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membere是什么意思 member是什么意思中文


membere是什么意思 member是什么意思中文membere是什么意思 member是什么意思中文

membere是什么意思 member是什么意思中文

1、【memeber】意思与用法1. N-COUNT (团体的)成员,一分子A member of a group is one of the people, animals, or things belonging to that group.He refused to name the members of staff involved...他拒绝说出所涉及员工的姓名。

2、Their lack of training could put members of the public at risk.他们缺乏训练,这有可能会使民众面临风险。

3、...a sunflower or a similar member of the daisy family.向日葵或菊科植物中一种类似的植物2. N-COUNT 会员;成员A member of an organization such as a club or a political party is a person who has officially joined the organization.The support of our members is of great importance to the Association...会员的支持对于我们协会来说非常重要。

4、Britain is a full member of NATO.英国是北大西洋公约组织的正式成员国。

5、3. ADJ (某组织的)会员国,成员国A member country or member state is one of the countries that has joined an international organization or group....the member countries of the European Free Trade Association.欧洲自由贸易联盟的成员国...a co-ordinated approach, with each member state doing what it could.各成员国尽其所能的协作方式4. N-COUNT 议员A member or Member is a person who has been elected to a parliament or legislature.He was elected to Parliament as the Member for Leeds.他当选为利兹市议员而进入了议会。

6、...the Conservative member for Billericay.代表比勒里基的保守议员...Member of the Knesset, Did Magen.以色列议会的议员戴维·马根成员;分子;身体部位(尤指胳膊或腿);构件,部件。


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