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ir bird squirrel birthday shirt skirt T-shirt thir thirty first third girl





ea tea eat teacher please -cream peach jeans sneakers read meal beans clean season speak leaf lee(s) mean east teach cleaner stream each seal seat beat

ee meet see green coffee three thir four fif

six sn eigh nine jeep queen feed

can sheep sweet beef weekend Halloween tree sleep need wee k feel seed deep between bee feet

2. /au/

ow brown how wow cow flower down now town crown


ou mouth mouse out house our playground cloudy sound sour housework cloud about count bounce mountain south accountant sprout loud


ow yellow rainbow window snowy snow snowman know tomorrow row show grow

oa boat coat raincoat goat road goal load coach float throat

4./o: /

or morning orange short more for fork shorts New York horse pork sports bookstore store north report reporter shorter sore bored storm tomorrow

aw draw law strawberry

oor floor door

all /o:l/ ball all tall wall basketball baseball fall taller aller call

5./ ?: /

ur purple hamburger nurse Thursday Saturday fur turn return curtain

6./ ? /

er ruler eraser sharpner finger afternoon water teacher father mother grandmother grandfather brother sister watermelon certainly comr farmer driver player dinner sweater weather matter sneakers slippers remember singer writer reporter cleaner yesterday taller shortver stronger older younger centimeter funnier bigger aller heier longer thinner lobster killer fr matter better under over cucumber excercises summer winter September October November December air-conditioner center strawberry super answer answering climber howr r forr tiger river flower

or doctor actor work homework housework factory vistor author ror

our colour fourite colourful


/e/ the this that that’s father grandfather mother grandmother brother they they’re them there either then other toger another with those these weather


/θ/ thank thanks mouth birthday three thir thirty fourth fifth sixth snth eighth ninth tenth elnth twelfth nineth twenti thin Thursday healthy third north south month think theme thinner thing soming bathroom path


ai rain rainbow wait rainy e-mail straight again paint train pain

ay birthday play may May day way stay away holiday always say today subway


air air chair stair hair pair air-conditioner fair

ear bear wear swear pear

ere there where

ear ear hear dear near clear

eer deer cheer beer

ere here


oo school afternoon too balloon zoo cool room classroom washroom bedroom bathroom goose boots noon soon


a afternoon after banana dance last class glass grass grandma grandpa mama plant ask

ar sharpner farmer farm garden art artist warm park shark are card car hard market supermarket


y sky why spy sly fly cry try buy bye

igh light right high night might fight

14./t ?/

ch much French chicken teach teacher watch peach chair children China Chinese which each match catch chopsticks

15./ ?/

sh fish she short shorts English shirt shoes ship shop shopping wash washroom dishes shelf

16./ts/ shorts rabbits kites

18./dr/dr dress dred

19./tw/ tw twenty twelve twelfth twenti

20/oi/oy boy toy oi cho point

22./dz/ ds birds woods

23./η/ ng thing answering

24./w/ wh why where who what when

25./i/ i thin think

y happy worry ry country really sorry funny strawberry lovely library ready rainy windy snowy sunny

cloudy pretty snty twenty thirty forty many any healthy salty happy angry study

ay Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

26/j/ y yellow yo-yo yeah yes

27./kw/qu question queen ( )3. Look at the_______. It's funny.quiet


( )4.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:________

Unit 1 do morning exercises(晨练) eat breakfast(吃早饭) he english class(上英语课) play sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner(吃晚饭) when(什么时候) ning(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……点钟) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(购物;买东西) play the piano(弹钢琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母) go hiking(去远足) weekend(周末) often(经常) sometimes(有时候) Unit 2 spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季节) which(哪一个) best(最;极) swim(游泳) fly kites(放风筝) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(种树) why(为什么) because(因为) sleep(睡觉) Unit 3 Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月) Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./Augest(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov./November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期) Unit 4 draw pictures(画画)cook dinner(做饭) read a book(看书)answer the phone(接电话) listen to music9(听音乐) clean the room(打扫房间) write a letter(写信)write an e-mail(写电子邮件) mom(妈妈)grandpa(;外公)study(书房) Unit 5 fly(飞) jump(跳) walk(走) run(跑) swim(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡觉) climb(往上爬) fight(打架) swing(荡;荡秋千) drink water(喝水) Unit 6 take pictures(照相) watch insects(观察昆虫) pick up lees(采摘树叶) do an experiment(做实验) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(数昆虫) collect lees(收集树叶) wtite a report(写报告) play chess(下棋) he a picnic(举行野餐) 回答者: ddhabin | | 2008-6-12 22:11 Unit 1 do morning exercises(晨练)eat breakfast(吃早饭)he english class(上英语课) play sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner(吃晚饭) when(什么时候) ning(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……点钟) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) climb mountains(爬山) go shopping(购物买东西)play the piano(弹钢琴)visit grandparents(看望祖父母)go hiking(去远足)weekend(周末)often(经常)sometimes(有时候) Unit 2 spring(春天) summer(夏天) fall(秋天) winter(冬天) season季节) which(哪一个) best(最;极) swim(游泳) fly kites(放风筝) skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋) make a snowman(堆雪人) plant trees(种树) why(为什么) because(因为) sleep(睡觉) Unit 3 Jan./January(一月) Feb./February(二月)Mar./March(三月) Apr./April(四月) May(五月) June(六月) July(七月) Aug./August(八月) Sept./September(九月) Oct./October(十月) Nov.10./i?//November(十一月) Dec./December(十二月) birthday(生日) uncle(叔叔;舅舅) her(她的) date(日期) Unit 4 drawing pictures(画画)cooking dinner(做饭) reading a book(看书)answering the phone(接电话) listening to music9(听音乐) cleaning the room(打扫房间) writing a letter(写信)writing an e-mail(写电子邮件) mom(妈妈)grandpa(;外公)study(书房) Unit 5 flying(飞) jumping(跳) walking(走) running(跑) swimming(游泳) kangaroo(袋鼠) sleeping(睡觉) climbing(往上爬) fighting(打架) swinging(荡;荡秋千) drinking water(喝水) Unit 6 taking pictures(照相) watching insects(观察昆虫) picking up lees(采摘树叶) doing an experiment(做实验) catching butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) counting insects(数昆虫) collecting lees(收集树叶) writing a report(写报告) playing chess(下棋) hing a picnic(举行野餐

damofhrhvrxjckckejxdorcfexmwsojdirhgbndjkghkvursdncceruuwhrcdkaixxmxnkdjsleepmondaytuesdaywednesdaythuyday这是两个单元的 不是瞎打的请相信 我在帮你查查 这不是前两单元的


17./tr/ tree


( ) 5. A. crayon B. sharpener C. pencil D. brown


birthday really great eight pink

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )




( )1. A. Me, too. B. Show me the red flower. C. Good afternoon.

( )2. A. Happy Teachers' Day! B. I'm OK. C. Thank you.

( )3. A. Thanks. B. N to meet you. C. You're welcome.

( )4. A. He some tea. B. No, thanks. C. I like tea.

( )5. A. I like orange. B. Thanks. C. I don't like it.



( ) 1. balloons

( ) 2. hamburger

( ) 3. rabbit

( ) 4. bear

( ) 5. eraser


( )1. The girl has a ______.

A. doll B. ball

( )2. Can I he some _______?

A. Coke B. water

A. mouse B. squirrel

( )4. He can throw the _______.

A. boat B. plane

( )5. How many candles can you see?

A. sn B. eight



( ) 1. How old are you? A. My name is Chen Jie.

( ) 2. May I he a look? B. Me too!

( ) 3. What's your name? C. Sure. Here you are

( ) 4. Happy birthday! D. I'm 9.

( ) 5. I he a bag. E. Thank you.


( ) You're welcome.

( ) OK. Here you are.

( ) He some ju!

( ) Thank you.

( ) No, thanks. I like Coke.


1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______


例:(C) A. three B. four C. tea D. nine

( ) 1. A. bread B. milk C. ball D. coffee

( ) 2. A. boat B. kite C. plane D. car

( ) 3. A. green B. yellow C. purple D. paint

( ) 4. A. animal B. dog C. monkey D. bear


( )1.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: ______

A.Good morning. B.How are you? C.Happy Teachers' Day!

( )2.当你把爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: ______

A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad. C.He is my dad.

( )3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_______

A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. You're welcome!

A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. N to meet you!

( )5. 当问别人岁数时,应该说:________

A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks



Giraffe 长颈鹿

Lion 狮子

Deer 鹿21/u?/ sure poor

Leopard 豹

Monkey 猴子

Elephant 大象

Chimpanzees 黑猩猩

Horse 马

Bear 熊

Donkey 驴

Kangaroo 袋鼠

Ox 牛

Hedgehog 刺猬

Sheep 绵羊

Rhinoceros 犀牛

Dog 狗

Camel 骆驼

Cat 猫

Hippopotamus 河马

Pig 猪

Crocodile 鳄鱼

Chicken 鸡肉

Snake 蛇

Rabbit 兔子

Frog 青蛙

Duck 鸭子

Tortoise 乌龟

Goose 鹅

Fox 狐狸

Panda 熊猫

Squirrel 松鼠

Zebra 斑马

Mouse 老鼠

Wolf 狼

Peacock (雄)孔雀

Owl 猫头鹰

Sparrow 麻雀

Toco toucan Miss ma 这个字典里没有

shrimp 虾

Dragofly 蜻蜓

Fly 苍蝇;飞虫

Cicada 蝉

Mantis 螳螂

Cricket 蟋蟀

Pigeon 鸽子

Crane 鹤

Penguin 企鹅

Ostrich 鸵鸟

Crab 蟹

Anou soup group coupt 蚂蚁

Bee 蜜蜂

Ladybird 雌鸟

Parrot 鹦鹉

Swan 天鹅

Eagle 鹰

Fish 鱼

Butterfly 蝴蝶

Mosquito 蚊子

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