;播放第二次录音时,师生一起覈对。

四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)

1. 选秀比赛

教师扮演面试官,请几位学生上讲台表演才艺。学生在表演前,教师要问:“What can you do?”,学生回答:“I can dance / draw cartoons / …”,教师再问:“Are yoeady for the performance?”, 学生回答:“Yes.”。

2. 课堂练习——选择与下列问句相对应的答语:

( ) ① What can you do?

( ) ② Can you dance?

( ) ③ What’s your fourtie food?

( ) ④ What do you he on Fridays?

( ) ⑤ Do you often do housework?

A. Yes

I can.

B. I can wash my clothes.

C. I like tomatoes.

D. No

I don’t.

E. We he Chinese and art.

3. Check the answer

① B

② A

③ C

④ E




1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。

2. 听录音,跟读“Let’s talk”部分。


课题 第三课时

课型 新授 时间

学习目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“cook”,“swim”,“ping-pong”和词组“play basketball”,“speak English”,“play ping-pong”。

2. 能灵活运用句型“Can you …?”,“Yes

I can. / No

I can’t.”于情境交际中。

3. 能完成“Write and say”部分的连线和对话任务。

4. 进一步加深学生对自己和同学的了解,培养学生合作学习的意识和态度。

学习重难点 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“cook”,“swim”,“ping-pong”和词组“play basketball”,“speak English”,“play ping-pong”。

2. 能灵活运用句型“Can you …?”,“Yes

I can. / No

I can’t.”于情境交际中。

1. 写一写自己会做的事和不会做的事。

2. “speak + 某种语言”表示“说某种语言”。

教学过程 二次备课


1. Free talk

T: Good morning

boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning


T: How are you today?

Ss: Very well


T: N to see you.

Ss: N to see you


T: It’s time for our class. Here we go.

2. 教师播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读“A. Let’s talk”部分的对话。




T: What can you do?

S: I can …


1. B. Let’s learn

(1) 教学新单词

① 教师用多媒体课件分别出示烹调、游泳、打篮球和大乒乓球的情景,引出单词“cook”,“swim”和词组“play basketball”,“play ping-pong”。

② 教师用多媒体课件出示一段中文对话,说:“They speak Chinese.”,再出示一段英文对话,说:“They speak English.”,帮助学生明白词组“speak English”的意思。

③ 教师用“唱反调”的方式带领学生读几遍新单词和词组,然后全班学生分男女生比赛读。

(2) 次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分角色跟着录音读。

(3) 同桌合作,拿出人物头饰,用情景图的单词替换对话中的编写对话,然后教师请两三对学生上讲台表演。

2. B. Write and say

(1) 请一位学生站起来读一读Sarah说的话,并完成表格。

(2) 学生同桌合作,根据表格谈论Sarah会做的事和不会做的事,如:

S1: What can Sarah do?

S2: She can speak English and Chinese

sing English song



cook and play ping-pong.

S1: What can’t Sarah do?

S2: She can’t do any kung fu. She can’t play the pipa.


(3) 学生根据自己的实际情况,在表格中填写出自己会做的事和不会做的事,然后写一写,并在四人小组内读一读。

(4) 教师请几位小组代表用句型“I can …”和“I can’t …”分别介绍自己会做的事和不会做的事。

四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)

1. 句子接龙

把全班学生分成四大组,每组的位学生问第二位学生:“Can you sing / dance / play basketball / …?”,第二位学生回答:“Yes

I can. / No

I can’t.”,并问第三位学生:“Can you play ping-pong / swim / …?”,以此类推。

2. 课堂练习——选择填空:

( ) ① Who _______ they?

A. am B. is C. are

( ) ② What can you ________ ?

A. do B. to C. are

( ) ③ Can you play __________?

A. basketballs B. the ping-pong C. football

( ) ④ - Can you cook? - ________________

A. Yes

I can’t. B. No

I can’t. C. No

I can.

3. Check the answer

① C

② A

③ C

④ B




1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。

2. 听录音,跟读B. Let’s learn部分内容。


10. fat _________ 11. early __________ 12. go ___________





人教版五年级英语上A. watch B. watching C. watches D. watched册配套练习册



Ss: Yes


Ss: They he PE class.

This is Amy.She's quiet.She's very hard-working.


That is Wu Yifan.He's very clr.He's polite,too.


Hello,My name is Oliver.


Hi. 你好。

Hello. 你好。

We he a new PE teacher.He's o good football player.


Cool! 太酷了!

Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.


What's she like?


She's very kind.


Is she strict?












单词短语,学生上台表演, 轮流问答





( ) 1.

A. eight

B. late

C. right

D. bright

( ) 2.

A. flat

B. fat

C. fate

D. flag

( ) 3.

A. too

B. took

C. tutor

D. two

( ) 4.

A. begin

B. began

C. begun

D. big

( ) 5.

B. bear

C. per

D. spare

( ) 6.

A. here

B. hare

C. half

D. hair

( ) 7.

A. tall

B. talk

C. wall

D. walk

( ) 8.

A. sail

C. star

D. seal

( ) 9.

A. buy

B. bye

C. by

D. bike

( ) 10.

A. little

B. letter

C. litter

D. later


( ) 1. A. Mary is reading a book.

B. Mary is cleaning her bedroom.

C. Mary is doing her homework.

( ) 2. A. I’m afraid I can’t.

B. I’m glad to see you.

C. I’m very happy.

( ) 3. A. This is Tom speaking. Who’s that?

B. I’m Tom. Who’s that?

C. This is Tom, who are you?

( ) 4. A. I am at home.

B. I was at home.

C. I watched TV yesterday morning.

( ) 5. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, he did.


( )1. I he no legs but a long tail. I look like a __________.

A. insect B. parent C. fish D. frog

( )2. I’m going to live on the __________.

A. land B. water C. river D. home

( )3. I was born in a ________.

A. land B. river C. home D. water

( )4. I am __________.

A. your brother B. a frog C. an insect D. a fish



1. get on ________ 2. turn left _________ 3. after ___________

4. bad ________ 5. far ___________ 6. sit ___________

7. here _________ 8. down __________ 9. long ___________


1. ___________ (Sorry, Yes, Sure), I can’t. I he to go to school.

2. ___________ (Will, Do, Would) you like to play football with us?

3. Let’s meet ___________(on, in, at) front of the museum.

4. They usually _________(had, has, he) supper at six o’clock, but yesterday they ___________(had, has, he) supper at eight o’clock.

5. Did Lily ___________(watched, watch, match) TV last night?


( ) 1.


A. pencil

B. window

C. coffee

( ) 2.


A. sixth

B. six

C. one

( ) 3.


A. tiger

B. flower

C. rabbit

( ) 4.


A. cup

B. bowl

C. comr

( ) 5.


A. England

B. English

C. America


( )1. _____________your mouth and say “AH”.

A. Turn on B. Open C. Close

( )2. He looks sad, what’s _________with _____________?

A. matter, him B. wrong, him C. wrong, he

( )3. Kate is ill and she’s in bed. She’s got _____.

A. flu B. a flu C. the flu

( )4. I’ve got ________ “A” in the test.

A. an B. a C. /

( )5. Where can I __________my bike?

A. put B. parking C. park

( )6. Last Sunday I __________basketball with my parents.

A. play B. will play C. played D. am playing

( )7. What does it _________like?

A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked

( )8. We went to the cinema _____________ning.

A. last B. yesterday C. next D. today’s

( )9. Tom always __________TV at home.

( )10. We’re going to __________a party this weekend.

A. he B. give C. take


Mrs. Brown was an old woman. She lived on a all farm. One day she went to the t off near her all farm. She wanted to write a letter to one of her friends. But she could not read and write, so she asked a young man to her.

“Yes, of course!” the young man said. He took up his pen and began to write as Mrs. Brown was talking. In about fif minutes, they finished the letter.

“Are there any things you want to say, Madam?” asked the young man.

“Oh, yes, please write down one more sentence on the , saying sorry for the poor(糟糕的) handwriting.”

( )1. Mrs. Brown lived __________.

A. in a city B. in a town C. on a farm D. in a t off

( )2. She went into the t off _____________.

A. to write a letter to her friend

B. to buy a stamp

C. to learn to read and write

D. to talk with a young man

( )3. It took the young man _____________ to write the letter.

A. one minute B. ten minutes C. half and hour D. fif minutes

( )4. Mrs. Brown thought the man’s handwriting was _______.

A. good B. bad C. true D. so so




( B ) 1.

A. eight

B. late

C. right

D. bright

( D ) 2.

A. flat

B. fat

C. fate

D. flag

( D ) 3.

A. too

B. took

C. tutor

D. two

( A ) 4.

A. begin

B. began

C. begun

D. big

( D ) 5.

B. bear

C. per

D. spare

( C ) 6.

A. here

B. hare

C. half

D. hair

( C ) 7.

A. tall

B. talk

C. wall

D. walk

( B ) 8.

A. sail

C. star

D. seal

( A ) 9.

A. buy

B. bye

C. by

D. bike

( C ) 10.

A. little

B. letter

C. litter

D. later


( C ) 1. A. Mary is reading a book.

B. Mary is cleaning her bedroom.

C. Mary is doing her homework.

( A ) 2. A. I’m afraid I can’t.

B. I’m glad to see you.

C. I’m very happy.

( A ) 3. A. This is Tom speaking. Who’s that?

B. I’m Tom. Who’s that?

C. This is Tom, who are you?

( B ) 4. A. I am at home.

B. I was at home.

C. I watched TV yesterday morning.

( C ) 5. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, he did.


( C )1. I he no legs but a long tail. I look like a __________.

A. insect B. parent C. fish D. frog

( A )2. I’m going to live on the __________.

A. land B. water C. river D. home

( B )3. I was born in a ________.

A. land B. river C. home D. water

( B )4. I am __________.

A. your brother B. a frog C. an insect D. a fish



1. get on get off 2. turn left turn right 3. after before

4. bad good 5. far near 6. sit stand

7. here there 8. down up 9. long short

10. fat thin 11. early late 12. go come


1. Sorry (Sorry, Yes, Sure), I can’t. I he to go to school.

2. Would (Will, Do, Would) you like to play football with us?

3. Let’s meet in(on, in, at) front of the museum.

4. They usually he(had, has, he) supper at six o’clock, but yesterday they had (had, has, he) supper at eight o’clock.

5. Did Lily watch(watched, watch, match) TV last night?


( C ) 1.


A. pencil

B. window

C. coffee

( A ) 2.


A. sixth

B. six

C. one

( B ) 3.


A. tiger

B. flower

C. rabbit

( C ) 4.


A. cup

B. bowl

C. comr

( B ) 5.


A. England

B. English

C. America


( B )1. _____________your mouth and say “AH”.

A. Turn on B. Open C. Close

( B )2. He looks sad, what’s _________with _____________?

A. matter, him B. wrong, him C. wrong, he

( C )3. Kate is ill and she’s in bed. She’s got _____.

A. flu B. a flu C. the flu

( A )4. I’ve got ________ “A” in the test.

A. an B. a C. /

( A )5. Where can I __________my bike?

A. put B. parking C. park

( C )6. Last Sunday I __________basketball with my parents.

A. play B. will play C. played D. am playing

A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked

( B )8. We went to theB. stay cinema _____________ning.

A. last B. yesterday C. next D. today’s

( C )9. Tom always __________TV at home.

( A )10. We’re going to __________a party this weekend.

A. he B. give C. take


Mrs. Brown was an old woman. She lived on a all farm. One day she went to the t off near her all farm. She wanted to write a letter to one of her friends. But she could not read and write, so she asked a young man to her.

“Yes, of course!” the young man said. He took up his pen and began to write as Mrs. Brown was talking. In about fif minutes, they finished the letter.

“Are there any things you want to say, Madam?” asked the young man.

“Oh, yes, please write down one more sentence on the , saying sorry for the poor(糟糕的) handwriting.”

( C )1. Mrs. Brown lived __________.

A. in a city B. in a town C. on a farm D. in a t off

( A )2. She went into the t off _____________.

A. to write a letter to her friend

B. to buy a stamp

C. to learn to read and write

D. to talk with a young man

( D )3. It took the young man _____________ to write the letter.

A. one minute B. ten minutes C. half and hour D. fif minutes

( B )4. Mrs. Brown thought the man’s handwriting was _______.

A. good B. bad C. true D. so so



1. Don’t be late next time.

2. Our national flag is red.

3. I he two rabbits.

4. Hello, boys and girls. Let’s begin our class.

5. What do you do in your spare time?

6. It’s half past six now. It’s time for supper.

7. We’re going to the Great Wall tomorrow.

8. Stay at home and he a good rest.

9. I’ll buy a gift for my father’s birthday.

10. Don’t litter the floor, please.


1. What is Mary doing now? She is in her bedroom. She is doing her homework.

2. Will you join us?

3. May I speak to Tom?

4. Where were you yesterday ning?

5. Did Tom get up early this morning?


I was born in a all river. When I am young, the river is my home. I don’t know my parents, but I had dreds of brothers and sisters. I swim and play all day with them.

At that time I am not like my parents. I he no legs, but I he a long tail, so I look like a fish. Then my tail becomes shorter and shorter. And now I he four legs and a very short tail. I know I’m going to he no tail at all soon. I’m going to be like my parents. Then I’m going to jump out of the water. I’m going to eat a lot of insects –a lot of bad insects.

Who am I ?


( ) 1. A. Mary is reading a book.

B. Mary is cleaning her bedroom.

C. Mary is doing her homework.

( ) 2. A. I’m afraid I can’t.

B. I’m glad to see you.

C. I’m very happy.

( ) 3. A. This is Tom speaking. Who’s that?

B. I’m Tom. Who’s that?

C. This is Tom, who are you?

( ) 4. A. I am at home.

B. I was at home.

C. I watched TV yesterday morning.

( ) 5. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, he did.


( )1. I he no legs but a long tail. I look like a __________.

A. insect B. parent C. fish D. frog

( )2. I’m going to live on the __________.

A. land B. water C. river D. home

( )3. I was born in a ________.

A. land B. river C. home D. water

( )4. I am __________.

A. your brother B. a frog C. an insect D. a fish



1. get on ________ 2. turn left _________ 3. after ___________

4. bad ________ 5. far ___________ 6. sit ___________

7. here _________ 8. down __________ 9. long ___________


1. ___________ (Sorry, Yes, Sure), I can’t. I he to go to school.

2. ___________ (Will, Do, Would) you like to play football with us?

3. Let’s meet ___________(on, in, at) front of the museum.

4. They usually _________(had, has, he) supper at six o’clock, but yesterday they ___________(had, has, he) supper at eight o’clock.

5. Did Lily ___________(watched, watch, match) TV last night?


( ) 1.


A. pencil

B. window

C. coffee

( ) 2.


A. sixth

B. six

C. one

( ) 3.


A. tiger

B. flower

C. rabbit

( ) 4.


A. cup

B. bowl

C. comr

( ) 5.


A. England

B. English

C. America


( )1. _____________your mouth and say “AH”.

A. Turn on B. Open C. Close

( )2. He looks sad, what’s _________with _____________?

A. matter, him B. wrong, him C. wrong, he

( )3. Kate is ill and she’s in bed. She’s got _____.

A. flu B. a flu C. the flu

( )4. I’ve got ________ “A” in the test.

A. an B. a C. /

( )5. Where can I __________my bike?

A. put B. parking C. park

( )6. Last Sunday I __________basketball with my parents.

A. play B. will play C. played D. am playing

( )7. What does it _________like?

A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked

( )8. We went to the cinema _____________ning.

A. last B. yesterday C. next D. today’s

( )9. Tom always __________TV at home.

( )10. We’re going to __________a party this weekend.

A. he B. give C. take


Mrs. Brown was an old woman. She lived on a all farm. One day she went to the t off near her all farm. She wanted to write a letter to one of her friends. But she could not read and write, so she asked a young man to her.

“Yes, of course!” the young man said. He took up his pen and began to write as Mrs. Brown was talking. In about fif minutes, they finished the letter.

“Are there any things you want to say, Madam?” asked the young man.

“Oh, yes, please write down one more sentence on the , saying sorry for the poor(糟糕的) handwriting.”

( )1. Mrs. Brown lived __________.

A. in a city B. in a town C. on a farm D. in a t off

( )2. She went into the t off _____________.

A. to write a letter to her friend

B. to buy a stamp

C. to learn to read and write

D. to talk with a young man

( )3. It took the young man _____________ to write the letter.

A. one minute B. ten minutes C. half and hour D. fif minutes

( )4. Mrs. Brown thought the man’s handwriting was _______.

A. good B. bad C. true D. so so


1. My classroom is big.

2. There is a yellow curtain.

3. My bedroom is clean.

4. There is a closet near the table.

5. The trash bin is behind the door.

6. There is a river in the park.

7. The sky is blue.

8. A: Who’s your math teacher?

B: Mr. White.

9. A: What’s on the desk?

B: There are two comr .

10.We he a new clasate.

二、听录音,判断句子或是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“ √ ”,不相符的大“ х ”(10分)

1. This is my math teacher. He’s young and strong..

2. My brother often does sports on the weekends.

3. There is a cat under the bed .

4.The trash bin is behind the door.

5. There is a trash bin under the desk.

6. Jack has brown curtains in his room.

7. There is an end table near the shelf.

8. We can see a big ror in the bedroom.

10.There is a bed, a table, a closet and a chair in the room.


1. What do you do on the weekend?

2. What’s your room like?

3. What’s your teacher like?

4. What’s in your classroom?

5. Is your sister active?


1. Can Sarah cook the meals ? No, she can’t.

2. I like grapes. They’re sour. I he beef for lunch.

3. Are there any flowers in the village? Yes, there are.

4. What day is it today? It’s Thursday.


Mike: Mom, I’m gry.

Mom: What would you like for lunch, Mike?

Mike: I’d like some potatoes. They’re salty.

Mom: We don’t he potatoes today. There is some bread. Would you like some?

Mike:No, I don’t. I don’t like bread.Bread isn’t tasty.

Mom: What’s your fourite food?

Mike: I like cakes.


1.C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10 C

二、听录音,判断句子或是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√ ”,不相符的大“х”(10分)

1. х 2.√ 3.х 4.√ 5.х 6.х 7.√ 8.√ 9.х 10. х


1.C. 2.A 3.C. 4.B. 5.B.


1. Can Sarah cook the meals ? No, she can’t.

2. I like grapes. They’re sour. I he beef for lunch.

3. Are there any flowers in the village? Yes, there are.

4. What day is it today? It’s Thursday.


1. х 2. √ 3. √ 4. х 5. х


七、阅读理解(阅读短文,选出与短文内容相符的选项,把它的编号写在左边的括号里)(每小题2分,共10 分)

1.B 2. B 3.B 4. A 5. A


1.air-conditioner 2. sofa 3. isn’t 4.near 5. is. 6.wall 7. on 8. under 9.blue 10.fourite.



一、 选出与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,将序号写在题前括号中(每题1分,共5分)

〔〕1. coat A. boat B. our C. house

〔〕2. this A. thank B. that C. third

〔〕3. who A. where B. what C. whose

〔〕4. how A. now B. grow C. know

〔〕5. eat A. tea B. great C. brejumpad

二、 写出单词的正确形式(每题1分,共10分)

1. a, t, y, s, t 2. r, u, f, t, i

3. a, u, t, s, a, d, y, r 4. u,t,e,i,q

5. m, t, r, a, s 6. are (单数形式)

7. do not 缩写 8 thin (反义词)

9. Tow 同音词 10. young (反义词)


〔〕 1. I don’t like grapes. Because it’s __________ .

A. n B. tasty C. sour

〔〕 2. What do you he ________ dinner?

A. or B. in C. for

〔〕 3. What’s your fourite food? Eggplant ________ my fourite food.

A. is B. are do

〔〕 4. I’d like some ____________ for lunch.

A. tomatoes B. tomato C. tomatos

〔〕5. I he no class. I can play ________ you.

A. with B. to C. of

〔〕6. __________ that young lady? She’s our principal.

A. Whose B. Who C. Who’s

〔〕7. I he eggplant. What _________ you?

A. he B. do C. about

〔〕8. What do you do on Sundays? _______________.

A. I often read books. B. He watches TV

C. I he green beans.

〔〕9. How many __________ do you he? I he three.

A. eggs B. milk C. ju

〔〕10. Mother’s Day is the second __________ in May.

A. Sunday B. Saturday C. Monday

〔〕11. His name is Zhang Yiwei. We call him __________ .

A. Mr. Yiwei B. Miss Zhang C. Mr. Zhang

〔〕12. Is Mr. R strict? ____________.

A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he isn’t C. No, he isn’t

〔〕13. He is very ________ . We like him.

A. funny B. fun C. a fun

〔〕14. What day is it today? ___________.

A. It’s Thursday B. It’s six C. It’s cloudy

〔〕15. _________ are Chinese food.

A. Dumplings B. Hot dogs C. hamburgers

四、 从右栏中找出左栏中各句的应答语。将字母代号写在括号中。(每小题1分,共5分)

〔〕1. Would you he a cup of tea? A. She’s my aunt.

〔〕2. Is he kind? B. He is from Canada.

〔〕3. Do you he new teachers? C. Yes, we do

〔〕4. Where is Tom from? D. No, he isn’t

〔〕5.Who’s the young lady? E. No. Thank you

五、组词成句(每个2分, 共10分)

1. lunch, for, what, you, he, do, on, Fridays.

2. like, are, green beans, tasty, because, and, I, they, healthy

3. do, do, you, Saturdays, on, what

4.active, very, she’s

5.fourite, my, are, bananas, fruit

六、根据提示写单词 (每空2分,共10分)

Our new music teacher is Miss Li. She’s y________ and pretty. She’s s_________ but kind. Fish is her f___________ food. Because it’s t_______ and healty. On weekends, she often reads b____________ and watches TV. We like her very much.


1. I often ______ _______ (做作业) on Sunday.

2. I can play football. _______ ________ (怎么样) you?

3. We he ________ (英语) _________ (数学) _________ (体育) on ____________ (周三)。

4. What do you _________ on __________? 周二你们上什么课

八、 阅读对话, 判断正误。对打T, 错打F。(每个2分,共10分)

This is the Food Pyramid (金字塔). Follow this, it can make you healthy. At the bottom (底部) are bread, r and noodles. We eat a lot of them. Above (在上面) them are vegetables and fruits. We eat a lot of them too. Candy (糖果) and potato chips (薯条) are at the top. We eat a little of (一点) these. Below (在下面) them are eggs, cheese, chicken, fish and milk.

〔〕1. We eat a lot of vegetables and fruits because they he vitamins.(维生素)

〔〕2. We must eat a little bread, r and noodles.

〔〕3. We must (必须)eat a lot of chicken, candy and potato chips.

〔〕4. Milk, eggs and fish are good for our health(健康)。

〔〕5. It’s about (关于)the Food Pyramid.

九、 阅读对话,选择(每个3分,共15分)

Man: Good morning, Sir! What can I do for you?

Mr. Read: I’d like soming to eat and soming to drink. What would you like, Ann?

Ann: A hamburger and some French fries.

Mr. Read: What about soming to drink (喝)?

Ann: A glass of coke.

Man: With ?

Ann: Yes. Thank you.

Mr. Read: Tom, what would you like?

Tom: I’m not gry. Just a big glass of coke with , please.

Mr. Read: No food?

Tom: No, what would you like, Dad?

Mr. read: I’d like some r and fish, and a glass of coke with .

〔〕1.How many people are there in the dialogue (对话)?

A. Three B. Four C. Five

〔〕2. Where are they?

A. At home B. In the classroom C. In a restaurant(餐馆)

〔〕3. What does Ann want to drink?

A. Coke B. Tea C. Coffee

〔〕4. Mr. Read would like to eat _________.

A. a hamburger B. some French fries C. some r and fish

〔〕5. What’s the Man?

A. a student B. a teacher C. a waiter (服务生)

十、补全对话 10分

Tom: It’s time for breakfast.

Amy: _________ (1).

Tom: It’s 8 o’ clock.

Amy: What do we he for breakfast?

Amy: Good ________________ (3).

Tom: Today is Saturday. What do you do today?

Amy: ___________学习目标___________ (4).

Tom: Yes, and ?

Amy: _________ (5)

Tom: Ok, let’s play ping pong.

A. I want to play ping-pong

B. What day is it today?

C. I do my homework and watch TV

D. What time is it?

E. We he bread and milk.


is------- are------ he------- hurt----------



人教版五年级上册英语Unit3《What's Your forite food》教案


《What's Your forite food》教案(一) 教学目标



3、能够在情景中运用句型What would you like to eat / drink ? I’d like…询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么。

4、能够在语境中理解新单词sandwich, drink和thirsty的意思,并能正确发音。



2、能够在情景中运用句型What would you like to eat / drink ? I’d like…询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么.


Step 1 Greetings and Warming up



T:What would you like to eat ?

S: I’d like …

Step 2 Presentation


(1.) T:It’s 12 O’clock now. I am gry((教师做出饥饿的表情).Let’s go to my kitchen. I he a lot of food and drink! What can you seein my kitchen? 句型并让学生表达:I am gry. I’d like ________.

(2.)T:Now I’mthirsty. I’d like some tea. What would you like todrink? (教师做出喝水动作帮助学生理解thirsty和drink)

句型并让学生表达:I’m thirsty. I’d like ________.


T:Sarah is gry(教师做出饥饿的表情).What would she like to eat ?

Now , let’s listen tothe tape.

3、Play Let’s try. Students finish the sentence.

填空:She would like some ____ and ____.

4、T:Sarah’s father is gry and thirsty. What would he like to eat and drink?Now,let’s listen to the tape.


(1.)What would Sarah’s father like to eat ?

(2.) What would Sarah’s father like to drink?

5、After listen tothe tape ,student discuss the questions in group.

6、Students listenand follow the tape.

7、Students actout the dialogue.

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Role play:让学生仿照Let’s talk重新编写对话,四人一组练习。

2.创设情景:和朋友一起去吃自助餐,用What would you like to eat ?和 What would you like to drink ? 相互询问,表演对话。

Step 4 homework.

Step 5 Board writing

Unit 3 What would you likeA Let’s talk

I’m gry. I’d like …

I’m thirsty. I’d like some…

What wo1. D 2.C. 3.G. 4.F 5.Auld you like to eat ?

I’d like …

What would you like to drink?

I’d like …

《What's Your forite food》教案(二)


1、能够听说读写本课时四会句子:What do you he

for lunch on Mondays? We he tomatoes,tofu and fish.并使用该句型完成Group work中的问卷调查。

2、能够理解Read and write部分对话的含义并完成句子填空。

3、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What do you he for lunch?”


能够听说读写本课时四会句子:What do you he for lunch on Mondays? We he… 以及解释句子That

sounds good.


Step 1: warm-up

(1) Let’s chant,学生跟唱,复习巩固旧知

What would you like for lunch?

Cabbage, green beens or eggplant?

I’d like eggplant, please.

What would you like for lunch?

Mutton, tofu or beef?

I’ d like mutton, please.

(2)Let’s he a revision: 教师出示单词学生快速反应 pork tofu mutton potatoes cabbage tomatoes green beans fish


Step 2 :Presentation and pract

(1) Lead-in(谈话引入) T: What day is it today? What would you like for lunch?多提问几个学生

(呈现一份school menu.进行多种练,让学生熟 悉此菜单) Here is a school menu. Let’ s see toger. What do you he for lunch on Mondays? (学生回答)

(2)Let’s learn T: Look at the school menu.

What do you he for lunch on Mondays? S : Tomatoes, tofu and fish. 教师板书此句型,重点指导四会句子的认读和书写。 (通过师问生答,生问师答,男生问女生答,女生问男生答得方式练习) T: Look at the school menu. What do you he for lunch on Tuesdays? S: We he…… (学生用不同的食物单词替换,练句型) T: I he many words, Who can use these words make new sentence? What you for Amy like dinner would ? 让学生排序

(3) Pract

安排学生一竖排进行互问互答 What would you like for dinner? I’d like …… (4) Listen, read and finish the sentences.

a. listen to the tape(引出课文对话,带问题听录音)

b. Read the dialogue(快速默读,画出难理解的句子)

c.Listen and read after the tape

听录音回答问题Let’s listen to the tape. ☆

What would you like for dinner, Amy?

d. Filling the blanks.

1.Amy has _______ ,______and ______ for lunch on Mondays.


Step: 3 Consolidation

Group work:Let’s make(不同类型学生分头进行小组活动.让学生根据一日三餐的话题,进行小组交流并制作一张菜单,根据自己制作的菜单做对话)

Group work(小组合作):

Make a new menu using the foods you he got, and show it .(用所学的食物单词制作一个新菜单,并用来造对话展示。)

S1:What do you he for lunch on Mondays?

S2:I he …… S1:What do you he for lunch on Tuesdays? S2: I he …… What about you? S1: I he …… 学生练习完对话后教师适时加以表扬,并借助手势和表情自然引出句子:That sounds good.

Step 4 :Homework:







1. Listen and number

2. Listen and tick

3. Listen, choose and write

(1) math (2) Chinese (3) English (4) music (5) P.E.

(6) play comr s (7) Thursday (8) Monday

(9) Wednesday (10) Tuesday (11) Friday (12) Saturday

(13) Sunday

Model: I he an (3第三单元 今天晚饭你吃什么?我吃鱼。但它太咸了。那么,咱们去饭店吧。你们有面条吗?没有,今天是星期一。我们有鱼。我们星期二有面条。面条是我最喜欢的食物。今天你们有面条吗?没有。我们有猪肉和青豆。我们星期三才有面条。你们有面条 吗?没有。我们有卷心菜和羊肉。我们在星期四有面条。今天你们有面条吗?没有。我们有茄子。我们在星期五有面条。你们有面条吗?是的,我们有。这些面条太咸了。噢。) class at 8:00 on (8).

(1) At on , I he a class.

(2) There is a class at on .

(3) I he a class at on .

(4) There is a class at on .

(5) I can on and .

4. Look and write

(1) Monday — Mon.

Wednesday —______ Thursday —______ Friday—______

Sunday —______ Tuesday —______ Saturday —______

(2) tall — ball

coat —______ on —______ sour —______

pork —______ short —______ horse —______

(3) three — tree

too —______ read —______ any —______ from —______

(4) red — green

young —______ active —______ strong —_______

sweet —______ tall —_________ in front of —_________

(5) he’s — he is

they’re —___________ don’t —__________ I’d like —_________ what’s —___________ she’s —_________

5. Make sentences

(1) day, What, today, is, it, (?)


(2) lunch, for, What, you, he, do, Mondays, on, (?)


(3) fourite, your, fruit, What’s, (?)


(4) English, teacher, your, What’s, (?)


(5) active, very, She’s, (.)


(6) can What you do (?)


6. Look and write

Model: Where is the duck? It’s in the trash bin.

(1) Where is the dog? It’s the

(2) Where is the mouse? It’s the

(3) Where is the cat? It’s the

(4) Where is the rabbit? It’s the

(52. Amy is gry . She’d like ____and _________ for dinner.) Where is the monkey? It’s the

7. If you’re John, please write a short passage about yourself with the key words

Name: John Age: 12

Fourite Food: fish and green beans

Fourite colour: white and black

Fourite subjects: P.E and Social Studies

The others: tall, strong, short black hair

About Me

My name is John.

Key Words

1. Listen and number

(1) may, say, day, play

(2) tea, peach, bean, sheep

(3) house, mouth, now, how

An: 3-2-4-1; 2-3-1-4; 4-3-2-1

2. Listen and choose

(1) Our math teacher is a young man. He’s thin and tall.

(2) What day is it today? It’s the day after Wednesday.

(3) I he some meet from the pig for lunch.

(4) Look! There is a pair of shoes under the bed.

(5) There is a ror near the shelf.

(6) Candy can play comr s. But she can’t cook the meals.

An: 1-2-2-1-1-2

3. Listen and tick

Model: I he an English class at 8:00 on Monday.

(1) At 10:00 on Wednesday, I he a math class.

(2) There is a Chinese class at 8:50 on Tuesday.

(3) I he a P.E. class at 13:30 on Thursday.

(4) There is a music class at 14:10 on Friday.

(5) I can play comr s on Saturday and Sunday.


(1) At 10:00 on 9, I he a 1 class.

(2) There is a 2 class at 8:50 on 10.

(3) I he a 5 class at 13:30 on 7.

(4) There is a 4 class at 14:10 on 11.

(5) I can 6 on 12 and 13.

4. Look and write

(1) Wed. Thu. Fri. Sun. Tue. Sat.

(2) goat/boat; in; four; fork/park; shirt; house

(3) to; red; an; for

(4) old; quiet; thin; sour; short; behind

(5) they are; do not; I would like; what is; she is

5. Make sentences

(1) What day is it today?

(2) What do you he for lunch on Mondays?

(3) What’s your fourite fruit?

(4) What’s your English teacher?

(5) She’s very active.

(6) What can you do?

6. Look and write

(1) Where is the dog? It’s in the river.

(2) Where is the mouse? It’s near the window.

(3) Where is the cat? It’s behind the door.

(4) Where is the rabbit? It’s in front of the ror.

(5) Where is the monkey? It’s under the tree.

7. If you’re John, please write a short passage about yourself with the key words (略)



2、人教版是在chiA. pairldren?”,“I can do some kung fu.”。全国范围内大面积使用的版本,词汇量大,需拓展的主要内容多,合适基础好的学生。

人教版五年级上册英语Unit4《What Can You Do》教案


《What Can You Do》教案(一) 教学目标

1. 能听、说、认读单词“learn”,“any”,“problem”和词组“no problem”。

2. 能听懂、会说句子“Can I …?”进行问答练习。

3. 能完成“Let’s try”部分的听力任务。

4. 提高学生自主学习、主动学习的意识和与他人进行沟通、交流的能力,让学生感受到合作学习的乐趣和效率。


1. 能听、说、认读单词“learn”,“any”,“problem”和词组“no problem”。

2. 能听懂、会说句子“Can I …?”进行问答练习。

词组“no problem”的使用。



1. Free talk

T: Good morning, ryone. N to meet you.

Ss: Good morning, teacher. N to see you, too.

T: How are you today?

Ss: Very well, thanks.

T: What can you do, S1?

S1: I can …

T: Can you …?

S2: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

2. 教师播放Let’s chant的录音,全班学生跟着录音吟唱并做动作。

Dog, dog, can youn?

Yes, I can . Yes, I can .

Panda, panda, can射门! you swim?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t.

Sarah, Sarah, can you dance?

Yes, I can . Yes, I can .

Mike, Mike, can you cook?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t.


1. 教师表演,学生说出相应的单词或词组,复习上节课学习的词汇。

2. 全班学生站起来,教师用句型“I can …”说句子,学生做相应的动作,做错动作或反应迟缓的学生坐下来,几轮游戏后,剩下的学生为获胜者,教师给予奖励。


B. Let’s talk

1. 教学新单词

(1) 教师出示学生上体育课的情景图,师生进行对话,如:

T: What class do they he?

T: What do you learn in PE class?

Ss: …

T: Can you do any kung fu?

Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

T: (对着作否定回答的学生说) No problem. The PE teacher can you.

(2) 学习练“no problem”:教师把生词写在黑板上,带领学生读几遍。

2. 介绍对话情景

T: John’s class are hing PE class now. The PE teacher is talking with the children. Let’s listen to the tape and know soming about their talking.

3. 次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。




① The children he PE class in the afternoon.

② John can’t do any kung fu.

③ Oliver can’t do any kung fu.


① T

② FX

③ T


4. 学生拿出人物头饰,同桌合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“表演者”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。

5.Group work,自由练句型。

四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)


1.背诵PartA let's talk 部分内容。


《What Can You Do》教案(二)


1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing English song”,“play the pipa ”,“do kang fu ”,“dance”和“draw cartoons”。

2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do ?” “I can …?”,激发学生进一步了解他人的欲望。

3. 能完成“Ask and answer”部分的对话任务。

4. 培养学生自主学习、合作学习的意思和能力,帮助学生树立学好英语的自信心。


1. 利用教材提供的对话情景,以旧引新,学生进入学习状态。

2. 能运用句型询问。



Morning children.

Today there are many teachers coming to our school. Let’s say good morning to them. More than that, to show ourwelcome, what can you do if we’ll he an welcome partyfor the teachers?

What can you do for the party? I he an idea. Let’s sing songs, ok?

Can you sing English songs? ABC song. Yes, I can…板书 语气自信

Wonderful. She can sing English songs. How about you? Canyou sing songs? Wonderful…后面可以让学生自己问自己称赞。

Let’s sing an English songs for the teacherstoger.(music)


You can sing songs for the party. That is wonderful. Whase can you do?

出示单词 听录音说单词 dance do kungfu play the pipa/erhu/guzheng…

Draw pictures play chess cook clean the room…

学生问到老师 what can you do? .

let’s chant

What can you do for the party? I can dance.

What can you do for the party? I can do kung fu.

What can you do for the party? I can draw cartoons.

What can you do for the party? I can play the pipa.

let’s say and do


Next Tuesday, they’llhe an English party.

Look at the picture and guess. What can they do for theparty?

Listen to the audio and answer the questions.

What are they talking about? What can john do? Whatcan Zhang Peng do?

Silent read and underline the answers above.

Read in roles.

Sample made by T and S

What can you do for his birthday party?


1 a crying baby 2 ing the old grandma

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