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pictures是什么意思 pictures是什么意思中文


pictures是什么意思 pictures是什么意思中文pictures是什么意思 pictures是什么意思中文

1、pictureWikin.1. 画, 图画, 图片2. 照片, 画像3. 美景, 美的事物[人]4. 生动的描写, 写照5. 相似的形象, 化身, 体现6. 印象, 记忆, 情景, 想象7. [pl. ]电影, 电影院8. 【无】图象, 电视画面picture hat女用宽边帽picture play电影剧She is the picture of her mother.她活象她的妈妈。

2、picture hall [house, palace, show, theatre]电影院(的旧称)picture book图画书picture gallery画 廊, 美术馆, 美术陈列馆picture tube(电视)显像管picture card花牌(纸牌中的J、Q、K); 有图画的明信片You look the picture of health.你看起来十分健康。

3、have one's picture taken(请人给自己)照像give a picture of ...把...描绘一番n.[C]1. ??画像;图片;照片[(+of)]This book gives a good picture of life in China today.这本书生动地描述了当代中国的生活情况。

4、I had a picture taken this morning.今天上午我拍了张照。

5、v.1. 画,描写,想像vt.1. 想像[+wh-][O7]The painter pictured the general sitting on a horse.画家给骑着马的将军画像。

6、Can you picture Bill dressed as a fairy?你能想像得出比尔扮作?膳?哪Q??更多例句topI get the picture you two want to be left alone together.我现在明白了--你们俩想单独在一起。

7、Draw a picture of the house so we know what it looks like.画出房子的图来让我们看看是什麽样子的。

8、His picture of cows won a prize.他画的牛的作品获了奖.They showed us the pictures of their wedding.他们给我们看结婚照片.I can't picture the village without the old church.我无法设想村子里没有那座旧教堂像什麽样子The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient rome.那部书对古罗马人的日常生活描写得很生动。

9、This book gives a good picture of life in China 100 hundred years ago.这本书形象地描写了一百年前的中国生活。

10、May I take a picture of you?我可以给你照相吗?相关词top同义词vt. 描绘;描写depict characterize portray represent illustrate describe其他:depict portray sketch perspective prospect design countryside fantasize movie envisagecharacterize painting copy conceive fancy memory figure paint illustratelandscape pattern describe image draw scene represent变化型top动变:pictured picturing pictured名复:pictures词性变化toppicturevt.1. 画, 用图表示2. 生动地描写[描述, 描绘]3. 想象4. 把...(作为电影)拍摄It is hard to picture life a hundred years ago.我们很难想象一百年前人们的生活。

11、继承用法toppicturedromen. [英]电影院picture-goern. 影迷相关短语topbe the picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象close-up picture特写镜头, 特写画面be in the picture[口]被告知详情; 获得最新消息be the very picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象big picture[口](电影放映节目单上的)正片; [美俚]特种宽银幕电影look the picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象look the very picture of1. 是...的化身2. 活象step into the picture引人注意, 处于显要地位, 成为其中一部分come into the picture引人注意, 处于显要地位, 成为其中一部分be high up in the pictures (=be in the picture picture)大有成就; 成为要人, 居重要地位。


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