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达成一致英文 达成一致英文短语aline


Joe: you, too.

break in :(1)打断 插嘴 Don't break in when he is ling the story.

达成一致英文 达成一致英文短语aline达成一致英文 达成一致英文短语aline


(2)闯入 We were watching TV when he broke in.

我们正在看电视, 他突然闯了进来。

break up:1.结束 ,分手

The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home.

宴会就此结束, 邻居们匆匆地赶回家去。

2.(使)破碎, 分解

The specs fell on the cement floor and broke up.



We break up next week.


break down:1.损坏, 发生故障

Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage.

我们的车坏了, 不得不把它拖到修车厂去。

2.拆散; 分类

John broke down the washing machine.


第四题选B either作为副词表示也的时候 一般用于否定句中

而as well 是用于肯定句的 此处明显是肯定句

第五题:B 与前面构成比较级

第七题:B 此处 the one是特指那个退休的老师 所以要用the

第八:D by design 故意地 蓄意地 与后面的by chance反义

第九:B 前一句是完整的句子了,后面一句用动名词做伴随状语 而concentrate 搭配的介词是on

第十:C 电视上的和事实不符。

agree to 后面一般接sth

同意, , 同意照办

We agreed to their proal.


agree with

1.与…相符, 与…一致

His explanation agrees with the facts of the situation.



与某人〔观点〕一致, 同意〔赞同〕某人的意见



London does not agree with me; I like Paris better.

伦敦对我不适宜, 我更喜欢巴黎。

They nr agree a- 2.你认为足球比乒乓球有趣多了,但是你的朋友却不认同,他认为乒乓球更加有趣.做一个对话,说出你的理由!bout politics.

第十一:C point out 指出

pick up:1.捡起 2.用车接某人,顺便搭载 3.偶然学到,获得 4.接收(收音机)信号 5.不幸感染

call out:大声叫喊


Unanimously agreed。

1. agree to:表示同意某个提议、或协议。例如:I agree to your proal.(我同意你的提议。)

2. agree with:表示同意某个观点或意见。例如:I agree with you.(我同意你的观点。)

3. agree on/upon:表示达成共识或一致意见。例如:We finally agreed on从头到尾读一遍文章看通顺否。切记就算仍犹豫不决也一定要在15分钟内填完所有。绝不可超时(因为超时你也不会不能提高正确率反而浪费时间)。/upon a plan.(我们最终达成了一致的。)

4. agreeable:形容词,表示令人愉悦的、易于相处的。例如:She is a very agreeable person.(她是一个非常容易相处的人。)

5. agreement:名词,表示协议、合同或共识。例如:We signed an agreement.(我们签署了一份协议。)

6. disagree:表示不同意或持反对意见。例如:I disagree with your opinion.(我不同意你的观点。)

7. disagreeable:形容词,表示让人不愉快的、难以相处的。例如:He has a disagreeable personality.(他的性格让人不愉悦。)

8. dCould you get back to me? 是您能给我回电话么 ?isagree with:表示不同意某个提议、或协议。例如:I disagree with this plan.(我不同意这个。)

9. in agreement with:表示与某人或某事物达成一致意见。例如:I am in agreement with your opinion.(我与你的观点一致。)

10. unanimous agreement:表示全体一致的意见或决定。例如:The committee reached a unanimous agreement.(委员会达成了全体一致的决定。)




掌握英语短语可以提高交流效果。在日常生活和工作中,我们经常需要和来自不同的人进行交流。使用英语短语可以使我们的表达更加简洁、准确,有效地传达我们的意思。与单个词汇相比,短语能够包含更多的信息,使对话更具连贯性。例如,“catch up with”(追赶)这个短语比单纯使用“run after”(追)更能准确表达我们的意图。

掌握英语短语有助于理解和欣赏英语的文化。短语中蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,学习短语可以帮助我们更好地理解英语的习惯、信仰和价值观。例如,“blessing in disguise”(因祸得福)这个短语反映了英语文化中的一种乐观态度,认为不幸的事情可能会带来意想不到的好处。通过掌握这些短语,我们可以拓宽自己的视野,增进对英语文化的了解和尊重。



1、"A piece of cake" - 意思是4、"Costs an arm and a leg" - 指某物非常昂贵。某事非常容易或简单。

2、"Bite the bullet" - 意思是勇敢地面对困难或不愉快的情况。

3、"Break a leg" - 这是一个祝福,意思是祝愿某人成待翻译内容:“没有达成一致的观点”功或好运。

5、"Get the hang of" - 意思是逐渐理解或掌握某事。

6、"Keep your fingers crossed" - 表示为某人或某事祈祷或祝福。

7、"Let the cat out of the bag" - 意思是不小心泄露秘密或消息。

8、"On the same page" - 表示在认识、看法或目标上达成一致。

9、"Piece of mind" - 意思是平静或内心安宁。

10、"Pull someone's leg" - 意思是开玩笑或捉弄某人。


Susan: I第二题:break out:爆发 一般用于指的爆发。t is very chilly now. Autumn is approaching. Autumn is my forite season.

翻译后内容:"There is no consensus view"


didn't reach an agreement


例句:愿我们所有美好的梦想成真。 美梦成真 有梦能成真。 有情能相爱,有缘能相聚,有心能成功,有梦能成真。

get to the agreement on sth


come to a conclusion on ...

Achieving the Common Cognition Upon XXX

reach an agr把这些问题打入高中英语网吧!eement on



成真的英文:come true; True; come ture。


成真,一名词,英文译注为:get to be real。 其现实与自己的想法达成一致。 名词解释 成真 chéng zhēn 成仙。 例句:明·屠隆《彩毫记·夫妻玩赏》:“男子得道,隶籍木公;女子成真,列名金母 。 ” 成为现实,变成真的。 如:梦想成真。

成真,研究男人内心成长15年,主要研究一个小男孩是怎么成长为一个成熟稳重靠谱有担当的男人,成为一个在异性眼中有魅力的男人。 他主持的《成真恋爱学》视频脱口秀节目全网播放量已超过4亿。粉丝数达400多万。

他的理论核心正如其名,就是帮助男生——找到并成为真正的自己。 他发现,找到并成为真正的自己,才是持久的魅力之源、幸福秘诀。 他在10多年的辅导教学中,整理出一整套实际落地的可作的“找到并成为真实自己”的方法。

而非流于口号或道德性说教,是可以真正从根源上提示个人魅力的方法。 成真毕业于美国格林奈尔大学。曾担任美国爱荷华州社交动力学会会长,美国AC Multimedia Group 副总裁。








Jane and Susan are on their way home.

Jane: hi, Sue, I feel a kind of chilly today.

Jane: oh yeah, I don't like it. I feel depressed in autumn. you see lees are falling. grass is dying. Geese are ready to fly south. It seems rything is gone.

Susan: I don't think it that way. I enjoy seeing the rainbow color of the lees. I enjoy stepping on the crunch and the rustle of lees..I like to take a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. It makes me so happy when the cool autumn wind tickles my face.

Susan: well, you are entitled to your opinions. One thing we are in common is that we both value our friendships, right?

Jane: you are absoluy right. Here is my house. see you tomorrow.

Susan: see you tomorrow

Michael: hi, Charles, how are you?

Charles: fine. Thanks. You look great.

Michael: thank you. You know what? I took tennis classes recently and I find myself so crazy about it. I feel so energetic after playing tennis. Do you play tennis?

Charles: No. I don’t. I play football. Tennis is not as exciting as football.

Michael: Charlie, I am afraid I can’t agree with you at this point. It is much easier to find one tennis partner rather than finding a whole bunch of people to play football.

Charlie: well, don’t you think more people are more exciting? Playing tennis is like playing a ping pong . Just playing back and forth. It’s a kind of boring.

Michael: Noooooooo! When you play tennis, you can keep fit and you don’t get hurt. There is too much body contact in playing football. I don’t want to be pushed, be stepped, be knocked down or……

Charles: that’s the best part of the .

Charles: ok. I he to call my buddies about our football match this afternoon. Bye!

Michael: bye!

3. Tell your partner wher you are satisfied with the road condition in your city. Why or why not

Did: Good morning! Joe. What’s the matter? You seem to be out of breath.

Joe: I am! I am 15 minutes late for my work today. Let me punch my time card first. Then I’ll talk to you.

Did: Okey dokey.

Joe :( after punching his time card), De, I’m really fed up with the roads in the city.

Did: What about them?

Joe: There are so many pot holes(路面坑坑洼洼), which hold up the traffic.

Did: Yeah, You know I take bus to work. After I get off the bus, I feel like my head spins because the roads are so bumpy.

Joe: Soming should be done. We he paid so much tax each year and our living condition is deteriorating(变得更糟).

Did: but what can we do? People complain so much in the about the terrible road conditions. The mayor just turns a deaf ear.

Did: Right! Time to work now. He a good day!

1楼的是什么英语呀,money bag? 说wallet不是更好吗?


而且你后面的thank god ?是什么意思?人家找不到警察你还感谢上帝?



How could a person finish ten dialoges in such a short time with at most 350 points? If any one can do this ,it must be an animal or an alien ,understand?

Add points then I will you!



A:Football is very popular.

B:Yes,you are right.I agree with you.

英语翻译 直到会议结束,他们才最终达成一致协议。(强调句型)

agree on 意见达成一致

it was until the m问题八:另行协商用英语怎么说呢 to consult at some other timeeeting was over that they reached an agreement.

It was not until the meeting came to an end that did they finally reach an agreement.



问题一:"协商"用英语怎么说? 协商 [ xié shāng ] . negotiation

In the main, I agree with Edward.

词组为:consult with 或 talk things over

问题二:英文“ 经双方协商一致同意 ”怎么说 经双方协商一致同意

全部释义和例句>>Agreed by both parties


全部释义和例句>>Agreed by both parties

问题三:“经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说? The two parties reach an agreement after discussion/consult钉tion.

问题四:“经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说 The two parties reach an agreement after discussion/consultation.

问题五:英文“ 经双方协商一致同意 ”怎么说 经双协商致同意 全部释义例句>>Agreed by both parties 经双协商致同意 全部释义例句>>Agreed by both parties

问题六:双方协商一致的英文怎么说 agree on.

问题七:经过与业主的协商 英文怎么说? after negotiating with the owners

问题九:在平等,自愿,协商一致的基础上,达成如下协议英语怎么说啊 The following agreements are achid on the basis of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation.

问题十:如有争议,双方协商解决 用英语怎么说 if any diss occured,the two parties should settle them by negotiation.


Michael: Sorry. I can’t talk to you now. I he to go to my tennis club now. My partner is waiting for me there.

翻译后内容:"There is no consensus view"


didn't reach an agreement2. you think football is more interesting than tennis, but your friend doesn’t thinks tennis is more interesting than football. Make up a dialog between you two about your disagreement

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