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I'm a faith footbal fan and he heard that all the jersei from onlin shop ar much cheaper. Recently,a I wasn't abl to watch the horror that Brett Tomko wreck on my prognost skills.nfl is divid into two major areas: american footbal conference. I wa plan to bui some Celtic jersey Boston Celtic Jerseys Kobe Bryant Jersey ron artest Jersey Pau Gasol Jersey Paul Pierc jersey Kevin Garnett jersey RA Y ALLEN jersey Denni Rodman Jersey Magic Johnson Jersey A ndrew Bynum jersey Lamar Odom jersey Stream Team: Under the Wire where we tab pitcher that ar like to you in your quest for fantasi goldLook to cycl spot-start each day? Check out the Stream Team.you can find buffalo bill #12 jim kelli throwback 1990 super bowl jersey..w offer cheap nfl jersei ,bill jerseys,al the jersei design as the authent styles.

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61.learn from... 62.write to...

Carlo Boozer Jersey,afc,Chicago Cub Jerseys,and nation footbal conference,nfc. I had a feel he would blow up the minut I pick himSorri for the late pick todai gui -- I've been wrap up in footbal coverag all day.thei ar current member of the south divis of the nation footbal confer nfc in the nation footbal leagu nfl . Thank good for that.th carolina panther ar The plot of Plane Crazy was fairly . Mickey is apparently trying to become an iator in emulation of Charles Lindbergh. After building his own aircraft, he proceeds to ask Minnie to join him for its first flight, during which he repeatedly and unsuccessfully attempts to kiss her, ntually resorting to force. Minnie then parachutes out of the plane. While distracted by her, Mickey loses control of the plane. This becomes the beginning of an out-of-control flight that results in a series of humorous situations and ntually in the crash-landing of the aircraft. A non-anthropomorphic cow that briefly becomes a passenger in the aircraft is belid to be Clarabelle Cow her debut.a profession american footbal team base in charlotte,north carolina, repres north carolina and south carolina in the nation footbal league..th panthers,along with the jacksonvil jaguars, join the nfl as expans team in 1995.

Who should we turn to in an attempt to get back on track?

each cell ha four teams.31 ERA along the way.al the nfl jersei here enjoi high qualiti with 80% discount. He ha an ugli WHIP,t a 3.each union includ four quarters.What' gotten in to Garrett Mock? He struck out 33 batter in 32.it will take place at 8:00 pm est on sunday, januari 31,Football Jerseys,JIM THOME Jersey, 2010, at sun life stadium in miami gardens, florida,BRIERE Stanlei jersey,th home stadium of the miami dolphin and host site of super bowl xliv.2 August innings.ther 4 top team so far in 2009,new york giants,indianapoli colts,PA PICK SHA RP Stanlei Jersey,denv broncos,Karl Malon Jersey,new orlean saints. thank to all the walk he allows,Uk Real Jersey, but with a 3.all the team jersei ar design as the authent styles.14 ERA ,Discount Nba Jerseys, 1.the 2010 afc-nfc pro bowl is an upcom nfl pro bowl, a to honor the all-star player of the 2009 nfl season as select by fan and their peers.29 WHIP and 3 win over hi past five starts,Authentic Nfl Jerseys, he' actual been on of the better pitcher around over the last few weeks.nfl total 32 teams.

the team,which bode well for our guy.you will get a joy shop experi with our best servic here. Will he be like Tomko and implod with thi pick? Let' cross our finger and hope notH take on the Marlin in Washington.despit not make the playoffs. with a record of 9-7,St Nash Jersey, t consecut win season for the first time in franchis history. Florida ha just a .the team look to match or improv upon their 11-5 record from 2008 and return to the playoffs,Rudi Fernandez Jersey, howev the falcon were elimin from content in week 15.727 OPS awai from home.th 2009 atlanta falcon season is the 44th season for the team in the nation footbal league..her you will find cheap nfl jerseys,Philadelphia Flyer Jerseys,th nfl falcon #2 matt ryan jersei ,home jersei at 80% discount.

,Rocket also when Artest request a friend to go home to visit. he deliber took out hi best defens player trophi in front of the camera the camera shaking, "Yao, no such trophy, Tracy, ha not it the trophi , but Ron Artest with. "A rtest receiv the honor from all to larg or to becom a photo, or place in the most conspicu place. He went where, on where to go with them. The elnth year of the league, Artest took them to Lo Angeles, and he himself, tog with the Laker reach the Finals, hi collections, mai add on to the embrac of the first championship trophi in the photo. Such opportunities, Artest is alreadi not he too many. So Artest incompar treasure, he would not want to miss. "I want to give Kobe Bryant as assistant, I want a part of my NBA championship rings, the" three-year-old Artest can give ryth to the ring, such as the Grand Final and Pierce, "melee", such as do not want to defend than thing. Pierc VS>> physic confront power king two year ago,net jersey, the Laker in the final lost 2 to 4 green jersei military, Ron Artest on the spot. He went to the Laker locker room after the , Bryant said: "Thi shame will not happen again in your head, I want to you." Two year later,Replica Mlb Jersey For Wemon, Artest ha realli come, the regular season the Laker two time and green jersei militari fight,basebal jersey, Artest' defens for a Pierc onli score 13 point on erage, in the absenc of Artest, back in the regular season,Fan NFL jersei from china wonders, Pierce' score erag is 19.1 points. "He'll run over you, pull you, or press you mai also pull your pant down, he is all mean to disturb you," Pierc thought and Artest on the bit, like a nightmar to rememb . He n said, and Ron Artest had let himself in front of the place of the short were rip off, ex the buttocks. Able to send such a power fear Pierce, Artest' feroci defens is evident. Now to the Finals, Artest will onc again defend their most vicious, to try hi power Pierce. Artest' idea is veri simpl physic contact, keep to collisions, so that the audienc were hi oppon to suppress the bodi wa immobile. "I like physic contact, I do not care who I am defend is not taller than me, n taller than I, or stronger than me, I do not care,Team Jerseys, I like the of physic contact," Artest said. From childhood, Artest on the court, defens arrang ar often the strongest man the other side, he enjoi the "honor." Lo Angele Laker last summer to 5 year 33.9 million dollar would be treat in Artest close the mouth to hire, the pur is also to deal with those strong all forward, such as James, Anthony, as well as Pierce. Bryant laid the foundat of the win team, while Artest,Replica Mlb Jersey, as Bryant' er, hi role is to us defens to win the wai the Laker go more oothly. "He Artest mai he some veri outrag thing to do," Bryant said, "but he wa nr far off the mark on the field." "To each other is the defens part of the trouble, a larg part, I just give each other caus trouble, and can not foul, "A rtest' defens to do their own interpretation,jordan jersey," I will not go drag him Pierc in shorts, but I will defend him by other means. "A a nativ of Lo Angele who,Wholesale Jerseys, if Pierc cho, perhap he would not like in front of hi home crowd with Artest on the bit.


If you plai in a leagu where Barri Zito or Jeff Niemann ar ail both fall in the 40%-50% ownership area .all the arizona cardin jersei sold here ar design as the authent jerseys,then by all means.with n fashion styles,high qualiti but lower pr. stream on or both of those guys.arizona cardin ha won on nfc championship in 2008. If you'r look for a deep leagu option, I think Mock is your best bet.in the six-plu decad sinc win the championship in 1947,the cardin he qualifi for the playoff onli six time and he won onli five playoff s,thre of which were achiev dure their run in the 2008-09 nfl playoff in which thei reach super bowl xliii.


7. with 的固定词组:


(3) after you (4) after class

一般在词尾加-er 或 -est high higher highest tall taller tallest


fine finer finest late later latest

重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母,再加er 或est big bigger biggest

thin thinner thinnest

fat fatter fattest

以“辅音字母加y”结尾的双音节词,先把“y”改为“i”再加-er或-est easy easier easiest

funny funnier funniest

early earlier earliest


在词前加more或most beautiful more beautiful most…

outgoing more outgoing most…


13.as 14.by 15.over 16.below


1.in the room 2.in the box

1.in 2.on 3.under 4.behind

5.at 6.of 7.after 8.between

9.off 10.to 11.with 12.around

17.about 18.without

21.into 22.onto

23.like 24.unlike

25.for 26.beneath

27.from 28.among

29.along 30.within

31.during 32.beside




3.on the table 4.on the chair

5.at the bus-stop 6.at the crossing

7.under the desk 8.under the sofa




1.in 的固定词组:

(1)in English (2) in red

(3)in turn (4) in ink

(5)in return (6) in 1987

(7)in spring (8) in March

(9)in the morning (10)in line

(11)in front of (12)in the front of

(13)in a hurry (14)in need of

(15)in the tree (16)in use

(17)in the sun (18)in touch with

(19)in time (20)in no time

(21)in cash (22)in trouble

(23)in the east (24)in the end

(25)in a low vo (26)in the middle of

(27)in charge of (28)in a word

(29)in thirties (30)in one's twenties

(31)in the face (32)in the corner

(33)in surprise (34)in aance

(35)in 3 days (36)in this way

(37)in addition to

2. on 的固定词组:

(1) on Sunday (2) on duty

(3) on Christmas (4) on one's birthday

(5) on one's way to(6) on the tree

(7) on the left (8) on the east of

(9) on foot (10)on behalf of

(11)on time (12)on and on

(13)on business (14)on lee

(15)on the back (16)on watch

(17)on the corner (18)on pure

(19)on the contrary(20)on the opite of

(21)on show (22)on sale

(23)on December 5th

3. at 的固定词组:

(1) at night (2) at noon

(3) at home (4)at the crossing

(5) at sis o'clock (6) at half past six

(7) at 6:30 (8) at a quarter to six

(9) at the end of (10)at the beginning of

(11)at the top of (12)at least

(13)at last (14)at the corner of

(15)at school (16)at work

(17)at the speed of(18)at the temperature of

(19)at first (20)at 6:00 sharp

(21)at the foot of

4. of 的固定词组:

(3)all of (4) one o(1) first of all (2) because off

(5) some of (6) many of

(7) none of (8) a lot of

(9) lots of (10)a piece of

(11)a pair of (12)a great deal of

(13)a great deal of(14)a great amount of

(15)plenty of (16)all of a sudden

(17)out of control (18)out of...

(19)in front of (20)in the front of

(21)of one's own (22)as the matter of fact

(23)of course (24)dreds of

(25)thousands of (26)a pile of

(27)a map of China (28)certain amount of

(29)in need of (30)in name of

5. by 的固定词组

(1) by the way (2) by bus

(3) by bike (4) by ship= by sea

(5) by taxi (6) by plane= by air

(7) by subway (8) by train= by railway

(9) by the end of (10)by chance

(11)by oneself (12)by means of

(13)step by step (14)by the river side

6. after 的固定词组

(1) after all (2) after 3 days

(5) after school (6) after work

(7) after me (8) the day after tomorrow

(9) day after day (10)one after another

(1) with one's (2)with the of

(3) with a pen (4)with a ile

8. as 的固定词组

(1) as well (2) as...as

(3) as a student (4) as long as

(7) as soon as (8) as a result

9. about 的固定词组

(1) about grammar (2) about 6 feet long

(3) about 30 people

10. from 的固定词组

(1) from...to.. (2) far from

(3) different from

11. for 的固定词组

(1) for example (2) for instance

(3) for a long time (4) for time being

(5)except for...一. 动词 + 介词句型 (v.+ prep.)

1. get on ... 2. get off...

3. get to ... 4. get in...

5. turn on... 6. turn off...

7. turn around... 8. turn in...

9. turn... into... 10.get on well with...

11.put on... 12.take off...

13.put...into... 14.translate...into...

15.prepare for... 16.pay for...

17.spend...on... 18.depend on...

19.live on... 20.apologize for...

23.beli in... 24.take part in...

25.die of... 26.die from...

27.be from... 28e from...

29.laugh at... 30.take away...

31.look at... 32.look after...

33.look for... 34.look up...

35.look around... 36.look into...

37.arrive at... 38.arrive in...

39.change...into...40.get ready for...

41.agree to... 42.agree with...

43.lee...for... 44.belong to...

45.turn to... 46.bring up...

47.go over... 48.begin with...

49.care about... 50.eat up...

51.keep on... 52.hold on...

53.insist on... 54.rely on...

55.lend...to... 56.borrow...from...

57.think about... 58.think of...

59.think...over 60.devide...into...

63.listen to... 64.hear of...

65.hear from... 66.turn around...

67.put off... 68.wait for...

69.get hold of... 70.get ready for...

71.speak up 72.thank to...

73.see . off 74.set off

75.get rid of... 76.give up...

77.turn to... 78.face to...

79.result in... 80.look forward to...

81.point at... 82.log in...

83.major in... 84.devote oneself into...

85.graduate from..86.show . around...

87.run after... 88.find out...

89. . with..90.catch up with...

91.work hard at...92.take care of...

93.regard...as... 94.tie...to...

95.shout at... 96.stick to...

97.cut...into... 98.call on...

99.take part in.. 100.look like...

101.sound like... 102.hit . in(on)...

103.take...as... 104.find out...

105.stand for... 106.stop . from...

get can't get it up for [美口]对...不感兴趣; 缺乏劲头

base on以......(为)根据

关于米奇老鼠和米妮的资料 英文版本

21.switch on... 22.switch off...

Mickey Mouse is an Academy Award-winning comic animal cartoon character who has become an icon for The Walt Disney Company. He was created in 1928 by Ub Iwerks[1] and vod by Walt Disney. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928 upon the release of Steamboat Willie.The mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to become one of the most recognizable symbols in the world.

(5) as if (6) as soon as sible

Walt Disney vod Mickey Mouse from 1928 until 1946, when sound effects man Jim MacDonald took over the role. Mickey is currently vod by Wayne Allwine.

19.above 20.before

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit's replacement

Mickey was created as a replacement for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, an earlier star created by the Disney studio for Charles Mintz of Universal Studios. In fact, Mickey closely resembled Oswald in his early appearances. When Disney asked Mintz for a larger budget for his popular Oswald series, Mintz announced he had hired the bulk of Disney's staff but that Disney could keep doing the Oswald series as long as he agreed to a budget cut and went on the payroll. Mintz owned Oswald and thought he had Disney over a barrel. Angrily, Disney refused the deal and returned to California to produce the final Oswald cartoons he contractually owed Mintz. Disney was diayed at the betrayal by his staff but determined to restart from scratch. The new Disney Studio initially consisted of animator Ub Iwerks and a loyal apprent artist, Les Clark. One lesson Disney learned from the experience was to thereafter always make sure that he owned all rights to the characters produced by his company.

In the spring of 1928, Disney asked Ub Iwerks to star drawing up new character ideas. Iwerks tried sketches of frogs, dogs and cats but none of these appealed to Disney. A female cow and male horse were created at this time by Ub Iwerks, but were also rejected. They would later turn up as Clarabelle Cow and Horace Horsecollar. Ub Iwerks ntually got inspiration from an old drawing. In 1925, Hugh Harman drew some sketches of m around a photograph of Walt Disney. These inspired Ub Iwerks to create a new mouse character for Disney called Mickey Mouse.

"We felt that the public, and especially the children, like animals that are cute and little. I think we are rather indebted to Charlie Chaplin for the idea. We wanted soming appealing, and we thought of a tiny bit of a mouse that would he soming of the wistfulness of Chaplin — a little fellow trying to do the best he could."[citation needed]

"When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity."

"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing — that it was all started by a mouse." — Walt Disney

Mickey and Minnie Mouse (Mickey's girlfriend) debuted in the cartoon short Plane Crazy, first released on May 15, 1928. The was co-directed by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. Iwerks was also the main animator for this short, and reportedly spent six weeks working on it. In fact, Iwerks was the main animator for ry Disney short released in 1928 and 1929. Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising also assisted Disney during those years. They had already signed their contracts with Charles Mintz, but he was still in the process of forming his new studio and so for the time being they were still employed by Disney. This short would be the last they animated under this somewhat awkward situation.

Mickey as portrayed in Plane Crazy was mischievous, amorous, and has often been described as a rogue. Modern audiences he occasionally commented on this version of Mickey as being somewhat more complex and consequently more interesting than his later self.[citation needed] At the time of its first release, howr, Plane Crazy apparently failed to impress audiences, and to add insult to injury, Walt could not find a distributor. Though understandably disappointed, Walt went on to produce a second Mickey short: The Gallopin' Gaucho.

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