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1、越来越惊醒 惊醒到不行n. [计算机] DOS文件名 : 数据文件don't trust anyonedta缩写词 abbr..=daily trel allowance 每天旅行津贴,日旅行补贴1. DTAUsed by WWE Superstar "Stone Cold" St Austin, It means Don't Trust Anybody.DTA, yo英文单词的记忆,对于文章以及说话的表达是具有积极,而精准性的作用的。

2、u stupid son of a . Don't Trust Anybody.2. dta3. DTASophia: My paranoid dad is coming DTA4. DTAdeath to americaabbreviation for use in ryday lifedown with America, DTA DTA5. DTADTA is ones willing to be down to .Are you DTA?dtf idb dtfa down to 6. DTAone who is willing to get an abortion, usually referring to the womanabort abortion d.t.a. down pregnant7. DTAis a casual acronym for Dick-Taking Abilities, and refers to the 'ability' of a girl, or more simply "how well she could take a dick," on a numerical scale. Therefore 1 would be very poor while 10 would be amazing. Typically the hotter the girl, the higher the rating, and the uglier than the lower. If a girl is ridiculously hot, sometimes her DTA would be an 11 or 12, because the standard scale stops at 10.Damn, that chick is fine. Her DTA is at least an 8. Oh and her friend--the pimply fat one?--maybe a 3, if you bag her.魔兽争霸RPG的一个地图的对战模式。


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