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英语演讲小故事3分钟 英语演讲小故事3分钟三年级


人生就像一叶扁舟,在苍茫无际的大海上航行,不同的历程创造出不同的硕果。小小的鼓励或许就成为你扬帆的动力。下面是我为大家带来的英语三分钟 演讲稿 励志 故事 五篇,希望大家能够喜欢!

英语演讲小故事3分钟 英语演讲小故事3分钟三年级英语演讲小故事3分钟 英语演讲小故事3分钟三年级

英语演讲小故事3分钟 英语演讲小故事3分钟三年级







two dogs

a man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog。 he trains the hound to him hurt and teaches the housedog to watch the house。 when he returns home after a day’s t, he always gives the house-dog some meat。 the hound feels very angry。 he says unhappily to the housedog, “where i work very hard outside, you share my food。” “don’t blame me, my friend。 you should blame the 。 he doesn’t teach me to hurt, but to share other’s food,” the housedog answers。 don’t blame children for the mistakes of their parent


有一个人养了两条狗:一条是猎犬,一条是看?夜贰K?盗妨怨钒锼?蛄裕?炭醇夜肥丶摇5绷匀舜蛄艘惶炝?回家后,总要分给看家狗一些肉,对此很生气。它不高兴地对看家狗说道:“我在外边追捕猎物十分辛苦,而你在家什么都不做,但你却分享我的食物。”看家狗回答道:“不要责怪我,我的朋友。你就应去责备主人。他不教我打猎,却只教我分享别人的食物。” 不要因为父母的错误而去责备孩子。


What Animals are the sea?

There are all kinds of animals in the sea。 Look! They are ing。

This is an octopus。 The octopus is spraying ink。 This is a shark。 The shark has sharp te。

This is a whale。 The whale shoots water into the air。 This is a sea turtle。 The sea turtle has a hard shell。 These are starfishes。 The starfishes he five legs。

These are angelfishes。 The angelfishes he beautiful colors。 This is a lobster。 The lobster has strong claws。 This is a jellyfish。 The jellyfish has a soft body。 They are different。 But all of them live in the sea。






A Brother Like That

A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present。 On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his off, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, ading it。

"Is this your car, Mister?" he said。

Paul nodded。 "My brother ge it to me for Christmas。" The boy was astounded。 "You mean your brother ge it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish 。 。 。" He hesitated。

Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for。 He was going to wish he had a brother like that。 But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels。

"I wish," the boy went on, "That I could be a brother

like that。"

Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my car?"

"Oh yes, Id love that。"

After a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?"

Paul iled a little。 He thought he knew what the lad wanted。 He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile。 But Paul was wrong again。 "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked。

He ran up the steps。 Then in a little while Paul heard him ing back, but he was not ing fast。 He was carrying his little crippled brother。 He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car。

"There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs。 His brother ge it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent。 And some day Im gonna give you one just like it 。 。 。 then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that Ive been trying to l you about。"

Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car。 The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride。 That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when he said: "It is more blessed to give 。 。 。 "


圣诞节 时,保罗的哥哥送他一辆新车。圣诞节当天,保罗离开办公室时,一个男孩绕着那辆闪闪发亮的新车,十分赞叹地问:














But the teacher cried

The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled 。 His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him。 He hardly left her side。 And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum。 Then came his first day of school, his first day away from his grandmother's loving arms。

When he came home from school his grandma met him at the door。

"Was school all right?" she asked, "Did you get along all right? did you cry?"

"Cry?" John asked。 "No, I didn't cry, but the teacher did!"






The Hippo and I

A hippo lives in the zoo。 I like him very much。 I often go to see him。 He often thinks of me, too。 Today is Sunday。 It is fine day。 I go to see him again。 After I lee the zoo, he follows me to my house。 I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and other food。 He eats them up。 When I sing songs, he stays in the pool。 He is as quite as a rabbit。

In the ning, he jumps onto my bed with me。 My mum ls him to go home。 He has to pack his bag and go back to the zoo。 My mum lets me see him ry week。


河马住在动物园里,我很喜欢他。他经常去看它,他也经常想我。 这天是星期日,是个好天气,我又一次去看望它。在我离开动物园之后,他跟随到我的家。我给他莴苣、生菜、香蕉、苹果和其他食物。他都吃了。 当我 唱歌 是,它待在水池里,像兔子一样安静。 晚上,他跳到床上同我睡觉在一齐睡。


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My fourite super star is JJ , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . Now let me l you the story about JJ .

He enterde the music indestry at the year 2004 , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . He was noly hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soal , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived .

I like a song of him , it's name is CRIES IN A DISTANCE , the song ls us ,nothing is sad if we belive the hope . He has many difficulty , but his song says , cries in a distance , can't stop the tremble , I'm just waiting my turn , hiding will nr , se me forr , the guns gonne get me for sure . Dear god I pray why won't you be my friend , e to me and take my hand ,like mama would say rything will be ok.

Now he is not rather a shy singer and performer , the lyrical songs make him mature ,and now he is a man or not a boy .

He is a real super star with many fans ,the improve mark a big step forward confident .


Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Bingke, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.

My dear friends, wele to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful. Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’ arms to wele us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is clean and bright. We like to study in it. The r room is on the fifth floor. We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We can he lunch in the can near Defang Teaching Building.

In our school, our teachers work hard and us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.

Our school is so n and our teachers are so kind. We all love them. Dear friends, do you like them?

That's all. Thanks!


Hello ryone.

my name isXXX, today my topic is protect our earth.

my mom always told me protect yourself , then you can others,

today i want to say protect yourself then you can protect the earth, cause if ryone can protect the earth, it will be better in the future. and we can do from ourselves, from the all things, when we see a trash we can pick up them to the dustbin, when we see a plastic we can nr use it again, and told other person don't use it,

so totally speaking, if you willing do, you are the great person world person,

thank all of the teachers and my clas ates give me the chance, thank you all.



英语演讲,实际上与其他语言的演讲没有太大的区别。演讲重要的就是打动你的听众。我为大家整理了3分钟 英语 故事 演讲稿 3篇,欢迎大家阅读。


Lan and Fred were boys. They were both twelve years old, and they were in the same class in their school. Last Friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher and begin writing their names.

Then Fred began crying.

The teacher looked at him and said,” Why are you crying, Fred?”

“Because his name’s Lan May, and mine’s Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said.


At present, a wide vareity of credit cards issued by major banks and shopping malls are thriving in colleges and universities acrothe nation, with a multitude of college students ma-ki-ng up a growing population of card holders. Indeed, one out of five students is estimated to be in session of at least one credit card, and the figure is expected to be on the steady increse, the latest data published by Yangtze Evening Post suggests。

Like anything prior to the emergence of this all piece of plastic, the increasing popularity of credit card on campus has both bright and dark sides. On the one hand, young s in college, free from the trouble of pocketing a considerable sum of cash, could enjoy the convenience of credit cards and purchase expensive goods by installments.

On the other hand, howr, the irresponsible and excessive use of the cards by these youngsters, the majority of whom are fresh out of middle school incapable of budgeting their money, can make them heily in debt which will take them years to pay off。

On my personal ll, while enjoying a host of conveniences the credit card may bring, we couldn‘t afford to ignore a conspicious fact: in most cases, parents are our sole financial sources.Instead of spending without any restrict, we are suped to put studies on the top of our agenda and move ourselves beyond hey dependence upon our parents。


a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat.

as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. already at the end of his patience the salean was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "an excellent cho, madam.

you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!" to his diay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: "i don't want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off.

show me some more hats!"


1. 3分钟英语演讲小故事3篇

2. 5分钟英语故事演讲稿3篇

3. 3分钟英语演讲短文3篇

4. 3分钟简单英语演讲稿3篇

5. 3至5分钟英语演讲稿3篇


英语作为最重要的外语,英语演讲的训练,能很好的提高英语使用者的英语水平。下面是我为你整理的几篇英语三分钟演讲小 故事 ,希望能帮到你哟。


tips for happinein daily life

daily life can be made happier. it is a matter of cho. it is our attitude that makes us feel happy or unhappy. it is true, we meet all kinds of situations during the day, and some of them may not be conductive to happiness. we can choose to keep thinking about the unhappy nts, and we can choose to refuse to think about them, and instead, relish the happy moments. all of us constantly go through various situations and circumstances, but we do not he to let them influence our reactions and feelings.

if we let outer nts influence our moods, we become their sles. we lose our . we let our happinebe determined by outer forces. on the other hand, we can free ourselves from outer influences. we can choose to be happy, and we can do a lot to add happineto our lives.

what is happiness? it is a feeling of inner peace and satisfaction. it is usually experienced when there are no worries, fears or obsessing thoughts, and this usually happens, when we do soming we love to do or when we get, win, gain or achi soming that we value. it seems to be the outcome of itive nts, but it actually comes from the inside, triggered by outer nts.

for most people happineseems fleeting, because they let changing outer circumstances affect it. one of the best ways to keep it, is by gaining inner peace through daily meditation. as the mind becomes more peaceful, it becomes easier to choose the happinehabit.

here are a few tips for increasing happinein daily life:

1) endeor to change the way you look at things. always look at the bright side. the mind may drag you to think about negativity and difficulties. don't let it. look at the good and itive side of ry situation.

2) think of solutions, not problems.

3) listen to relaxing, uplifting music.

4) watch funny comedies that make you laugh.

5) each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article.

6) watch your thoughts. whenr you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, start thinking of pleasant things.

7) always look at what you he done and not at what you hen't.

sometimes you may begin the day with the desire to accomplish sral objectives. at the end of the day you might feel frustrated and unhappy, because you hen't been able to do all of those things.

look at what you he done, not at what you he not been able to do. you may he accomplished a lot during the day, and yet you let yourself become frustrated, because of some all things that you did not accomplish. you he spent all day successfully carrying out many plans, and instead of feeling happy and satisfied, you look at what was not accomplished and feel unhappy. it is unfair toward yourself.

8) each day do soming good for yourself. it can be soming all, such buying a book, eating soming you love, watching you forite program on tv, going to a movie, or just hing a stroll on the beach.

9) each day do at least one act to make others happy. this can be a kind word, ing your colleagues, stopping your car at the crossroad to let people cross, giving your seat in a bus to someone else, or giving a all present to someone you love. the sibilities are infinite. when you make someone happy, you become happy, and then people try to make you happy.

10) always expect happiness.

11) do not envy people who are happy. on the contrary, be happy for their happiness.

12) associate with happy people, and try to learn from them to be happy. remember, happineis contagious.

13) do your best to stay detached, when things do not proceed as intended and desired. detachment will you stay calm and control your moods and reactions. detachment is


as people’s thoughts control their bodies, comr programs play a leading role in the modern times. both social progress and human evolution depend on the comr programs. in the practical application, a software consists of different programs and then combines with hardware to dlop into a high-tech electronic product. there are many kinds of electronic products found rywhere in our daily life. nearly all the time do we make use of these products to conduct our passion.

yes, it is definiy right that programming is a hard work because of its special characteristics---complicated, time-wasted, logical. to make a program needs our continual patient and confidence, and we should accept failure again and again in most cases. but once you go into further understanding of comr programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander. in detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters. the magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.

it is of great convenience for us to simplify or model our complex questions by programming. furthermore, studying and using programs can enforce us to form our ability of yzing and logic. comr language has its regular grammar. how to organize the language into a reasonable calculating mod in a high efficiency like speaking easy-understanding and breath-sing words, is an awful challenge for us, and it will be very funny.

now, software is more and more important in our life, therefore programmer becomes a popular profession, which is one urgent need in the society. for our country, it’s very important to ensure our national security from others, such as japan. enhancing military strength makes us pay more attention to the rmationalized war that attached intensely to the fundamental function of program and software. it is truth that china has a huge population of 1.4 billion, which means messy things from all the people ry day. also, to govern the society orderly all benefit from rmation comed by programs.

take a more closer example, in the classroom, we are graduate students of engineering, and will be occupied in researching and designing work. thus, not only is programming our tool in study, but also become a weapon that promoting science and technology and producing invention and innovation.

i love programming, because of its powerful function. i love programming, because of its abundant application.

i love programming, because of its terrible challenge.

i love programming, but i am not intend to be an outstanding programmer, nor a great researching achiment. i just want to know it and do what i want with it.

i hope you firstly remove the horrible psychology upon programming, and then try to get in touch with it. at last, i hope programming gives you much happiness in life!


a window is opened up at the crack of dawn, beside which one man is overlooking the the mess of buildings outside, breathing the fresh air cosily. but just after a little while, he steps to his seat, staring at the comr screen till the night. this man is very likely a programmer.

there is a man who concentrates on his comr, but doesn’t care about howr he dresses, or n wher he washes his face.

there is a man who has a good knowledge of comr language, but has a low eq and makes a bad relationship with others.

there is a man who stays at home and does his own work by himself day and night, but just has few friends.

these images shown above probably are what people think of programmers as, in fact, programmers indeed give us a bad impression sometimes. howr, people just he a partial understanding of programmers’ life, not to mention that they can know the fun of programming. there is no doubt that programs affect all aspects of our lives in an obvious or potential way, especially they are reflected in electronic products that we use nowadays.

when you are so proud of sessing an iphone, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you get confidence to show off the aanced mobile phones thoroughly.

when you take aantage of comrs to cope with problems in life, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you seek the convenience of comr.

when you needn’t worry about hot summer and cold winter owing to an air-conditioner, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you share the machine’s int.

when yoelease your pressure by playing varies of online s, you’d better remember that it is the program that makes you enjoy the great entertainment in life.




My fourite super star is JJ , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . Now let me l you the story about JJ .

He enterde the music indestry at the year 2004 , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . He was noly hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soal , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived .

I like a song of him , it's name is CRIES IN A DISTANCE , the song ls us ,nothing is sad if we belive the hope . He has many difficulty , but his song says , cries in a distance , can't stop the tremble , I'm just waiting my turn , hiding will nr , se me forr , the guns gonne get me for sure . Dear god I pray why won't you be my friend , come to me and take my hand ,like mama would say rything will be ok.

Now he is not rather a shy singer and performer , the lyrical songs make him mature ,and now he is a man or not a boy .

He is a real super star with many fans ,the improve mark a big step forward confident .


Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Bingke, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.

My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful. Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’ arms to welcome us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is clean and bright. We like to study in it. The comr room is on the fifth floor. We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We can he lunch in the can near Defang Teaching Building.

In our school, our teachers work hard and us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.

Our school is so n and our teachers are so kind. We all love them. Dear friends, do you like them?

That's all. Thanks!


china dream, with each one of us.

dream is the sun, it makes people from impetuous to solid, from the hesitation to the firm, and on the road to success.

dream is powerful, it is the life source of forward momentum; lofty dreams can inspire a life all potential.because of this we will go to dream, to grasp the dream, the pursuit of dreams.

i beli that as long as all of our young people unite toger and perform our own functions that study hard in school and work hard after we graduating from university . we must be able to achi our great dream meanwhile eich ourselves unwittingly!

my dream, our dream, to improve the chinese dream. let us unite toger to realize chinese nations great rejuvenation to struggle! to you the day of my dreams to realize, is standing at the time of china.

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