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senior是什么意思 senior是什么意思中文翻译


1、例If your boss becomes intolerably abusive, you may he to go above his head to your personnel department or senior mar.句As senior inlectuals in the group leader, for social pMy dream was simply to get an off job because I hated farming, " said Zhu Zhongliang, 48, now a senior mar at the local steel factory.olicy and social process is sensitive to the reaction, they can with the progress of The Times actively to accept new things, and his old age short life demand has certain representativeness.高知老年人作为老年人群体中的领先者,对于政策及进程的反应较为敏感,他们可以随着时代的进步积极接纳新鲜事物,晚年生活需求具有一定的代表性。


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