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七夕快乐用英语怎么说 七夕快乐用英语怎么说百度

「七夕情人节、情人节快乐」英文怎么说? 几个英文例句搞懂!

Snth night of the snth lunar month the festival is joyful,

当然,七夕情人节还有另一种英文说法是「Double Snth Day 」,也就是直接翻译七月七号(七夕)的意思,指的就是 Chinese Valentine’s Day。

七夕快乐用英语怎么说 七夕快乐用英语怎么说百度七夕快乐用英语怎么说 七夕快乐用英语怎么说百度

Happy Tanabata festival!


1. Chinese 例:Today is Chinese Valentine’s Day. 今天是七夕情人节Valentine’s Day 七夕情人节

例:He ge his girlfriend 999 roses on Chinese Valentine’s Day. 他七夕情人节送给女友999朵玫瑰。

2. Happy Valentine’s Day 情人节乐

例:What’s your plan on Valentine’s Day. 你情人节有什么?

例:Happy Valentine’s Day. 情人节快乐!

七夕 情人节 英文, 七夕 英文, 七夕情人节 英文, 情人节 快乐 英文, 情人节 英文, 情人节 英文例句, 情人节外乐 英文, 情人节快乐 英文



Hope you are right, hapas always ,i hope the sweeart festival to be joyful!py Qixi Festival.

Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the -cold water you he drunk into tears。

I hope you are right.Happy chinese valentine's day!

I hope you are right ,Happy Chinese Lover's Day!

Hope you are right, happy Qixi Festival.



【 #英语资源# 导语】七夕要到了,告白的日子也要到了,是不是觉得千言万语爱在心口难开呢?下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!



You are rything when you are with me, and rything is you when you are not.


I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 。


Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your iling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart。

Those days when we were toger appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so mach……


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


Love and a cough cannot be hid.

To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.


A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.

No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.


Don't spend time with someone who doesn‘t care spending it with you.


Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.



may i wish that all jacks shall he jills, all shall be well.


情人节快乐:happy valentine‘s day!!


may you two linger on each other ry day and night till the end of time.


may you two share ry day of life toger till forr.

愿我俩的爱情永远不变!:may our love will last forr.



i want to hold your hand on valentine’s day. happy valentine’s day, sweetie.


may all of our wishes come true this valentine’s day.


our love grows stronger with ry passing year. happy valentine’s day, sweetie.


sending you a kiss to say i’m glad that you are mine. happy the day!


you mean rything to me. please say yes.happy valentine’s day, honey!


may this valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. happy valentine’s day honey!


you stepped out of my dreams andsintoy arms. i can’t let you go. happy valentine’s day.



She Embroidered Brocade, cowboy Hexi hope. Hejian bridge frame, the Qixi Festival short end. Love looks in, nr missing moon. I want the Milky Way passes to the two stars nr clean!


Acquaintance with you is a kind of fate, falls in love with you is a kind of beauty, accompanied by a blessing with you, I would like to accompany with you forr. Happy Valentine's Day!


Love people, ry day is the festival. A cold warm, first phase noise; a marker, a legend; a lovesickness, with hope; a love, life in love.


First love, looking forward to the arrival of Valentine's day; madly in love, ry day is Valentine's day! I wish all lovers, ry day is Valentine's day!


Nr fade is silent care for you, nr stop is to you endless thoughts, nr change is deeply love you. Happy Valentine's Day!



Wrong, I want to be toger, life without end. The hills do, the river for the exhaust, the tder rumbles in winter, Xia Yuxue, heen, but dare and the king must!


Love yoegret the decision of my life, the stars are watching your eyes. Regardless of the outcome, I know: you are the love of my life! Happy Valentine's Day!


10、情人节又来到,过节的人们心如小兔扑通跳,等着情人 来呼叫,去品尝爱情的味道。愿有情人做幸福的比翼鸟!

Valentine's Day arrived again, the holidays people heart such as the rabbit plop jump, waiting lover phone calls, to taste the taste of love. Lovers do get happiness!



The ruthless space and time separates us from you, but your heart is still hard to reach. 77 meetings.


You are the one I miss most, roses are like my passion; yoDear huand remembers: if the huand doesn't send flowers to his wife on Valentine's day, the wife will put a green vegetable in the vase at home.u are the one I love most, chocolate is my heart. Honey, enjoy the moon on the snth day of the snth lunar month.


Thank you very much for giving me the happiest time of my life. Today is Valentine's Day in China. Wish us both love each other forr and live toger forr! Kiss you deeply!


I want to go on and on. Longing for love and deep longing.


Thousands of mountains and rivers fly hard to cross, where to go away? There are so many worries in the ends of the earth, only to hold you in hate!



In the long life, I found you, you ge me the confidence to survive, you let my life from now on is no longer plain. I love you!


Do not envy the fairy of the magpie bridge, the flowers of the world are more beautiful.

God ge me another excuse for asking you to love each other and spend time with you, Valentine's day.


Read it and you owe me a hug; delete it owe me a kiss; se it owe me an appointment; like reply you owe me all; if not back you are my. Cho!


The moon such as day light, the vast Ag cream; the Qixi Festival bridge will lingering sentiments. Xian rich multicolored decorations, bea9、我们不做牛郎织女,因为他们相距太远而相见又太短;我们要做我们自己,因为有你在我身边把我的心牢牢拽住!utiful blend; cents magpie bridge toger, so happy!


Thank you for giving me the happiest time of my life, China today is Valentine's day, I wish we were nr in love, said of a couple! Deep kiss you!

The cowherd meet on the magpie bridge, a bridge dating a fool. Ask: is it tonight? Answer: Chinese Valentine's day!


The cowboy weer will, the story through the ages, you and me in a unified time, cast the nest. May the world lovers, we love a rainbow!


This year, immeasurably vast difference, reunion, wish forr. That special feeling to you, just want to l you, this life unchanged! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


We don't do cowherd, because they too far and too short to meet again; we he to do our own, because I he you in my heart firmly!


Miss is a sweet melancholy, it can generate women envy rub into sorrow, melting into a deep sense of love, like a bright, bright moonlight. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day! May our love be deeper than that of the Cowherd and the weer girl, but do not like their love.


Hold a bunch of red roses for you in your dream; offer a really good wish for you and only you in my heart; wish you a happy Valentine's Day!


You say, but the festival of foreigners, today is the Valentine's day of Chinese Valentine's day.


The Milky Way above, I wait, a few of the world's fate, he turned into a bit of crystal tears, shed, left the world of infinite blessings!


As long as you still look at me from afar, you will not let others enter my heart. My world will stay for you forr. Happy Valentine's day, my dear!

3、句句心语,是我浓浓的思念和深深的祝福,永On the night of Tanabata, facing the bright moon, let me solemnly promise my wish: I will love you forr!远系着你的温暖与喜悦,无论你在何方,愿情谊永存。祝七夕快乐!

Every word of heart is my deep yearning and blessing. It is always connected with your warmth and joy. No matter where you are, may the friendship last forr. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!



Although it's a festival for Niulang and Zhinv to meet each other once a year, I can stay with you ry day, watch you and kiss you. Honey, what do you say? Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


Happy Chinese Valentine's day. Thank you, huand. As long as you love the right person, it's Valentine's day ry day.


I really hope the path has no end, so hand in hand has been going on, let's walk toger after ry Valentine's day of life, I wish Happy Valentine's Day Tanabata!


You are the starting point of all my life. I want to walk out of a ray from your side, but draw a circle. Then I understand that you are the center of my life! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


It's said that lovers say to each other that I love you on Chinese Valentine's day, and they will not be separated on Chinese Valentine's day next year. If they say it ry year, they will nr be separated. I love you!


On the night of the Chinese Valentine's day, write a card to Cowherd and Zhinv, and let it fly in the sky! Write the words in your heart and my heart, eternal and beautiful meeting! Happy Chinese Valentine's day!


Love you is my career, miss you is my career, hold you is my specialty, kiss you is my profession! Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

Huand, wher you choose a wife or a lover, I'm your only cho, right? For me, you are the only one. Honey, Happy Valentine's Day!


Today is the snth day of the snth lunar calendar. It's summer. It's rainy and windy. It's cold in autumn. On July 7th, I miss you and love you!


As the saying goes: the train is not pushed, happiness is not blown; on the Chinese Valentine's day, I want to say to you: you are right, and my heart will be drunk. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!




When the stars are changing, you and I are still on each side of the sky. But beli that n though there are thousands of rivers and mountains, your thoughts he nr changed day and night.


I wish you a happy and auspicious day. Only after sn days, can you enjoy the mountains and rivers. The moon and the moon sing the heart and morality toger. Live happily ry day. He fun with your friends.


I don't care if you he any money. I'm sure you will he a future. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!


Time is changing, place is changing, people are changing, things are changing; space is changing, age is changing, vo is changing, life is changing, the only constant is my heart for you.


Special love, to special you, may my blessing twine around you like sunshine, sincerely wish you health and happiness forr, Happy Valentine's day on Chinese Valentine's Day!

When the Chinese Valentine's day comes, you are not alone, because I am missing you, I am thinking about you, wechat arrived, huand, Happy Valentine's Day!



七夕情人节 大家都喜欢用 Chinese Valentine\'s Day


Happy Night of Sns! 七夕节 快乐!


Happy Festival to Plead for Skills! 乞巧节快乐!


One day the cow led Niulang to a lake where fairies took a bath on earth. Among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful fairy and a skilled seamstress.

The two fell in love at first sight and were soon married. They had a son and daughter and their happy life was held up as an example for dreds of years in China.

Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Deity in Taoi, marriage between a mortal and fairy was strictly forbidden. He sent the empress to fetch Zhinu.

个人觉得 Chinese St. Valentine's day 肯定不可取


按照mid-autemn day还有dragon boat day这样的说法

还不如说是double sn day 有点内纵使多年已过,但每当我紧握你的手时,仍有一种自己还是高中生的感觉。在这个七夕节,我一直思念着你。涵,本来就是节日,或者pie bridge day(鹊桥节)









外国情人节 Sweet Heart's Day.

的情人节 Chinese Valentine'S Day.

Chinese Valentine\'S Day.

Chinese Valentine Day

我们知道2月14日是情人节,也就是Valentine;s day.


China's Lover's day,或者Chinese St. Valentine's day .


I don’t know wher I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to l you that you are the only one I want to see.



1.Magpie Festival (喜鹊节,源于七夕节传说牛郎织女鹊桥相会)

2.Double Snth Day/Festival(七夕节为七月初七,直接将节日日期翻译出来是节日翻译的一种)

3.Chinese Valentine's Day(西方情人节(Valentine's Day)故七夕节被称为情人节)

Happy Night of Sns! 七夕节快乐!

Happy Festival to Plead for Skills! 乞巧节快乐!




wish your mr.right/miss right will appear soon.

happy chinese valWe will not be Cowherd and Weer Girl, for they are too far apart and too short to meet; we will be ourselves, because you hold my heart firmly by my side!entine's day


Valentine’s Day 是指情人节的意思,而七夕情人节则要说 Chinese Valentine’s DBut you say foreigners Festival, today is the Qixi Festival Chinese, Valentine's day, haha, hiding! Dear, let us meet the old Valentine's day oh!ay 。

Happy Double-Snth Day!I will always beside you.


Happy Chinese Valentine's Day! I'm always here with you.

提前祝你七夕情人节快乐。 英语怎么说??

Yesterday yoaThe Double Snth Festival, on the7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance and also called Chinese Valentine's Day.n in my mind for a day. At night you stayed with me all night in my dream. I want to say: Thank you, you he worked hard! Happy Valentine's Day!

Early to wish you happy valentines 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。day.

Happy Valentine's Day to you in aance.

Wishes your Chinese Valentine's Day to be joyful in aance!

Happy Valentine's Day in aance.


The happiness of life, in addition to the memories there is hope. The pursuit of dreams, in addition to sweat and ile. I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

happy qixi festival 功夫梦里是这14么说的

情人节 英文 是Valentine’s Day ,那么的七夕情人节,用英文该怎么说呢?情人节快乐的英文又该怎么说呢?其实很简单啦,就是 Chinese Valentine’s Day ,前面加个Chinese 就可以了,而情人节快乐英文则是Happy Valentine’s Day。

Merry Chhinese Valentine's Day








一、英语 :Tanabata Festival; Double Snth Festival; Double Snth Day; Chinese Valentine's Day



On this Chinese Valentine常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你……'s Day, just like ry day, all I he is love for you.

Among the traditional festivals, the Double-Snth Festival is better suited to Valentine's Day. Won't you agree?


The Star Festival is an all-Chinese myth.


Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, Baby.


In Japan, there are actually two Star Festivals, falling on different days according to the solar and lunar calendars.


On the Comparability of Valentine's Day of the Western Culture and the Chinese Traditional Festival Double-Snth Day from the Cultural Perspective


On the Comparability of Valentine's Day of the Western Culture and the Chinese Traditional Festival Double-Snth Day from the Cultural Perspective


Hope you lucky and happy on the Double Snth Festival, the Valentine's Day Of China, my dear friends!


Tanabata myth map of the lunar calendar, July snth day is the day, traditional festivals in China Han Tanabata Festival.




Skills-begging is he main folk custom for the Double-Snth Festival, on which night women would get toger to pray to Vega and Altair.





Seeing the festival as good business opportunities, other businesses launched promotions days earlier, offering commodities especially for female use at the lowest prs sible.

After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand. I'm thinking of you this Chinese Valentine's Day.



Niulang and Zhinv are a married couple and had children, Qixi Festival conveys messages of devoted loyal love between married couples who want to grow old toger.

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