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1、I know that both are very important,想象力比知识更重要英语翻译为Imagination is more important than knowledge。

2、 otherwise will not put forward which is more important. When the question is when should accumulate knowledge and imagination should My hobby is drawing. Because I think it can improve my practical ability and imagination, open my eyesight and inspiration, and make me feel happy.this problem very important, in terms of Chinese society, I think, parents should pay attention to shaping the child's imagination, because of China's children don't lack knowledge problem comes, China's traditional culture, for the student more than of this phenomenon if not disgusted, at least is not encouraged. Statue of rites, is about Wang Zhifa first. In such a soci他是量子理论的主要创建者之一,在分子运动论和量子统计理论等方面也做出了重大贡献。



5、ety, imagination, when we laugh at americans don't understand the math, reflect on wher he really understand the mysteries of math? We remember the formula they forget the reasoning, won the tactics but lost strategy.。


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