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A:Let me see. Yes, I he the address and ho ephone number here.

Mr Tiger is the king of the forest. So he looks down upon



C: On which floor is the suite?

rything in the world.

Peter: No, not interesting at all. It’s all about an old man.

One day, Mr Frog sees Mr Tiger. “I’m stronger than you.” says Mr Frog.

“What? You are stronger than me? Let’s he a match. Let’s see who can jump over the river.” says Mr Tiger.

Mr Tiger jumps over the river, Mr Frog bites Tiger’s tail. So he jumps over ,too.

“Where is Mr Frog? Ha, ha,

I’m stronger!”

“Don’t be so sure.” says

Mr Frog with some fur in his mouth.

“Well ,yesterday I ate a tiger, only left some fur.”

“My God! Help me!” Mr Tiger runs away.

英语三人对话小短文,题目是 do i know you



1。4 students 四人对话-有关学校发生的: Driver:Get in. I'll take you.司机:进去。我将送你。Stanley, Shirley, Peter and Peggy.

Stanley: Do you know that Danny has been kicked out from school 你们知不知道丹尼已经被踢出学校了?

Shirley忍辱负重: Is it true Where did you get the news 是真的吗?你是从哪里得到这消息的?

Peter: Yes, I know. I’ve heard from Stephen. 是的,我知道。我从那边听来的。

Peggy: Who is Stephen You mean Danny’s brother 谁是?是丹尼的哥哥?

Stanley: Exactly. Stephen told me too. He is addicted to comr s and always playing truant from school. 没错。告诉我的。他沉迷于电脑游戏而时常缺课。


Shirley: Poor. But shouldn’t our Mr.Lee give him the second chance by suspending him 1 week rather than kick him out from school 可怜。但是应该给他第二次机会、暂停他读书1个星期,好过踢他出学校吧?

Peggy: Yes, I agree. It’s so cruel not letting him to he the second chance to rehabilitate 你说得对。没有给他第二次机会改过自新,这太残忍了吧。

Stanley: He had been caught more than 3 times previously. But still he hasn’t turned over a new leaf. 他之前已经被捉超过3次。但是他还是没改过自新。

Shirley: No wonder he is kicked out from school. 怪不得他被踢出学校。

Peggy: This case teaches us a lesson that we should not neglect our study. 这教训我们,不可以荒废学业。

Peter: I’m totally agreed with you. 完全同意你的说法。

2。4人对话,讨论短篇 《老人与海》的故事: Stanley, Shirley, Peggy and Peter。

Stanley: He you heard of a famous novel named “The Old Man and Sea”

Peter: Yes, of course. The writer is Ernest Hemingway.

Shirley: I remembered her. She wrote this novel in Cuba in 1951.

Stanley: Fishing trip Is it interesting Tell me more about it.

Shirley: Hey, guys. This novel is great. I really ade the will of the old fisherman, he teaches me to be persrant in order to be successful.

Peggy: Yes. I agree with you, Shirley. Let me l you the story, Stanley. The fisherman caught a big fish, a giant Marlin, but couldn’t it pull up. A few days later, he found that the giant Marlin is bigger than his boat, knowing that it’s very difficult to win, but he didn’t give up.

Stanley: An Old man against a Giant Marlin... Seems interesting…

Shirley: And the climax is the giant fish is injured and its blood attracts sral groups of sharks to attack it. Sharks, the bloody killers! Although the sharks snatch the fish, he is still reluctant to give it up. Finally, he wins the battle.

Peter: Then when he goes back to the port, it left only the fish bone. Other fishermen are marveled at his work.

Peggy: The old man is really persistent and persrant. We should learn from him in pursuit of higher achiments.

Shirley: Exactly. Stanley, you should read the novel and I’m sure it will inspire you.

Stanley: Thanks, I will.


Jun: I guess so,but it depends.

英语情景对话课是指在英语教学中,创设一定的话题情景或社交活动的情景场面,通过师生互动或生生互动的语言交流活动,来实现学生语言知识的掌握、听说交际能力素质的培养及提高的目标。 我整理了高中英语对话短文,欢迎阅读!



A:I think mum should not take sides. After all, weare all her children.


B:But our younger sister is the apple of her eye.


A:It's unfair.


B:Well, we can do nothing about it.



A:ry time when the es came back from thebattlefield, we took our hats off to them.


B:You were showing respect and adation forthem.


A:I wish I were a .


A:I couldn't beli you should crack such a joke tothem.


B:What was wrong?


A:You carried it too far. You obviously offendedsomeone.


B:I didn't mean to hurt anyone.


A:I know, I know. But someone took offence.


take it on the chin

A:What a p我们看看账单吧.ol offr!


B:I've nr seen such a scene either except infilms.

A:It's really unimaginable. The pol offr screamedat the driver and used bad language, but the drivertook it on the chin.





小学英语两人对话短文篇一 Scene 1场景1

Driver:Where do you want to go?司机:您想去哪儿?

Sam:I'm going to the hospital.山姆:我要去医院。

Sam :About how much will it cost?山姆:大约要花多少钱?

Driver : It will cost you $ 10.司机:这将花费你10美元。

Driver:You can see the time on the meter. I he radio司机:您可以看到时间计。

time , you know.我有广播时间,你知道。

Sam:It's a quarter t0 12. Could you please drive a little


Driver: Certainly.司机:当然。

Scene 2场景2

Rosie :Sorry, I overslept. My clock didn't go off this



Rosie :That's right, n though I did set the alarm last


Francic:Your clock nr works. Perhaps you should buy a

new one.Francic:你的闹钟从来没好用过。也许你该买个新的了。

Rosie :Well, if it breaks down again tomorrow, I'll罗茜:如果明天它再坏,

definiy buy a new one.我肯定买个新的。

quarter n.四分之一

meter n.计价器

n though尽管;虽然


小学英语两人对话短文篇二 Scene 1场景1

Leslie:It's time to play. Relax a little, Jim.莱斯利:这是时间玩。放松一点,吉姆。

Jim:How can I relax'? The exam is just around the corner.吉姆:我如何放松”?就在拐角处。

Mum would whip me if I get below 80 marks out of 100 !妈妈会打我如果我得到低于80分的100 !

Leslie:Take it easy, Jim. Your mother didn't mean it ! Need

any ?莱斯利:放轻松,吉姆。妈不是故意的!需要任何帮助吗?

Jim:Yes. Can you me remember how to spell


Scene 2场景2

Jim:Tom, yoe my good friend, right?吉姆:汤姆,你我的,对吗?

Tom:Sure. What's the matter with you?汤姆:当然。你怎么啦?

Jim:The exam! The terrible exam! I'm not ready yet. Can吉姆:!可怕的!我还没有准备好。

you l me how to get good marks?你能告诉我如何取得好成绩吗?

Tom:Don't be so nervous ! Relax ! First, sleep early at night.汤姆:别那么紧张!放松!首先,早睡在晚上。

Second, study two hours a day after school. Third.第二,学习两个小时放学后的一天。第三,

don't tire yourself out, but don't be lazy. Will that


Jim:Yes, thank you.吉姆:是的,谢谢你。

be around the corner即将来临


below prep在……下面



tire v使感到疲劳

小学英语两人对话短文篇三 Scene 1场景1

Judy:Dad , how can we get to the zoo?朱迪:爸爸,我们怎么能去动物园吗?

Dad :We can take a bus there.爸爸:我们可以乘公共汽车去那儿。

Judy:Does this bus go there?朱迪:这辆公共汽车去那儿吗?

Dad:I think so.爸爸:我想是的。

Judy:Let's step in, Dad.朱迪:让我们介入,爸爸。

Dad :No, it's too crowded.爸爸:不,它太拥挤。

Judy:Dad. Here comes another bus.朱迪:爸爸。另一辆车来了。

Dad: Fine. Let's get on. Oh, no, Judy! Get off the bus

quickly !爸爸:好的。让我们上车。哦,不,朱蒂!下车时很快!

Judy :Why? Dad?朱蒂:为什么?爸爸?

Dad:We got on the wrong bus.爸爸:我们上错了公车。

Scene 2

Mr Black:Excuse me, I'm looking for the airport bus stop.对不起,我在找机场的巴士站

Do you know where it is?你知道它在你是怎么会知道我们的名字?哪儿吗?

Tom :Here it is .汤姆:在这儿。

Mr Black:When does the bus come?布莱克先生:巴士来吗?什么时候

Tom :You just missed one.汤姆:你刚错过了一个。

Mr Black:How about the next one?布莱克先生:下一个吗?

Tom :In an hour.汤姆:在一个小时。

Mr Biack:Isn't there an earlier one?黑色先生:没有一个早一点的吗?

Tom :No, they come ry hour on the hour.汤姆:不,他们每小时整点来。

Mr Black:Thank you very much.布莱克先生:非常感谢你。

Tom :You are welcome.汤姆:你是受欢迎的。

crowded adj,拥挤的



on the hour正点地


B:Lo一定,确实地ok at the nameplate on the wall of the corner building. We're getting near to Trafalgar Square now.


I stopped a man who was walking by to ask for directions.


Lucy:Excuse me,could you l me how to get to the Cross Bakery building?

(女):对不起,能告诉我到Cross bakery大楼怎么走吗?

Man:The Cross Bakery building?Oh sure.You're actually walking in the opite direction.

(男):cross bakery大楼吗?当然,你现在的方向是反的。

Lucy:Oh,you're kidding!I thought I was heading east.


Man:No,east is the other direction.To get to the Bakery,you need to turn around and go three blocks to Broadway.When you get to the intersection of Broadway and Elm,you hang a left.Go straight down that street for half a block and then you'll see the building on your left.



Man:Yeah,you've got it.Do you want me to show you the way?

(男):是的,没错Peter: I’ve met him a few times when I passed by the Storm Cyber café after school. I thought he was sick and thus didn’t go to school previously. Then he was caught red-handed by Mr.Lee last week.。需要我替您带路吗

Lucy:Thanks for the offer,but I think I've got it.Hopefully,I won't get lost again on my way there!



Mrs. Smith:Why are you so bitter? No one ls worse jokes than you。


Peggy: Wow, your memory is really good, Shirley. I just remembered it’s a story of an aging, life-long fisherman who attempts to find himself a fish on a fishing trip in the gulf waters off Cuba.


D: the dinner was really good. It knocked my socks off.


C: that's very kind of you to say so. Let's try some after-dinner wines.


D: great. Sweet wines are my forite. They always make a great finish to a decilious meal.


C: do you prefer brandy or ts.


D: port, please.

C: excellent cho. I love its ooth flor.


D: the port is exquisite. It must he spent years aging in barrels. Am I right?


C: yes. You always he a good nose for wines.


D: next time we are about to dinner we should try some Canadian wine.


C: oh, what's that?


D: it's made from natually forzen grapes.


C: why not? It sounds great.


D: oh, here's to your health.


C: thanks. Cheers.


D: cheers.



Let'S Go Dutch AA制

Jessica: that was a really good meal, Gordon.


Goedon: It sure was. I couldn't eat another bite.


J: well, it is getting pretty late. I think we should go home.


G: you're right. I he to get up early to go to work tomorrow.


J: let's see how much the bill is.


J: what are you talking about? We'll split the bill.


G: no, I insist. I kept ling you that I would treat you to dinner but I still hen't.


J: no way, Gordon. I know that you are a little short on cash at the moment. There's no need for you to pay for the whole bill.


G: alright, if that's the way you are going to be, we'll split the bill.

J: that's better. This way we will both he money to take a cab home, otherwise, you would probably he to walk.


G: just promise you will let me treat you to dinner next week, ok?


J: you've got a deal.


G: great. Bye.


J: bye.



J: waiter, a table for two please.

W: yes, this way please.


J: can we see the menu please?


W: here you are.


J: what's good today?


W: I remend crisp 服务员,我们要一张两个人的桌子.beef and fried duck.


J: we don't want that. Well, perhaps we'll begin with mushroom soup and follow with some seafood and chips.


W: do you want any dessert?


J: no dessert, thanks, just coffee.


Gordon: can I he the check please?


W: OK.

J: let me pay for the bill today.


W: no, no. I think we should split the bill.


J: ok, if yoeally want to.







A:By the way miss, where is the toilet?


B:Toilets are in the rear, I am afraid all the toilets are fully occupied at the moment.


A:What? Oh, what we live! Thank you very much for your , miss.


B:You are welcome.



A:Excuse me, would you l me how to return to Hilton Ho. I'm afraid I lost my way.


B:Did you he ho card or soming?

你有饭店A:Well,are we going there today?I want to take some shots there.名片或其他东西吗?


B:Oh, you stay at thB:And you are Kathleen.e down town Hilton. When you go down two blocks this way and turn left, you will find it on your right.


A:I don't understand very well. Could you give me a map?



A:Excuse me, is there any restaurant around here?


B:I am sorry but I don’t know.I am stranger here myself.


A:Oh I see.


B:Why don’t you go to a coffee show or soming else and order a cup of coffee.There you find n and clean restroom.


C:Good afternoon, what can I do for you?


A:I’ll he a cup of coffee, please. Where is man’s room?


C:It is over there near the door.



R: Don’t worry, sir, We can either put you on a waiting list or find you a room in a nearby ho.



At a Wedding

Mr. Smith:They’re playing the Wedding March. Your eyes are filled with tears。

Mrs. Smith:I’m very touched and I can’t bursting into tears at a wedding。

Mr. Smith:Really? I hen’t seen that at our wedding, but at Jeff and Mary’s。

Mrs. Smith:Mary looks so beautiful in the wedding gown, and I recall the moment that I was a bride。

Mr. Smith:You will always be the most beautiful one in the world. What is the brideaid’s name?

Mrs. Smith:Judy. Why are you so interested in her?

Mr. Smith:Don’t be so sensitive. Just a casual question. I caught you looking at the grooman。

Mrs. Smith:He is terribly handsome。

Mr. Smith:I wonder why he is chosen to be the grooman and why Mary doesn’t marry him, since he’s much more attractive。

Mr. Smith:The minister is doing a good job. I’m not sure if they’ll be as happy as we are。

一问一答英语对话短文A:thank you very much.and here is your room card.Wish you a happy day in our ho!二

Accepting an Offer

Bill:Emma, I’d like to start a family with you。

Emma:Do you mean to marry me?

Bill:Yes. Am I being too abrupt? I love you truly。

Emma:Not at all. I’ve been expecting this for a while. I love you truly and whole-heartedly, too。

Bill:So, is that a “yes”?

Bill:Oh, Emma, that makes me so happy. I promise you my love, but I can’t promise you wealth, not right now。

Emma:Honey, as long as you love me, really love me, I won’t care anything。

Bill:You’re so sweet。

Emma:I do he a request though。

Bill:Say it. It’s done。

Emma:I don’t want to be a housewife. I love my job. We need to share in the housework。

Bill:That’s not a problem。

Emma:Oh honey, we’ll be so happy toger!


John:Miss Wang, I’d like to ask you a question if you don’t mind。

Miss Wang:Sure, John. Go ahead。

John:This may seem a bit sudden and out of left field, but I’d like us to be more than colleagues。

Miss Wang:I’ve always thought of you as more than a colleague, John. You’ve always been my friend。

John:Maybe I’m not myself clear. I’ll cut right to the quick. You know, I“What’s in your mouth, Mr Frog?”’m single. I hope you would like to marry me。

Miss Wang:You’re right, Ah…This is a bit unexpected. To l you the truth, I’ve nr thought of you that way before。

John:Unexpected? Yes. But I’ve had the wish for a long time。

Miss Wang:John, thank you for the lovely offer but my feelings for you don’t go beyond friendship。

John:I see. Miss Wang, do forgive me。

Miss Wang:It doesn’t matter. We are still friends, aren’t we?

John:Yes, of course.





Li Lei is calling Han Meimei.

H: Hello, who’s calling?


L: Hi, Han, this is Li Lei.


H: Hi, Li Lei, hen’t heard from you these days. How is rything going?


L: Oh, tiring but fulfilling.


H: What were you busy with? Mid-term exams?


L: Exams are easy to deal with. We’re old hands at exams.


H: Haha! That’s true. Then what makes you sound so exhausted?


L: I had a lot of reading task, and prepared for my debate with my history teacher.

H: e to think of It. John told me that you guys he to challenge and debate with your teachers. No, he referred to graduate students.

H:我想起来了,约翰告诉过我你波尔图,谢谢.们要挑战老师,和他们进行辩论。不对,他指的是 研究生啊。

L: e on, Han, we suffer as much as, if not more miseries than them.


H: So you,re calling to pour out your plaints before me?


L: Not exactly. I said it's painful but meaningful.


H: Li, until now you hen’t told me what exactly happened.


L: Let me ask you: why did the United States get involved in World War I?


H: Well...It’s plicated. Because American ships were sunk by German U-boats and wanted rnge?

H:这个……很复杂,因为美国的船被德国的潜水艇 弄沉了,想要报复?

L: That may be the direct cause. In class, I was sitting there and waiting for answers from my teacher.

L:那可能是诱因。在课堂上,我就坐着,等老师绾 我。

H: That’s what we did in China. We like to know the exact answers so that we can do well in our exams. I guess it won’t work here.

H:那是我们在国内干的事,我们喜欢知道准确,这样我们就可以在中取得 好成绩了。我想在这儿是行不通的。

L: I know. But I thought that history should be different because it’s about facts. There should be answers. Yet my teacher told us to find out the causes ourselves and discussed with him in the next class.

L:我知道,但我想历史都是事实,应该不一样,应该有。但老师让我们自己找 出原因,然后下一节课和他讨论。

H: Then?


L: Well, I found some reasons that I belid were the right answers. I thought my

clas ates,answers must be almost the same as mine.

L:我找了一些我认为是正确的原因,我以为其他同学的和我的应该不多 —样。

H: Weren’t they?


L: No, ryone only insisted on one or two causes which they belid to be the

fundamental causes. Some argued from economic perspectives, some political, and others military.

L:不是,每个人都只坚持一两个他们认为是重要的原因。一些人从经济角度争辩, 一些人从角度,还有的从军事角度。


A:Do you know who that tall man is?

A:你A:That's the place where people make speeches on Sundays,isn't it?知道那个高个子男人是谁吗?

B:I don't know.But he must be a big shot.




B:Because ryone is trying to butter him up.



Joel: So, Mitchell, I only surfed for about a year and I nr got very good at it. I wonder if you could explain how a beginner goes about learning how to surf.


Mitchell: Well, that's a tough question because I was surfing r since I was all so it came natural to me, surfing, but since I know I surf. The beginning is put your board in the sand, lay on your board on the sand, pretend that you are paddling and then push yourself up like a push-up and then stand. Yoepeat that over-and-over again and ntually you enter the water and you get a friend to hold the board for you and then you stand up in the water while your friend pushed the board to gain balance.


Joel: The part I had the hardest time with was when there were big wes, it was so hard to get out far enough so that you could actually catch a we. What do you call it, "duck diving"?


Mitchell: Duck diving, yeah, it's key to surfing. If you see a we, the thing is that you he to see the we before it es. That's the secret, like where's it crashing and when it's crashing. We call it "crashing" when it's ing down. Duck diving, you put your knees on the board if it's a big we...


Joel: Oh, you get on your knees.


Mitchell: You get on your hands and knees and you push the nose of the board down.


Joel: OK, push the front part down.


Mitchell: Yeah, and at the same time, after you push it down, you also kick your hips, and push with your hips, like how you dive in water, like a dolphin.


Joel: OK, and then when the we crashes over you, do you lay down on the board.


Mitchell: You get back up. You pull your nose back up.


Joel: OK, you pull the front and back, back up, and that s you to back under the we. And what about when you're...

Mitchell: But the key is, you don't want to duck dive when the we is crashing on you because you are already screwed.


Joel: OK, you he to duck before the we.


Mitchell: Before the we or when it's crashing on you, like we call it white water. A lot of times you duck dive in white water. White water is when the we crashes. The water looks like it's all white like white cotton candy, so you duck dive underneath that.


Joel: And when you're catching a we, how do you know when to stand up?


Mitchell: Like when the we, when you see the we ing you start paddling to get with the we and before the we n starts cing, you're already getting ready to stand up. It the we is already cing, and your standing up, it's too late.


Joel: It's too late. OK. So you he to stand up...


Mitchell: Before it starts cing.


Joel: I see. I see.

Mitchell: And going the direction where it's crashing.


Joel: Well, I'm going to he to go surfing with you sometime so I can he a private lesson.


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