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pks是什么意思 pks是什么缩写pks是什么意思 pks是什么缩写

1、Rex's pubpc pfe was approaching a cpmacteric .My own work follows this approach .我自己的研究工作就属于这个方向。


3、He still had not the courage to approach her .At her approach the children ran off .她走近的时候,孩子们都跑了。

4、She resented his persistent approaches .他一再地表示亲近使她很反感。

5、The cart approached at a pvely trot .那马车步伐轻快地越来越近了。

6、The song of birds heralds the approach of spring .百鸟齐鸣报春到。

7、This ll is approached asymptotically .这个水平是渐近地逼近的。

8、I saw a figure approaching in the darkness .We became aware of er approaching us .我们觉察到危险正向我们逼近。

9、A wrong approach m三角形的尖冲哪边eans a waste of effort .路子不对等于白费劲儿。



12、The days get shorter as winter approaches .随著冬天来临,白天越来越短了。


14、The facile answer is a multimod approach .最方便的是多种方法的普查。

15、Steger then approached the jury .于是斯达格就向陪审团交涉。

16、How dare you approach the ogre's castle ?你怎么敢到魔宫来?Tension built up as the crisis approached .危机越近越紧张。

17、Her nearer approach made the guess a certainty .她走得更近了,猜想被证实了。

18、He did not see the car approaching on his nearside .他没有看见左边来的汽车。

19、She is extremely professional in her approach to her job .她对工作极为精通。

20、The approach of a butcher's cart dislodged him .He approached imperceptibly the gloomy recess .他不知不觉地走到了幽暗的山岔。

21、The approach ramp is a double deck roadway structure .该引桥坡道是双层公路桥。

22、His approach was anything but subtle .他的方式直截了当。


24、This book leans towards the historical approach .本书倾向于采用历史发展的方法。


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