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抒情英语演讲稿三分钟 抒情类的英语演讲稿


抒情英语演讲稿三分钟 抒情类的英语演讲稿抒情英语演讲稿三分钟 抒情类的英语演讲稿

抒情英语演讲稿三分钟 抒情类的英语演讲稿




4、First, the attitude to life, wher rich or poor, poor, pet, Xin Qi insult, no matter how much misunderstanding, grievance, wronged, any time, under any circumstances, will always maintain the splendid sunshine psychology, mentality, capacity, contents, man.Second, in the pursuit of life, both clockwise and counter-clockwise, high, landing, near and far, any time, under any circumstances, will always adhere to the original intention, to keep ambition.Third, in life no matter how many difficulties and hardships, the will, how many twists and turns, many rapids, regardless of how much wealth, success abundant is owed, any time, under any circumstances, always not to be discouraged, do not give up, upward step is not stopped, to make more than, upward is not falling, to on demand reduction.I hope that it could you a little!!!。


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