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空调的英文读法是"air conditioner"。

outdoor unit of cabinet-type air-conditioner 柜式空调室外机


outdoor unit of central air-conditioning , cooling heating water unit and other auxiliary equipment and fixing rack.

集中式空调系统的8 arrived at the foot of the mountain, it is estimated that need to 45 minutes室外机组、冷(热)水机组以及其他辅助设施和固定支撑架

outdoor cooling fan of air conditioner


indoor machine of air conditioner空调室内机





空调的英文读法是"air conditioner",它是一种调节室内温度、湿度和空气质量的设备。空调有多种类型和工作原理,可以根据实际需求选择合适的空调。节能和环保成为现代空调设计的重要考虑因素,用户也应该重视空调的维护和保养,以确保其正常运行和延长使用寿命。

名词:“Air conditioner”

We need to repair the air conditioner in the off.(我们需要修理办公室里的空调。)

动词短语:“Turn on/off the air conditioner”

Please turn on the air conditioner; it's too hot in here.(请打开空调,这里太热了。)

Don't forget to turn off the air conditioner before leing the room.(离间前别忘了关空调。)


The ho rooms are air-conditioned for the guests' comfort.(酒店客房都配备了空调,以确保客人的舒适度。)

名词短语:“Air conditioning ”

The off building has a central air conditioning .(这栋办公楼安装了空调系统。)

常见问题和回答:“Is the air conditioner working?”

Yes, the air conditioner is working perfectly.(是的,空调运作正常。)

No, the air conditioner is not working; we need to call a technician.(不,空调坏了,我们需要叫来修。)


空调 英语







1842年,佛罗里达州医生约翰·哥里(John Gorrie)以压缩落成的新大楼设有空调。一名新泽西州Hoboken的工程师Alfred Wolff协助设计此崭新的空气调节系统,并把技术由纺织厂迁移至商业大厦,他被认为是令工作环境变得凉快的先驱之一。






空调(air conditioner)是一种用于调节室内温度、湿度和空气质量的设备。它通过吸收室内的热量,并将它们排出房间,以达到降低温度的效果。空调也可4 Harry up, set the temperature of air-condition at 26 degree.以调节空气湿度,提供舒适的室内环境。

空调有多种类型,包括分体空调(split air conditioner)、空调(central air conditioner)、窗式空调(window air conditioner)、便携式空调(portable air conditioner)等。每种类型的空调适用于不同的场合和需求,使用方式和安装要求也有所不同。








outdoor unit of separate-bodied air-conditioner 分体式空调室外机

空调在英文中有几种常见的说法,包括"air conditioning"、"AC"和"aircon"。下面将详细介绍每种说法的使用范围和语境。

1.Air Conditioning:

"Air conditioning"是最常用的空调说法,它是英文中对空调系统的正式和全称。这个术语常用于正式场合、技术文献以及专业讨论中,包括工程、建筑和航空领域。在商业环境和学术研究中,"air conditioning"是指空气处理系统,包括冷却、加热、通风和湿度控制等功能。


"AC"是"air conditioning"的缩写,它是一种非正式的简化语言方式。"AC"在口语和日常对话中广泛使用,特别是在美国和加拿大。人们常用"AC"来指代家庭、办公室或车辆中的空调系统。例如,可以说"I'll turn on the AC"来表示打开空调。

"Aircon"是"air conditioning"的简化版本,更常见于英国、澳大利亚和地区的英语中。这个说法主要用于非正式场合、口语和民间语言中。"Aircon"通常用来指代家庭、商店、酒店或车辆中的空调系统。例如,可以说"Let's turn on the aircon"来表示打开空调。


此外,还有一些其他的空调说法,虽然不如前面提到的常见,但空调的工作原理是基于热力学原理,通过制冷循环来实现室内温度的调节。它的主要组成部分包括压缩机、冷凝器、膨胀阀和蒸发器。通过压缩机将制冷剂进行压缩,然后通过冷凝器将制冷剂释放热量,从而使室内温度降低。在特定的地区或行业中仍然有使用。例如,"cooling "用来指代冷却系统,特别是大型建筑或工厂中的空调。另外,一些特定品牌的空调系统可能有自己的名称或缩写,例如"HVAC"代表"Heating,Ventilation, and Air Conditioning",是指暖通空调系统。


空调在英文中有几种不同的说法,其中"air conditioning"是最常用的正式说法,"AC"是非正式的简化说法,而"aircon"主要在英联邦和使用。了解这些不同的说法有助于我们更准确地表达关于空调的意思,根据语境选择适当的术语。

空调 几个 英语翻译

4 你快点把空调温度调设为26度

这个 你可以问问英语老师滴,,咱英语不精通呀

1.Turn down the thermostat/high 1 point, the suce is too cold in the room.

2, you put the air conditioning temperature Settings in how many degrees?

3, I put the air conditioning temperature set in 26 degrees

4.Please cut down the air conditioning temperature rise 3 degrees / 3 c

5 how much did you put the air conditioning raise/lower degrees?

6.Now air conditioning temperature is how many?

1.please change the temperture a little bit higher/lower,its too cold inside the room

2. what is the temperature you set for the air conditioner?

3. i set the temperature at 26 degrees

4. please lower/higer 3 degree fo7 在坚持一会,马上就要到 山顶了啊 / 半山腰了r the air conditioner

5. how much did you lower down / set higher the degree for air conditioner?

6. what is the degree of the air conditioner now?


7 in adhere to for a while, is coming to the top of the mountain ah/the mountainside

空调机的缩写,(全称air condition,理解为空气控制或空气调解)。


1、空调英语单词:air conditioner。应掌握作投影图的原理以及形体的各种表示方法。


空调的 英语翻译

6 每天不开心的工作,还不如离职呢

1 air-conditioning temperature not lower than 26 deg / not higher than 18 degrees

2 set the air-conditioning temperature at 26 degrees, can better power sing

3 adjust the temperature of high / low

4 you to adjust the temperature to 26 degrees

5 of my wages are not high, but they work very quickly.

6 ry day is not happy, rather than leing it

7 in for a little while, immediay to the top ah / half the way

The 8 arrive at the foot of the hill, the estimated 45 minutes



1 空调温度不要低于26度 / 不要高于18度

1 air conditioning temperature don't lower than 26 degrees/don't above 18 degrees

2 把空调温度设置在26度以上,可以更好的省电

2 the air temperature set in 26 degrees above, can better se electricity

3 把空调温度调的高一些 / 低一些

3 the air temperature adjustable higher/lower

4 you hurry up the air temperature adjustable set to 26 degrees

5 我的工资虽然不高,但却工作得很快乐。

5 my salary though is not high, but worked very happy.

8 到达山脚下,估计需要45分钟

1 air conditioning temperature don't lower than 26 degrees/don't above 18 degrees

2 the air temperature set in 26 degrees above, can better se electricity

3 the air temperature adjustable higher/lower

4 you hurry up the air temperature adjustable set to 26 degrees

5 my salary though is not high, but the work is very happy.

1 The temperature of air-condition should not under 26 degree and not higher than 18 degree.

2 Set the temperature of air-condition higher than 36 degree can se electricity.

3 Turn the temperature of air-condition higher/lower.

5 i don't get that much pay, but i he good time at work.

6 To work with a bad feeling, i rather quit.

7. Just insist on for a while, we will reach the peak/hillside soon.

8. It takes us about 45 minutes to reach the foot of mountain.

9. This paragraph is incomplete, please complete it.

1.The temperture when you use the air conditioner is not lower than 26 and higher than 18 .

2.It will se more electricity to set the temperature higher than26 when you use the air conditions .

3.Set the temperture higher\lower.

4.You set the temperture of the air conditioner to 26 .

5.My wage is low,but I work happily.

6.If you work unhappily ry day,you would qiut.

7.Hold on a second,and we would reach the top/half of the mountain.

8.It will take about 45 minutes to reach the foot of the mountain.

9.The paragraph of the words is imcompleted,please complete it.

10.I hear the dishes in the restaurant is good,let's go to try.

11.What's his greastest weakness and strength?

a6 ry unhappy job, still be inferior to lee itir conditioner



空调有几种说法英文:air conditioner

air conditioner

air condition

air conditioner


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