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educe,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“减少;降低;使处于;把分解”,作不及物动词时意为“减20.Awarm B.strong C.cool D.safe少;缩小;归纳为”。




1 . 2 told him that it was sible to get a new one in a town two dred kilometers 3 .He decided to get there 4 .So he went to the railway station and got 5 a train. He was the only one in the car(车厢). The train started. Suddenly a man came in 6 a gun and said to him,“Your money 7 your life!”Jack sat there without 8 up.




5S : 5S管理

ABC : 作业制成本制度 (Activity-Based Costing)

ABB : 实施作业制预算制度 (Activity-Based Budgeting)

ABM : 作业制成本管理 (Activity-Base Mament)

ASP : 应用程序服务供货商(Application Serv Provider)

ATP : 可承诺量 (Available To Promise)

AVL : 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)

BOM : 物料清单 (Bill Of Material)

BPR : 企业流程再造 (Business Process Reengineering)

BSC : 平衡记分卡 (Balanced ScoreCard)

BTF : 生产 (Build To Forecast)

BTO : 订单生产 (Build To Order)

CPM : 要径法 (Critical Path Mod)

CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million)

CRM : 客户关系管理 (Customer Relationship Mament)

CRP : 产能需求规划 (Capacity Requirements Planning)

CTO : 客制化生产 (Configuration To Order)

DBR : 限制驱导式排程法 (Drum-Buffer-Rope)

DMT : 成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)

DVT : 设计验证(Design Verification Testing) 来自: 友道网

DRP : 运销资源 (Distribution Resource Planning)

DSS : 决策支持系统 (Decision Support System)

EC : 设计变更/工程变更 (Engineer Change)

EC : 电子商务 (Electronic Commerce)

ECRN : 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Not)

EDI : 电子数据交换 (Electronic Data Interchange)

EIS : 主管决策系统 (Executive Information System)

EMC : 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)

EOQ : 基本经济订购量 (Economic Order Quantity)

ERP : 企业资源规划 (Enterprise Resource Planning)

FAE : 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)

FCST : 预估(Forecast)

FMS : 弹性制造系统 (Flexible Manufacture System)

FQC : 成品质量管理 (Finish or Final Quality Control)

IPQC: 制程质量管理 (In-Process Quality Control)

IQC : 进料质量管理 (Incoming Quality Control)

ISO : 标准组织 (International Organization for Standardization)

ISAR: 首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)

JIT : 实时管理 (Just In Time)

KM : 知识管理 (Knowledge Mament)


L4L : 逐批订购法 (Lot-for-Lot)

LTC : 最小总成本法 (Least Total Cost)

LUC : 最小单位成本 (Least Unit Cost)

MES : 制造执行系统 (Manufacturing Execution System)

MO : 制令(Manufacture Order)

MPS : 主生产排程 (Master Production Schedule)

MRO : 请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)

MRP : 物料需求规划 (Material Requirement PlaThe door may be locked inside.nning)

MRPII : 制造资源 (Manufacturing Resource Planning)

NFCF : 更改预估量的通知Not for Changing Forecast

OEM : 委托代工 (Original Equipment Manufacture)

ODM : 委托设计与制造 (Original Design & Manufacture)

OLTP : 在线交易处理 (On-Line Transaction Processing)

OPT : 生产技术 (Optimized Production Technology)

OQC : 出货质量管理 (Out-going Quality Control)

PDCA : PDCA管理循环 (Plan-Do-Check-Action)

PDM : 产品数据管理系统 (Product Data Mament)

PERT : 评核术 (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

PO : 订单(Purchase Order)


POH : 预估在手量 (Product on Hand)

PR : 采购申请Purchase Request

QA : 品质保证(Quality Assurance)

QC : 质量管理(Quality Control)

QCC : 品管圈 (Quality Control Circle)

QE : 品质工程(Quality Engineering)

R : 粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)

RMA : 退货验收Returned Material Approval

ROP : 再订购点 (Re-Order Point)

SCM : 供应链管理 (Supply Chain Mament)

SFC : 现场控制 (Shop Floor Control)

SIS : 策略信息系统 (Strategic Information System)

SO : 订单(Sales Order)

SOR : 特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)

SPC : 统计制程管制 (Statistic Process Control)

TOC : 限制理论 (Theory of Constraints)

TPM : 全面生产管理Total Production Mament

TQC : 全面质量管理 (Total Quality Control)

TQM : 全面品质管理 (Total Quality Mament)

WIP : 在制品 (Work In Process)



PD=瞳距,右眼中心到鼻梁中心31,左眼中心到鼻梁中50. A. don't know B. didn't know C. knew D. know心30.5


52. A. by B. out C. up D. with散光眼借助调节作用或移动目标到眼之间的距离,都不能形成清晰的像,只有配戴合适的圆柱镜,才能在视网膜上形成清晰的像。按表现形式,可将散光分为规则散光和不规则散光,前者可以用镜片矫正,后者无法用镜片矫正。

as is mentioned above是什么意思

APS : 先进规画与排程系统 (Aanced Planning and Scheng)

as mentioned above,

5. A.explain B.prove C.show D.see


1. As mentioned above, the function of the dev is wonderful.

如上所述, 这种装置的功能十分出色.,

2. As mentioned above, Perl is fairly easy to learn.

如上所述, 学会Perl相当容易.,

3. As mentioned above, the sub - pixel itional errors are

corrected by two techniques.

如上所述, 通过两种技术来校正所述子像素位置误.,

4. As mentioned above, rotor - mounted ition sensors are a


依照以上提到, 电动子登上的位置检测器是一个.,

5. As mentioned above, inductors and capacitor toger form tuned


如上所述, 电感器和电容器接在一起就会形成谐振电路,


as is mentioned above:正如上文所提到的


20.A.TANk goodnesss B. Great fun C. thank you D. Being mistake.

在yze - scale - reliability ysis,点statistics,把scale if deleted钩上,得到的报表就会有CITC(Corrected Item-TotalCorrela3. A.ways B.conditions C.stages D.orderstion)中文版的话是“分析”→“度量”→“可靠性分析”→“统计量”→“如果项已删除则进行度量”打钩→“确定”,“校正的项总体相关性”一栏就是CITC。一般需要大于0.5.

power factor是什么意思

power factor



1.weing factory because of the lower power factor, high cost, lack of confidence, with procurement.


2.Relation betwee7.A. with B. of C. inn Dielectric Power Factor and Temperature in Current Transformer


3.Power fac7. A.and B.but C.or D.sotor is calculated using the actual bullet weight and the erage velocity of the three rounds fired.


it'son aprii 1st是什么意思

7. A. looks at B. looks for C. sees D. watches

it's on april 1st





This was corrected on april 1st 2011.



The bustle is devoted to winning 45 by-elections due to take place on april 1st.



4.A.else B.instead C.fresh D.tastful

This is my bedroom.There is a all bed _____the wall.A desk is ___the bed.You can see come crayons,a____,somebooks and a kamp on the desk.There is a window ____the desk.___the desk,there is achair.___the chair there is a football.There is a book shelf_____this room.many books are ___it and a plane model on the shelf,too.There is a picture___the wall,and there is a boy____it.Who is it?It is me.

( ) 10、A.lie B.lying C.lay D.lies

1.a.on b.in c.at d.near

2.a.beside b.on c.in d.at

3.a.milk b.egg c.walkman d.news

4.a.on b.in c.at d.behind

5.a.On b.In front of c.At d.Under

6.a.On b.Under c.At d.In ftont of

7.a.on b.in c.at d.under

8.a.on b.in c.at d.under

9.a.under b.for c.on d.in

10.a.ubder b.for c.in d.on


Nearly rybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr Sanders, the man who started this ___1___ was not always very rich. At one time, he ___2___ a all gas station next to a highway (公路). Many truck drivers ___3___ there to get gas and take a rest. Mr Sanders realized they were often ___4___, so he began serving sandwiches and coffee. ___5___ the sandwiches he made tasted good, and didn’t ___6___ too much, more and more ___7___ came to eat at his place. ___8___ Mr Sanders began to serve fried chicken. People ___9___ it very much, and his new business grew rapidly. Not long after, howr, another highway was ___10___, and many drivers no longer went ___11___ Mr Sanders’ restaurant. So he had to ___12___ it. Then he treled around the country ___13___ to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. He ___14___. By 1967, there were almost 5000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. And now, ___15___ you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken, I’m sure, you’ll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.

1. A. business B. shop C. life D. search .

2. A. found B. worked C. saw D. owned

3. A. passed B. got to C. stopped D. left

4. A. late B. gry C. tired D. sick

5. A. Although B. If C. As D. Once

6. A. need B. pay C. spend D. cost

7. A. passengers B. drivers C. students D. doctors

8. A. Then B. So C. But D. For

9. A. ate B. liked C. tried D. drank

10. A. appeared B. found C. built D. broken

11. A. out B. to C. over D. on

12. A. close B. run C. return D. take

13. A. trying B. believing C. thinking D. suggesting

14. A. failed B. fails C. succeeds D. succeeded

15. A. whenr B. wherr C. where D. when

1—5 ADCBC 6—10 DBABC 11—15 BAADB


Jack lost(丢失)his Job last week. It was difficult for him to find another

“I 9 any money,”Jack answered.

“Then why are you so afraid of me?”the man asked angrily.

“Because I 10 you were the conductor, and I didn’t buy a ticket,”answered Jack.

1、A.work B.jobs C.ones D.one

2、A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.No one

3、A.from B.farther C.away D.off

4、A.by bike B.on foot C.by train D.by bus

5、A.off B.on C.up D.to

6、A.with B.has C.he D.there was

7、A.but B.and C.so D.or

8、A.stands B.standing C.stood D.stand

9、A.don’t he B.he no C.didn’t he D.had

10、A.know B.didn’t know C.think D.thought


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A


Do you like eating candies? Maybe many girls say yes. It's true that most people like to eat sweets and -cream (1)meat and r. If you eat them (2) a meal , they are not (3) for us . But if you eat them before a meal , they are bad for us . It's important for us to eat our meal regularly (有规律地) ry day . When we feel (4) or excited , we may not want to eat.

When a man is worrying (5) soming , it is (6) for him to swallow (吞咽) (7) because he has little appet (食欲) . Many years ago , some judges in England often ge a man some dry bread to judge (8) he was ling the truth . If the man (9) swallow the bread , they thought he was ling (10).

()1、A.good B.better than C.more better than D.bast of

( ) 2、A.before B.after C.instead D.in the middle

( ) 3、A.useful B.important C.bad D.good

( ) 4、A.worry B.worried C.to worry D.worrying

( ) 5、A.of B.with C.about D.for

( ) 6、A.difficult B.easy C.good D.happy

( ) 7、A.nothing dry B.dry nothing C.dry anything D.anything dry

( ) 8、A.what B.wher C.that D.how

( ) 9、A.can't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.needn't


Is your schoolbag too hey ? The e-schoolbag will you .It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into ( 1 )in Chinese middle school soon.

Hey schoolbag he been a serious ( 2 ) for a long time . But the e-schoolbag will ( 3 ) .An schoolbag is ( 4 ) lighter than a usual schoolbag . Perhaps the schoolbag should be ( 5 ) an e-textbook . It is a all comr for students .It is as ( 6 ) as usual book , ( 7 ) it can still he all the things for study ,such as textbooks ,exercise-books and so on .They can made ( 8 ) chips(芯片)like stamps . The students can read the text page by page on the screen ,take notes ,or n send e-mails to their teachers . They only need to ( 9 ) the right chip into the e-schoolbags .

Some people say ( 10 ) e-textbooks can be easily broken ,while others say it is not good students' eyes . But only time will l who is right .

1. A.use B.useful C.used D.to use

2. A.idea B.problem C.question D.nothing

3. A.work it out B.work out it C.work out D.work

4. A.very B.much C.too much D.much too

5. A.call B.calls C.called D.calling

6. A.all B.aller C.allest D.very all

8. A.into B.from C.up D.through

9. A.bring B.take C.put D.carry

10.A.if B.what C.that D.wher

he a very useful dictionary. It has a lot of words. It gives many meanings for 46 word. But I always read the first meaning of a word in the dictionary. I nr read the other meanings, because I wanted to read my book 47 This morning, 48 I was reading a book, I met a strange sentence. It looked 49 first. The sentence had six words:" Draw a picture of your house" I know five words in this sentence, but I didn't understand one word. I 50 "draw". I opened my dictionary and 51 the first meaning of "draw". It was" pull". I said to myself" Now I know all the words, and I think I can understand the sentence. "SO I wrote the meaning of the sentence" Pull a picture of your house. "I read it, and" What is the meaning of it.' I don't understand it."

My friend Dick read my new sentence. He laughed. He picked 52 my dictionary, and said to me.

"Look, Jack. The second meaning of' draw' is' make a picture 53 a pen, a pencil 54 brush'. So the sentence means: Make a picture of your house." I understood ! I thought Dick was wonderful. And 55 I knew how to use my dictionary.

46. A. some B. another C. each D. the other

47. A. quickly B. quick C. slow D. slowly

48. A. how B. who C. what D. when

49. A. difficult B. hardly C. easy D. easily

51. A. looked for B. discovered C. found D. invented

53. A. use B. with C. on D. by

54. A. or a B. and a C. and D. or

55. A. at last B. at the beginning C. at the end D. at first


Tom did not like doing his homework,because he liked to do some 1 things after school.And his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework.

Then one day,his maths teacher 3 at Tom’s homework and saw that he got all his answersright.He was very 4 and surprised(惊奇).The next morning before class,he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him,“You got all your homework right this time.Did your father you?”Sometimes Tom’s father ed him with his homework, 7 this time he didn’t Tom because he 8 at home.So Tom answered,“NO,Sir.He Was busy last night,so I 9 to do it 10 .”

( )1.A.others B.another C.the other D.other

( )2.A.made B.found C.looked at D.looked

( )3.A.laughed B.knocked C.looked D.saw

( )4.A.please B.pleased C.pleasure D.sad

( )5.A.to B.for C.in D.at

( )6.A.talked B.asked C.spoke D.said

( )7.A.and B.but C.so D.or

( )8.A.isn’t B.won’t be C.wasn’t D.can’t be

( )9.A.wanted B.mustn’t C.liked D.had

( )10.A.itself B.of them C.myself D.himself


What day is 1 day of the week ? We Chinese may say Monday , because Monday is the first working day in the week . But 2 people he different ideas . They say 3 is the first day of the week . Also , they work only five days a week and he a long 4 : Saturday and Sunday .

People are different 5 many other ways , too . We Chinese put our last names first and our first name last .British and American people put them in the other orders . Chinese people speak Chinese , but British and American people speak English . Chinese eat a lot of 6 . British and American people he a lot of bread and potatoes . Most Chinese ride bicycles , but most British and American people drive 7 .

People write 8 in different ways , too . We Chinese write “November 10 , 2005”as “05 / 11 / 10”, in big -to - all order . But British put it as “ 9 ”, in all - to - big order , and the Americans n write it as “10/ 11 / 05 ”. What a difference !

Do you know any other 10 between us Chinese speaking people and English speaking people .

( )1. A one B first C the first D a first

( )2. A speaking English B English speaking

C English spoken D spoken English

( )3. A Sunday B Saturday C Monday D Tuesday

( )4. A holiday B time C weekday D weekend

( )5. A to B by C in D from

( )6. A bread B crops C r D corn

( )7. A buses B cars C taxis D bikes

( )8. A dates B days C months D years

( )9. A 05 / 10 / 11 B 10 / 11 / 05

C 05 / 11 / 10 D 11 / 10 / 05

( )10. A different B more different

C differences D difference


I was riding my motorbike along a country road near Chilton on the ning of February 15. I 31 it was about 9:30. It was 32 and I couldn’t see things clearly. So I was driving very 33 , but the road was bad and suddenly my bike 34 a stone, and before I could stop my bike, I was already 35 on the ground. My whole 36 hurt, especially(特别) my left arm. I knew I was bleeding(流血), and I 37 get up. Luckily I was 38 by a polman. He made a ephone call and I was taken to the 39 . There I was examined. I had a broken arm and lots of cuts. My arm was put in a cast(石膏绷带) and my cuts were 40 and bandaged(包扎).

31. A. told B. said C. guess D. thought

32. A. dark B. far C. long D. later

33. A. fast B. well C. carefully D. carelessly

34. A. kicked B. hit C. beat D. touched

35. A. standing B. sleeping C. waiting D. lying(躺)

36. A. mind B. body C. head D. arm

37. A. couldn’t B. didn’t C. wouldn’t D. might not

38. A. caught B. held C. led D. found

39. A. pol station B. village C. doctor D. hospital

40.A. stopped B. repaired C. served D. cleaned


Thanks for (1) me the snow globe (2) the monster I love it . In fact I think it's probably my forite. I(3) snow globes for sn years , and now I he 226 of them . My mom says I (4) stop , because we've (5) out of room to store them . They're all around our apartment . I n store them in boxes under my bed . The first one I r got was a birthday cake snow globe on my (6) birthday . I particularly love globes (7) animals . I he a big one with bears in it , and (8) one with penguins . If you know anyone else who (9) them , please l me . I'd like to start a snow globe collectors' club . (10) the way , what's your hobby ?

1.A. to send B. sending C. sent

2.A. at B. with C. of

3.A.he been collecting B. he collect C. collected

4.A.must to B. should C. he to

5. A.ran B. running C. run

8.A.other B. the other C. another

9. A.collect B. collected C.collects


The school party will be held on Sep. 30th. Many students like to go to the (56)________. But before the party, the school principal has made many rules for it: the students cannot (57)_________jeans to the party; the students cannot (58)__________ friends from other schools; the students cannot run or (59)__________ at the party. What will happen if they do? They will be asked to lee(60)____ they will not be let in.

( ) 56. A. school B. party C. gym D. meeting

( ) 57. A. put on B. in C. wear D. take off

( ) 58. A. bring B. take C. make D. let

( ) 59. A. sit B. sing C. dance D. shout

( ) 60 .A. or B. and C. but D. so


In 1955, Ray Kroc 46.____ a all restaurant in California. It 47.____ next to the road, so customers(顾客) could drive up to the restaurant and drive away 48.____ .It was owned by the McDonald brothers, Dick and “Mac” .

The McDonald brothers had dloped a new idea: “drive-in” restaurant, where people can order food 49.____ their cars.

The restaurant also 50.____ on the number of chos on the menu, so the cooks could make the food very 51.____ .The restaurant specialized(精通) in 52.____ hamburgers, French fries, and chocolate shakes.

Ray Kroc recognized(认识到) the potential(潜能) of the McDonald brothers’ restaurant, and he bought the rights to their idea. Mr. Kroc wanted to 53.____ his own restaurant, and he wanted to use the brothers’ family 54.____ . The brothers agreed, and the McDonald’s restaurant chain() 55.____ .

46. A. opened B. visited C. saw D. had

47. A. builds B. built C. was built D. building

48. A. easily B. slowly C. often D. difficult

49. A. out B. from C. in D. inside

50. A. added B. cut C. added up D. cut down

51. A. slowly B. easily C. quickly D. satisfiedly

52. A. make B. C. to make D. made

53. A. he B. own C. open D.run

54. A.house B. money C.right D.name

55. A. was born B. came into being(形成) C.appeared (出现)D. opened


One morning Mr. Green is driving around the county and 1 a all bookshop. When he sees an old man 2 the side of the road, he stops his car and says to the old man, " Excuse me, I want 3 to the Sun Bookshop. Do you know it? "

" Yes," the old man answers, "I 4 you the way. " He 5 Mr. Green 's car, and they drive about twelve miles. 6 they come to a all house, the old man says, " Stop here. " Mr .Green stops and 7 the house. "But this isn 't the 8, " he says to the old man." Right,"the old man answers ."this is my house ,and now I'll show you the 9 to the book-shop. Turn around and go back nine miles. 10 You 'll see the bookshop."

1. A. look for B. looking for C. finding D. find

2. A. on B. in C. at D. by

3. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go

4. A. be going to show B. show C. will show D. am showing

5. A. is getting in B. getting on C. gets into D. gets on

6. A. While B. When C. Before D. After

8. A. shop B. ho C. sun D. bookshop

9. A. street B. street C. way D. ways

10. A. For B. As C. Then D. On


what is the best way to study? this is a very important question.some chinese students often __31__ very hard for long hours.this is a __32__ habit,but it's not a better way to study.an efficient student must __33__ enough sleep,enough food and enough rest.ry week you __34__ to go out for a walk or visit friends or some n places.it's good __35__ your study.when yoeturn to your studies,you'll find yourself __36__ than before and you'll learn more.

maybe you can __37__ that learning English is __38__ taking Chinese medicine.we don't mean it's bitter.we mean that like Chinese medicine,the efficience of your study __39__ slowly but surely.__40__ slowly but surely ry day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.

( )31.A.play B.study C.sleep D.think

( )32.A.worse B.better C.good D.bad

( )33.A.he B.do C.make D.want

( )34.A.want B.hope C.need D.wish

( )35.A.in B.for C.to D.at

( )36.A.weaker B.stronger C.fatter D.thinner

( )37.A.say B.guess C.talk D.know

( )38.A.about B.on C.as D.like

( )39.A.returns Bes C.gives D.gets

( )40.A.SleepingB.Knowing C.Learning D.Playing


Yesterday ning, when I went to town 45 my mother, we met a strange old man.

It was raining 46 and we had no umbrella. We were trying to 47 a taxi when he came up to us. He was carrying a n umbrella and he said that he would give 48 for only a pound. He had forgotten his wallet, he said he needed taxi to go back home. My mother didn't beli what he had said at first, and 49 him a lot of questions. But she finally belid the man and ge him the pound. She was happy to 50 a good umbrella for so little. But the old man didn't get into a taxi. We walked 51 him and found he went into a pub and bought himself a glass of 52 with the pound. After he drank it, he 53 his hat and took up one of the many wet umbrellas there and went off with the new one.

Soon after that, he 54 it again.

45. A. in B. near C. with D. by( )


46. A. hard B. big C. hey D. all( )


47. A. get out of B. get into C. get up D. get off( )


48. A. it us B. it to us C. us it D. us to it( )


49. A. showed B. asked C. lent D. borrowed( )


50. A. he B. buy C. see D. make( )


51. A. with B. for C. before D. after ( )


52. A. orange B. tea C. coffee D. whiskey( )


53. A. put on B. took off C. put up D. put down( )


54. A. lost B. dropped C. sold D. wore( )



The wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't __1__ to catch him. One day the wolf said to the fox, "You go home and __2__ in bed. I'll l the rabbit that you are dead. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and __3__ him." That's a good idea," said the fox. He went home at __4__. The wolf went to the rabbit's house and knocked at the door. "Who __5__?" asked the rabbit. "__6__ the wolf. I've come to l you that the fox is dead." Then the wolf went away. The rabbit went to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and saw the fox __7__ in bed with his eyes closed. He thought, "Is the fox really dead or is he pretending (假装) to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go __8__ him." so he said, "The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesn't look __9__ a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open." __10__ the fox heard this, he thought, "I'll show him that I'm dead." So he opened his mouth. The rabbit knew that the fox wasn't dead, and he ran as quickly as he could.

1. a. difficult b. good c. funny d. easy

2. a. lie b. lay c. lying d. lied

3. a. hold b. catch c. drive d. killed

4. a. once b. first c. last d. tw

5. a. are you b. is it c. is he d. are they

6. a. I'm b. It is c. He is d. This is

7. a. to lie b. lie c. lying d. lied

8. a. beside b. near c. at d. for

9. a. like b. as c. as d. at

10. a. After b. When c. Till d. Unt

1. People do not yze ry problem they meet . Sometimes they try to rmember a solution from the last time they had a ___1___ problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people . Other times they begin to act without thinking ;they try to find a solution by trial and error.___2___ ,whenall of these mods fail, the person with a problem has to start yzing. There are six ___3___ in yzing a problem.

___4___ the persom must recognise that there is a problem . For example , Sam's bicycle is broken, and he can't ride it to class as he usually doed. Sam must___5___ that there is a problem with his bicycle .

Next the person must find the problem . Before Sam can repair his bicycle ,he must know why it does not work. For example , he must ___6___ the parts that are wrong.

Now the person must look for ___7___ that will make the problem clearer and lead to ___8___ solutions . For example ,supe Sam decides that his bike does not work because there is soming wrong with the brakes.___9___ , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes ,___10___ his friends at the bike shop , or look at his brakes carefully.

After___11___ the problem ,the person should he ___12___ suggestions for a sible solution. Take Sam as an example ___13___ , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes ; buy new brakes and change the old ones .

In the end , one ___14___ seems to be the solution to the problem .Sometimes the ___15___ idea comes quite___16___ because the thinker suddenly sees soming new or sees somng in a ___17___ way. Sam , for example , suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖)stuck to a vrake. He ___18___ hits on the solution to his problem : he must ___19___ the brake.

Finally the solution is ___20___. Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly . In short he has solved the problem.

1. A.serious B.usual C.similar Dmon

2. A.Besides B.Instead C.Otherwise D.Howr

4. A.First B.Usually C.In general D.Most importantly

6. A.check B.determine C.correct D.recover

7. A.answers B.skills C.exolanation D.rmation

8. A.sible B.exact C.real D.special

9. A.In other words B.Once in a while C.First of all D.At this time

10 A.look for B.talk to C.agree with D.depend on

11 A.discussing B.settling down Cparing with D.studying

12 A.extra B.enough C.sral D.countless

13 A.secondly B.again C.also D.too

14 A.suggestion B.conclusion C.decision D.discovery

15 A next B.clear C.final D.clean

16 A.unexpectedly B.late C.clearly D.often

17 A. B.different C.quick D.sudden

18 A. fortunay B.easily C.clearly D.immediay

19 A.clean B.separate C.loosen D.remove

20 A.recorded Bpleted C.tested D.accepted

2. Many if us spend a great deal of time and energy attempting to prove that we are right and others are wrong . Many people beli that it's their job to ___1___ others how their itions , statements , and points of view are ______2___, and that in doing so , the person they are correcting is going to somehow___3___it , or at least learn soming , Wrong!

Think about it . He you r been___4___by someone and said to him ,"Thank you so , much for showing me that I'm wrong and you're roght".Or has anyone you know r___5___ when you corrected him , or made yourself "right " at his ___6___? Of course not .The truth is , all of us ___7___to be corrected . We all want our itions to be ___8___and understood by others , Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest ___9___of the human heart. And those who learn to ___10___are the most loved and respected Those who are in the ___11___of correcting others are often resented and ___12___.

A.winderful way of becoming more peaceful and loving is to pract___13___others the joy of being right-give them the glory. ___14___corredting . When someone says , "I really feel it's important to...." rather than___15___and saying , "No,it's more important to...".simply let it go and allow his statement to___16___. The people in your life will become less defensive and more ___17___. They will appreciate you more than you could r he ___18___ sible . You 'll disvcover the joy of joining in and wimessing other people 's ___19___, which is far more rewarding than a battle of egos,Staring , let others be "___20___"most of the time!

1.A.classify B.show C.aise D.persuade

2.A.unbelievable B.imperfect C.incorrect D.unimportant

3.A.promote B.appreciate C.consider D.inderstant

4.A.corrected B.fooled C.ed D.taught

5.A.rewarded B.accepted C.cared D.thanked

6.A.effort B.pr C.expense D.power

7.A.afford B.hate C.like D.prefer

8.A.respected B.received C.aded D.realized

9.A.aantages B.appetites C.shortcomings D.desires

10.A.envy B.talk C.listen D.praise

11.A.form B.habit C.pure D.ition

12.A.oided B.left C.punished D.scolded

13.A.lending B.owing C.promising D.allowing

14.A.Group B.Pract C.Stop D.Continue

15.A.working out B.jumping up

C.turning up D.putting off

16.A.stand B.last C.bear D.work

17.A.careful B.ful C.popular D.loving

18.A.needed B.won C.dreamed D.demanded

19.A.worried B.happiness C.suffrings D.happiness

20.A.right B.satisfied C.proud D.excited

3. Mr Smith is well know in Washington because of his many social blunders(stupid mistakes).

Recently he recive an invition ___1___a dinner party .Although he did not the hostess,he ___2___the invitation.

At dinner,he was___3___beside a man full of dignity(尊严).The woman tired to be ___4___n thoughshe had nr met Mr Smith before .She spoke___5___,whenr she speak to her .Between the first and the second ___6___of the meal ,she turned to Smith and said:"Do you___7___that gray-haired man at the end of the table?the one ___8___glasses."

"Ah,yes .Who is he ?"asked ith.

"He's the secretary of the Interior!"she replied.

Mr Smith said :"so___9___is the secretary of the Interior!I'm afraid that I find very little to___10___about him,although he is the secretary."

The wiman sat still and did not reply.Smith continued in spite of her ___11___."Ireally can't see how he received his___12___, unless he is perhaps a relative of the President."

"It hardly ___13___wher you like the Secretary or not ,"she said."He was ___14___because the Present thought he was the man for the ___15___,if he does the job well ,you should to he no complant(抱怨."

"That just it,"said Smith ,"No one___16___the things he does ,unless he is a complete___17___."

"sir!"said the woman in all her___18___,"do you know who I am?"

"No,"replied Smith.

"I am the Secretary's wife,"she said coldly.

Mr Smith was___19___,but he went on in spite of his embarrasent(困窘)."Madam,do you know who I am?"

"No,I don't," the woman replied.

"___20___!"cried Mr Smith .as he quickly left the table.

1.A.by B.of C.to D.for

2.A.got B.dreferred C.took D.accepted

3.A.seated B.placed C.arranged D. kept

4.A.lively B.CAREFUL C.friendly D.pation

5.A.calmly B.poliy C.plainly D.perfectly

6.A.course B.cho C.pause D. turn

7.A.reconize B.see C.remeber D.turn

8.A.on B.putting C.WITH D.cleaning

9.A.there B.this C.here D.that

10.A.honor B.respect C.ade D.look

11.A.appearance B.coldness C.sadness D.action

12.A.ition B.INVITATION C.session D.instruction

13.A.minds B.expects C.happens D.matters

14.A.picked out B.selected C.made out D. chosen

15.A.business B.job C.serv D.chance

16A.wishes B.interested C.needs D.cares

17.A.joker B. dreamer C.fool D.stranger

18A.manner B.dignity C.wealthy D.quality

19.A.moved B.interested C.frightened D.shocked

4. Not so long ago ,if you adoided drinking water during a work out(训练),you wre considered tough .Today ,most experts___1___,you wuold be considered unint.

Even if you don't sweat much or feel___2___,and n if there is a n breeze ,___3___experts say drinking water,or soming___4___-is essential before ,during and after all warmer-weather___5___.

Only a few years ago ,many coaches ___6___players from drinking anything during the -they thuoght it was___7___for them to rinse( 漱口)their mouths,___8___swallowing anything might slow them down .

Now,there's___9___plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink.The Natural Hockey League n___10___goalkeeper to put water bottles on top of their nets.

These new prats___11___be lost on recreational( 娱乐)athlete.Some ___12___aise you drink about two cups of water 15minutes or so after you ___13___exercising and the same amount ry 15 minutes.In sams types of exercise-running,for example-others encuorage drinking a cup or two of water___14___ the work out .

Don't drink any more ,experts say-too much fluid makes ___15___and exercise uncomfortable .In___16___,continuous hot-weather exercise ,___17___can sweat and breath away 1.8 kilograms of ___18___an hour.

Drink water does two things :restore some___19___and allows you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept ___30___,Doctor say drinking six or eight cups a day can digestion( 消化) .

1.A.discover B.suggest C.agree D.fear

2.A.thirsty B.gry C.hot D.tired

3.A.labour B.children C.water D.tastful

5.A.seasons B.lessons C.days D.activities

6.A.excused B.discouraged C.prnt D.sed

7.A.sible B.unnecessary C.difficult D.though

8.A.but B.then C.therefore D.though

9.A.seldom B.forr C.usually D.sometimes

10.A.allow B.promises C.forbids D.guides

11.A.couldn't B.wouldn't Cshuoldn't D.mustn's

12.A.teachers B.parents C.players D.doctor

13.A.stop B.start C.give up D.being with

14.A.after B.before C.with D.from

15.A.working B.breaking C.swallowing D.drinking

16.A.hey B.easy C.pleasant D.ryday

17A.a patient B.a drinker C. a athlete D.an expert

18.A.air B.atmosphere C.oxygen D.water

19A.sweat B.weight C.breath D.height

he a good sense of humor是什么意思


he a good sense of humor.中文译作:有很好的幽默感。其中 humor为名词,意思是:幽默。例如:

1.You need to be strong, handsome and he a good sense of humor.


2.The essays could do with a fOLAP : 在线分析处理 (On-Line Analytical Processing)lash of wit or humor.


3.I think humor is a great lubricant for life.


he a good sense of humor


拼音 双语对照


1You need to be strong, handsome and he a good sense of humor.



6.A.snth B. sn's C. sn



一、 被动语态的用法:

1. 一般现在时的被动语态构成:is / am / are + 及物动词的过去分词

Our classroom is cleaned ryday.

I am asked to study hard.

Knives are used for cutting things.

2. 一般过去时的被动语态构成:was / were + 及物动词的过去分词

A new shop was built last year.

Dinosaur eggs were laid long long ago.

3. 现在完成时的被动语态构成:has / he + been + 及物动词的过去分词

This book has been translated into many languages.

Many man-made salites he been sent up into space by many countries.

4. 一般将来时的被动语态构成:will+ be + 及物动词的过去分词

A new hospital will be built in our city.

Many more trees will be planted next year.

5. 含有情态动词的被动语态构成:情态动词+ be + 及物动词的过去分词

Young trees must be watered often.

Your mistakes should be corrected right now.

Your homework can be handed in tomorrow.

6. 现在进行时的被动语态构成:am / is / are + being + 及物动词的过去分词

Uncle Wang is mending my bike now.→

My bike is being repaired by Tom now.

They are planting trees over there. →

Trees are being planted over there by them.

7. 不定式的被动语态:to + be + 及物动词的过去分词

There are two books to be read. →

There are twenty more trees to be planted.

二、 怎样把主动语态改成被动语态?


1. 先找出谓语动词;

2. 再找出谓语动词后的宾语;

3. 把宾语用作被动语态中的主语;

4. 注意人称、时态和数的变化。

例:1. Bruce writes a letter ry week. →A letter is written by Bruce ry week.

2. Li Lei mended the broken bike this morning.→The broken bike was mended by Li Lei this morning.

3. He has written two novels so far.→Two novels he been written by him so far.

4. They will plant ten trees tomorrow.→Ten trees will be planted by them tomorrow.

5. Lucy is writing a letter now.→A letter is being written by Lucy now.

6. You must lock the door when you lee.→the door must be locked when you lee.

三、 使用被动语态应注意的几个问题:

1. 不及物动词无被动语态。

What will happen in 100 years.

The dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago.

2. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义。

This pen writes well.

This new book sells well.

3. 感官动词或使役动词使用省略to的动词不定式,主动语态中不带to ,但变为被动语态时,须加上to 。

例:make somebody do soming→somebody+ be +made to do soming

see somebody do soming→somebody +be +seen to do soming

A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by.→My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by.

The boss made the little boy do hey work.→The little boy was made to do hey work by the boss.

4. 如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,直接宾语(物)作主语,那么动词后要用介词,这个介词是由与其搭配的动词决定。

He ge me a book.→A book was given to me by him.

He showed me a ticket.→A ticket was shown to me by him.

My father bought me a new bike. →A new bike was bought for me by my father.

5. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不能丢掉其中的介词或副词。

We can’t laugh him. →He can’t be laugh by us.

He listens to the radio ry day. →The radio is listened to by him ry day.

The nurse is taking care of the sick man. →The sick man is being taken care of by the nurse.

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