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生日贺卡该怎么写 生日贺卡该怎么写给朋友


生日贺卡该怎么写 生日贺卡该怎么写给朋友生日贺卡该怎么写 生日贺卡该怎么写给朋友


2、生日到了,给你加点糖,擦擦鞋,祝你永远快乐啊!1. 怎样用英文写生日贺卡 Dear sister, today is your birthday, I hope you happy, I want to make happiness around you forr, let the joy fill your life, here, I watch the most sincere blessing - I wish you a happy birthday!2、你比月亮晚生一天,昨天月亮最圆,今晚你最美丽。

3、应该在贺卡最显眼的地方写上 happy birthday 吧!在旁边用较小字体写一段英语短文,可以是抄一篇优美的短文,也可以是自己写一篇短文 可以说一说你们的友谊 或者是将来的一些事情,其他的地方可以用贴画或者自己画一些图画,作文一些小装饰吧!填补一下空缺!妈生日贺卡怎么做32. 英语作文 生日贺卡内容格式如下范文为例Dear Li Hong,Next Monday is my birthday.I'm going to hold a birthday party at home in the ning.It will start at 7:30.Would you like to e?I've also invited some other clas ates of ours and some of my friends.I do hope you will e.Yours rLiu Mei3. 怎样用英文写生日贺卡Dear sister,Today is your birthday. I wish you to be happy. I hope that happiness will always be around you and it can be full of your life.Hereby, I bring the sincere wishes to you——happy birthday to you!sincerely,XXX4. 有关给朋友祝贺的生日贺卡的英语作文带范文为例Dear Li Hong,Next Monday is my birthday.I'm going to hold a birthday party at home in the ning.It will start at 7:30.Would you like to e?I've also invited some other clas ates of ours and some of my friends.I do hope you will e.Yours rLiu Mei。


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