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Nr Grow Old - The Cranberries



I had a dream

strange it may seems

it was my perfect day

open my eyes

I realize

this is my perfect day

hope you nr grow old

hope you nr grow old

hope you nr grow old

hope you nr grow old


birds in the sky

they look so high

this is my perfect day

I feel the breeze

I feel it is

It is my perfect day

hope you nr grow old

hope you nr grow old

hope you nr grow old

hope you nr grow old

forr young

I hope you stay

forr young










冰雪奇缘主题曲《Let it go》的中文谐音

Let it go let it go tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊 Let it go let it go na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类 偶嫩帮耐力哈洋奴嫩 翁塞桑尼退套无故 有位楼杭港五代 红萝giao酒类 内阿内铺嫩吧ang狼 go其铺国内go 穷马哼啦 还嫩厉内给及 漫游记码 颇有玖期满 no冷刚琼sungo都丫嘿 啊木豆 内摩斯部 啊给 Let it go let it go tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊 Let it go let it go na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类 go赛 有gigo赛 Let it go let it go 危楼当we桑挂no逋叟 高里嫩go迫u秒 偶嫩给掐噶噗哟 奶疗凸聊给还等go 异界空几啊 恰卡ong空ki德s偶给 及嫩卡唉玖 奶卡哦都赛桑丫嘿 异界搜里其go丫 Let it go let it go tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊 Let it go let it go na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类 go赛 so等go丫 Let it go let it go 危楼当we桑挂no逋叟 同啊 内撒木 偶ner没抗乔搜集 异界嫩 叹啦 藕节跟内噶啊nia ner 掐骑马 Let it go let it go tou yi sang qiang qi a na 头桑墙漆啊 Let it go let it go na nen yi jie dao na lei 嫩已接类 go赛 有gigo赛 Let it go let it go 奴go楼抗几莫泰 啦啦啦啦啦~ Let it go let it go◆◆ 以上回答你满意么?

求冰雪奇缘【let it go】英文版 罗马音译!


Demi Lovato - Let It Go Lyrics

Let it go, let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, Let it go

Turn my back and slam the door

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen

A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside

Couldn't keep it in

Heen knows I tried

Don't let them in, don't let them see

Be the good girl you always had to be

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know

Well now they know

Let it go, let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, let it go

Turn my back and slam the door

And here I stand

And here I'll stay

Let it go, let it go

The cold nr bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance makes rything seem all

And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all

Up here in the cold thin air I finally can breathe

I know I left a life behind but I'm too relid to gri

Let it go, Let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, Let it go,

Turn my back and slam the door

And here I stand

And here I'll stay

Let it go, let it go

The cold nr bothered me anyway

Standing - frozen in the life I've chosen

You won't find me, the past is so behind me

Buried in the snow

Let it go, let it go

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go, let it go,

Turn my back and slam the door

And here I stand

And here I'll stay

Let it go, let it go

The cold nr bothered me anyway...

(let the music go on)

let it go, let it go

Let it go, let it go


Let it go《冰雪奇缘》主题曲

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight; 白雪发亮今夜铺满山上

Not a footprint to be seen; 没有脚印的地方

A kingdom of isolation; 孤立的王国很荒凉

And it looks like I'm the queen; 我是这里的女皇

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside; 满天飞霜像心里的风暴一样

Couldn't keep it in, heen knows I've tried; 只有天知道我受过的伤

Don't let them in, don't let them see; 不让别人进来看见

Be the good girl you always he to be; 做我自己就像我的从前

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know; 躲藏不让他们看见

Well, now they know; 已被发现

Let it go, let it go; 随它吧,随它吧

Can't hold it back anymore; 回头已没有办法

Let it go, let it go; 随它吧,随它吧

Turn away and slam the door; 一转身不再牵挂

I don't care what they're going to say; 我不管他们想说的话

Let the storm rage on; 任风吹雨打

The cold nr bothered me anyway; 反正冰天雪地我也不怕

It's funny how some distance makes rything seem all; 这一点点的距离让一切变精致

And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all; 曾经困扰我的恐惧会远离我回忆

It's time to see what I can do; 现在开始让我看见

To test the limits and break through; 是我的突破和极限

No right, no wrong, no rules for me; 不分对错没有极限

I'm free; 向前

Let it go, let it go; 随它吧随它吧

I am one with the wind and sky; 跟风和天空对话

Let it go, let it go; You'll nr see me cry; 随它吧随它吧,眼泪不再掉下

Here I stand and here I'll stay; 悬崖上让我留下

Let the storm rage on; 任风吹雨打

My power flurries through the air into the ground; 我力量从空气中扩散到地上

My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around; 我灵魂盘旋在冰块各种不同形状

And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast; 我思想结晶变成锋利的闪光

I'm nr going back, the past is in the past; 我回头看以往会被埋葬

Let it go, let it go; 随它吧随它吧

And I'll rise like the break of dawn; 让我在曙光中升华

Let it go, let it go;That perfect girl is gone; 随它吧随它吧,让完美被蒸发

Here I stand in the light of day; 悬崖上在阳光之下

Let the storm rage on; 任风吹雨打

The cold nr bothered me anyway; 反正冰天雪地我也不怕


《Let It Go》是华特动画工作室的2013年动画电影《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲,由克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩兹和罗伯特·洛佩兹作曲作词。在电影冰雪奇缘中,伊迪娜·门泽尔为主角艾莎配音并配唱,而收录于《冰雪奇缘》音乐带里是迪斯尼歌手黛米·洛瓦托版的《Let It Go》。

2014年3月2日晚,《Let It Go》获得第86届奥斯卡原创歌曲奖,伊迪娜·门泽尔在现场演唱了此曲。




Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?

Come on let’s go and play!来吧我们一起去玩吧!

I nr see you anymore,我好久没见到你了。

come out the door,出来吧,

it’s like you’ve gone away你就像消失了一样。

We used to be best buddies我们以前是的伙伴,

and now we’re not, I wish you would l me why现在却变了,你能告诉我原因吗?

Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?

It doesn’t he to be a snowman玩什么都可以呀。

(Go away,Anna.)走开,安娜。

Okay, bye好吧,再见。

Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗?

Or ride our bike around the halls?或在大厅里骑车?

I think some company is overdue,我觉得你早就该陪我了,

I started talking to, the pictures on the walls我都开始跟墙上的画像说话了。

Hang in there, Joan!简,站在那里别动哦!

It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms,这些空房子让人觉得好孤单,

just watching the hours tick by只能看着时间滴滴答答地流逝。

Please I know you’re in there,求求你了,我知道你在里面,

people are asking where you’ve been人们都在问你去了哪里。

They say ‘he courage,他们说:“要勇敢”,

and I’m trying to,我也在努力尝试。

I’m right out here for you, just let me in我在外面等你,让我进去吧!

We only he each other,我们只拥有彼此了,

it’s just you and me, what are we gonna do?只有你和我,我们应该怎么办?

Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆个雪人吗?




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