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其次,贾宝玉自幼便养尊处优,衣食住行无不考究。这种待遇,对于一个普通的养子来说,实属罕见。 Moreover, Jia Baoyu displayed an unusual level of intelligence and refinement from a young age, suggesting that he may have received a royal education.

Furthermore, Jia Baoyu's physical appearance bears a striking resemblance to the emperor. Both possess the same "verdant brows," "phenix eyes," and "fair complexion." These similarities are too striking to be mere coincidence.

Another clue lies in the significance of the characters' names. "Baoyu" can be interpreted as "precious jade," a symbol of royal authority. Likewise, "Lin Daiyu," Jia Baoyu's cousin and love interest, bears the character "dai," which means "to substitute for." This name suggests that Lin Daiyu may have been a surrogate for a royal princess.

While there is no definitive proof to confirm the theory that Jia Baoyu is a royal offspring, the circumstantial evidence is compelling. The author, Cao Xueqin, was known for his subtle and intricate storytelling, often leaving readers to interpret hidden meanings. It is entirely possible that he intended to weave a tale of a lost prince who, through a twist of fate, found refuge in the Lin family.

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