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2.鲁迅一家Out of the Science and Technology Museum, my heart a long time can not be calm. I am proud of the rapid dlopment of the motherland, as Yimin high school students, I should his efforts.对她的帮助


体会:作为的作家,鲁迅先生并没有恃才为傲,而是努力的提携后人,为祖国带来了一批生龙活虎的On Sunday, our family came to visit Shanghai science museum. Shanghai science and Technology Museum is located in Pudong Century Park side, East West High low, the other is ASL of the Shanghai science and technology dlopment, and combine with tortuous process of the dlopment of science and technology. Science and Technology Museum covers an area of 6.8 square meters, with a total construction area of 98 thousand square meters, with a total investment of 1 billion 755 million yuan, its construction scale is large, display content is wide, science and technology content is high, ranking first in Shanghai cultural projects. Shanghai science and Technology Museum divides the world Pilion, the life hall, the wisdom hall, the creation hall and the Future Museum 5 main pilions. The first phase opened up 5 Exhibition: "earth quest" and "biodiversity" and "wisdom" and "children's science and Technology Park, audio-visual paradise".青年作家,让我国现代文学队伍能继往开来,推陈出新,创造出一片新天地,令人们敬仰,更令人们感念。








体会:作为的作家,鲁迅先生并没有恃才为傲,而是努力的提携后人,为祖国带来了一批生龙活虎的青年作家,让我国现代文学队伍能继往开来,推陈出新,创造出一片新天地,令人们敬仰,更令人们感念。 krjfc hxklz;.asl,ekmrg,v;l kdsjebhnjgmkl,;lkjdhgy87yuhn7tgjmkvlpolk3rfvvijdwygftwhj



捷报。路链接:虎 让印度塔塔公司收购了 话说印度连 都造不出来 造个飞机还弄半个世纪


Then we visited the动力方面, robot world, the first time I was attracted to the beautiful dancing robot, their action is very neat, chess chess robot is superb, archery and robots, robot ry shoot one dred. The most powerful robot is what we sing, it will sit in front of the piano for us to accompany what tune.

正如名字所示这场Live是只限定女性观众入场,至于男性观众就只能看NICO上的放送版了。 Animelo Summer Live in 上海”,即于11月下旬在上海举办一场上万人规模的Live,这对广大国内的动画歌曲迷而言是何其大的福音啊。虽说这场动画歌曲盛宴来到国内已经是带着秋意的11月,但毫无疑问其热烈程度绝不亚于日本的Summer Live。 补充: 预定时1万人规模的Live 当时演出的歌手也没公布 票还没预定的消息日本2010. 8.28 都还没开呢,预 定票 的时间起码要在此之后了。。。票也很抢手啊!



08-04上海ComiCon 11



10-27上海ASL2012 in SHANGHAI

2021上海车展实拍:威马W6 配无人泊车系统/NEDC续航620公里

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About Science and Technology Museum, to show in my eyes is a huge sphere, which is four-dimensional theater. The whole theater is a steel structure, surrounded by glass, people feel it's style. We rode the lift to the second floor, entered the world of robots. In peacetime only magazines, evision and see the robot, and now finally witnessed his presence. In my immediate repair of robots, they are comed of single-arm, were holding hands, screwdriver, drill, wrenches. They left side of a comr, this comr is used to control the robot. As long as mouse clicks, they will make a variety of actions. Made me feel soming is being repaired. Funny ah! Subsequently, we came to robot performance hall, there are a lot of repair robots, they are soming to which the hand embroidered umbrella; some holding a rose; Some hand bells. Ready for people to perform wonderful programs. Their performances to life really unforgettable.

I went with the flow space heen and earth. The middle of the hall to erect a tall rocket, was silver-white appearance, the top five-star red flag with one hand. The right side of the rocket has a simulated weightlessness of space, people sitting inside, you can float the ball inside, Not to, like immersive. I he also seen a real spacesuit: He is also a silver-white, formed by a number of the trachea. Thick spacesuit, astronauts put on him a stroke in the space unimpeded. I he also witnessed the food astronauts are canned. To imagine the hard life of the astronauts.


"Yeah."! We went for a spring outing!" A shout of excent came from our class. Our spring outing was actually the Shanghai science and technology museum. I'm looking forward to the tour of science and technology. At 7:40 this morning, we left school on time and treled more than two hours, and finally arrived at the Shanghai Museum of science and technology. What impressed me most is the crust exploration area.

The exhibition is to explore the wonders of the earth quest through various simulation scenarios and scientific knowledge, it let me know the change of crustal fracture caused by the earthquake, so I personally on the scene experience aentures volcano and a feast for the earth is how movement in the universe. Our earth will he so many amazing stories, let me ade the dlopment of many s! There are ecological disaster theaters, enered birds, waste incineration dynamic demonstration model and so on. One of the things I remember most vividly was the ecological disaster theater, stepping into the theater, wow! Picturesque scenery, trees, our home is really a beautiful picture! Suddenly, tder, suddenly a murky sky over a dark earth, beautiful home, only a desolate miserable scene. Seeing this, I felt a twinge of grief. What we do unconsciously destroys the balance of the natural form, and if it goes on like this, the terrible natural disaster will soon appear in front of us.

We must nr make the earth look like this, I thought. Today I see a lot, and I know a lot. We are now so convenient, fast, colorful life is brought to us by science and technology, without the dlopment of science and technology, there is no high quality life today. People enjoy the benefits of science and technology, science and technology change people's lives, work, thinking way. But a all mistake in the dlopment of science and technology can cause huge losses. For example, "nuclear leakage, nuclear explosion", it seriously polluted the environment, seriously threatened the lives of the people, but also caused irreparable economic losses. This is a nightmare for human beings. But people in the field of science and technology more than once opened a "Pandora's box", caused by global warming, ozone layer damage, desertification, species extinction...... Visible, science and technology is a double-edged sword, it brings us welfare, at the same time, contains some kind of threat to human security risks. This trip to science and technology opened up my horizons, increased knowledge, and benefited me a lot!


Today, my mother and I took part in the PTA activities -- Shanghai science and Technology Museum Day trip along the way, and my clasates singing in the car, riddles,...... And so on, the atmosphere in the car was very active, and we came to Shanghai science and Technology Museum unconsciously. From a distance, science and Technology Museum is like a big ball, just to look around, found that the science and Technology Museum has four floors, the door of World Expo's mascot - haibao. Under the guidance of tour guide Xiaoping sister, like a happy bird, flew into the science and technology museum. My mother and I went to the first crust exploration, there are a lot of wonderful mineral crystals, as well as oil exploration seiic we simulator, maglev globe, volcano landscape...... And so on, let me know how volcanic rocks erupt.

Looking at these different functions of the robot really let me experience the wonderful dlopment of science and technology, and then we went to the wisdom of light, where there are drumming resonance, water, pulley group ascension, glow ball group...... I he a "magic house" and mother experience, three minutes of feeling, in the heart "beating" jump stop, halo of hair, want to vomit". My mother and I and other companions came to the animal world, the first thing is a tree, the tree trunks and lees are the same and true, and in a world of and snow "North", the tree also g fluffy snow". In the "Africa" I saw a tall and terrifying elephant, tiger, and giraffes...... A vivid, I want to put in the heart: the true to life animal is to be carried out? Mom says it's high-tech material synthesis. And finally, I went to rainbow parks, space worlds, spider exhibitions...... Etc.. Four hours of visit, although a little tired, but let me enjoy the joy of discovery! Experience full of surprises!


A large number of light, sound and electricity technology are applied in each exhibition area, so that the audience can listen, see and pract. We start from the west to the East, the first to enter the biological Vientiane exhibition, the exhibition is mysterious, simulate the tropical rain forest in Xishuangbanna. Insect garden, Butterfly Valley, microbial Museum, amphibians and reptiles, to find the garden park gene, is located in the "high and low, of ry hue in the jungle". Unexpectedly, deep crust exploration exhibition, was also so interesting. It guides you deep into the strata to see the formation of coal, oil and gas, and to appreciate it personally. Experience the eruption of volcano and the effect of earthquake. Audio visual paradise is refreshing. In the film and evision complex, people stand on the walking board and walk slowly, but in the TV of the head, they show the scene of the tightrope walking above the mountains and the air. In a few steps, it's an unreal studio". With digital audio technology, combine the images and backgrounds of visitors, and that's what it really is. Here we are again...... Time passed so quickly that I left Shanghai science and Technology Museum reluctantly.


Last winter vacation, my sister and I went to visit the Shanghai Museum of science and technology, the first time to Shanghai science and Technology Museum, we are excited. From Hangzhou train to the end, and then transfer to Metro Line 2, you can arrive directly at the destination, the traffic is really convenient. Out of the subway station, the front is really bright, oh, a modern building is presented in front of us, very spectacular. The building is conce shape, the whole building is west to low, East high, spiral rise of asymmetric structure, capture the human eye.

When we realize the museum is 98 thousand square meters, consists of 12 themed areas, 4 science and technology theater, 6 media theatre, 2 art galleries and 1 spider relief pilion built up common modern science and Technology Park, we speed up the pace also unable to restrain the emotions thinking quickly, into the science and Technology Museum, opened the day the wonderful journey of science and technology. After entering the library, we went straight to the third floor and visited the three pilions of "exploration light", "human and health" and "aerospace world". I love most is "human and health" exhibition "digestive tract Tour", we take a fruit ship, "crunch", was sent to a large mouth which was an exciting trip, in just 7 minutes, then into the esophagus, and in turn to the stomach the duodenum, all intestine, colon, and rectum.

In these digestive s, we he experienced a different process of being "digested". Attacked by gastric acid, the bile and pancreas are decomed in the duodenum; in the all intestine, the nutrients in the food are absorbed, and in the large intestine the water is absorbed. In the end, the perfect is excreted with the rest of the food residue in the rectum. Completing the journey of the digestive tract, let us understand the whole digestion of food in our body, so much to go through, it is really an eye opener. Leing the exhibition hall on the third floor, we visited the science and technology exhibition hall on the one or two floor, inside the robot show, rainbow park...... And let me really dizzying, this day makes me broaden their horizons, learn nr learned rich scientific knowledge. But the Shanghai science and Technology Museum is too big, one day is not enough, always heard the radio aunt requirements cleared before we closed, reluctant to part left the venue.


Now, how people are dloping technology, I really want to eye opening eyes. I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to go to the Shanghai science and technology museum." Mom agreed.

On the second day, my mother and I set off. At the Museum of science and technology, I saw a lot of people in the science and Technology Museum, and there were lots of stadiums, which showed us a lot of high-tech products. I think the most fun is the "wisdom" of the , with the air water, light music, light windmill, and the magic ball...... The piano playing is very magical, and there are a few lights emitting red light, as long as you touch the red light, it will pop up a beautiful note, if the continuous bomb, a beautiful song came out. Light windmill is no exception, as long as the light shines on a all windmill, it will turn, the stronger the light, the faster it turns, the light will stop without it. Let me feel the most amazing is the air water, a huge water hanging in the sky, above without any support, as long as the vast water pouring down from the tap.

After visiting the Shanghai Museum of science and technology, I know how aanced science and technology are, and how amazing it is, which really makes me forget it. I also know that as long as w小野大辅e study hard, we can create Many a little make a mickle. all sorts of things.






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