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2、那么,你知道区分的英语怎么说吗?区分的英文释义:differentiate; find differing aspectsdistinctionrepartitiondipartitiondivisiondifferentiate区分的英文例句:这些白线把赛区分成各个部分。

3、White lines divide the playing area into sections.你做的区分非常精细。

4、You are very fine distinctions.区分 英语怎么说我不明白你为什么要有所区分,所有的绘画不都是艺术吗?I don't understand your distinction: surely all painting is art?目标明确,区分优先。

5、He clear objectives and prioritise them.我们必须把误解同判断上的错误区分开来。

6、A mistake must be distinguished from an error of judgment.研究秩序应把道德和两个概念加以区分;The study on ic order must make the differences between morals and ics.我们以外表来区分别人。

7、We characterize people by their appearances.你如何区分恒星和行星?How do you distinguish between a star and a planet?区分其他的产品,强调之间的异。

8、Differentiate from other products and emphasize the difference.所以怎样区分他们呢?So then what differentiates them?植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。

9、A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.怎么样做才能让你和竞争对手区分开来呢?What can you do to distinguish yourself from your petition?所有的时候,她一直要在没有不同的地方区分出不同来。

10、But all the while she was a distinction where there was no difference.在这个例子里,两个模式的区别就是这个守卫表示式,但是这样足够编译器来区分它们了。

11、In this example, the only difference between the two patterns is the guardexpression, but that’s enough for the piler to differentiate them.然而,我们希望对它们进行区分,因为在IT满足业务需求的情况下,可以将分析考虑为一种抽象级别。

12、We like to make the distinction, howr, because ysis can be considered thell of abstraction where IT meets the business.我们在我们的行为方式,我们的敏感性和与世界的关系中区分彼此。

13、We distinguish ourselves by the way we behe, by our sensitivities, by ourrelations with the world.很小的时候,它们就可以区分自己的母亲和其他人。

14、And from very early on, they can differentiate their mother from other humans.然而我们必须区分这很重要的一点:上帝对信仰者是一种很特别的爱。

15、At this point, howr, an important distinction must be made: God loves belirswith a particular love.它们会帮助你区分并暴露出你需要驱动业务的“把手”和“杠杆”。


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