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酒干倘卖无歌词 酒干倘卖无歌词意思


I put a new song on my space! It was the song I was talking about... the one that I said was really touching and sweet. It's in Chinese and I guess not ryone will understand it. Basically the song talks about this beer bottle selling guy (those ppl in China that come by ur street and yell out stuff like "酒干倘卖无" --> also title of the song) and this beer bottle seller took in a kid he found and raised it like it was his own! ^^ A beer bottle seller is not that rich, but he still ge the child whatr he can give. He protected the kid, raised it, ge it a house and a life!! A very lovely song =) Listen to it! Be patient with the loading...!

酒干倘卖无 (jiu gan tang mai wu)

酒干倘卖无歌词 酒干倘卖无歌词意思酒干倘卖无歌词 酒干倘卖无歌词意思

苏芮《酒干倘卖无》粤语版 - 《百年寄望》几多笑与泪 都给光阴冲去

Didn't he school during the afternoon. I spent the afternoon away cleaning the dirty wooden and tile floors at my dirty house. I don't know why the floors at my house get so dirty so fast! I don't n wanna walk around the kitchen with my socks. In the dinning room/living room, nobody r cleans the wooden floors properly becuz they don't want to ruin the wood with water.... so u can only sweep, no mopping. But it's so dirty when u don't clean it with water!! Since I couldn't stand it anymore, I ended up cleaning it with a wet cloth. I had to actually bend on my knees and scrub the dirty stuff off the floor. By the end, the floor became sparkly again and the cloth turned all black.

After cleaning, I read a bit and then took a nap. I took a really long, long nap!! Nearly 4 hours! If I didn't intend to go to my TKD class at 7, I probably would he slept until now! Geez, what can sibly be better than sleeping on ur day off?

I think rything went well with my Alg/Geo exam, my Chem summative, and my English speech. I really had to work my butt off in Algebra class! I don't think I'm gonna get the mark I wanted... but I really did try! I studied hard for all tests, did all the hmk, ge in all the porfolios and studied hard for the exam. I'm disappointed that I messed up 2 of my tests becuz it really dragged down my mark. Anyway, I'll try to be satisfied with whatr mark I get on the report card. I know it's not gonna be that bad, but it's not gonna be as good as I wished.


男:每晚夜 黑暗当中问谁没有睡

歌名: 百年寄望

合唱: 叶蒨文、鲍比达、夏韶声、林姗姗、潘源良、潘源良、邓丽盈、苏芮


词: 潘伟源

女:从前在几只乐艇上 投下了各自结的网

男:渔人在夕阳下靠岸 仍在唱这是我的家乡

合:将一切寄望 交给一张网

风中再破浪 永远莫断粮




流出多少血与汗 才令这里看似是理....想



女:男:用两手开创每寸岸星光中 有几多挂心空虚

男:每分钟 都要加一把劲去争取

从未计算 做到去对不对



合:几多笑与泪 都给光阴冲合:曾经将一切寄望 同化作一心苦干去

几多的爱与梦 只好收于心里

男:在昨天 想以欢呼盖掩不安


再去问 造成现状为何是这样

一起 追溯所想要的

女:再想 祖先那一心经过的风霜


男:任这小岛 哪一方潮浪拍岸


几多笑与泪 给光阴冲去

几多的爱与梦 永远亦伴随

几多笑与泪 给光阴冲去

女:几多的爱与梦 永远亦伴随

几多笑与泪 给光阴冲去

几多的爱与梦 永远亦伴随

几多笑与泪 给光阴冲去

男:几多的爱与梦 永远亦伴随

合:几多笑与泪 给光阴冲去

几多的爱与梦 仍是要你 进 取


几多的爱与梦 错过了没法...追






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